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Everything posted by bingus_real

  1. +1 Give this guy GM so he can do EOD trainings
  2. +1 very cool event ideas W man would be great to have on the team
  3. In-game name : Bingus Age: 14 SteamID:STEAM_0:1:579233880 Warns:0 Timezone: CST Playtime?: 102 days Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: yes Referral(s):Phil Talan Past experiences as a Game Master: N/A Why should we choose you over other applicants? I care about the server and about the people. I want to try to make sure they stay for the fun experience and I feel like I can help bring more population to the server. I also feel I can give people something to do in down time. I believe that I have unique and new ideas for events that I think would have people excited for my next events. As Well as that i'm a fast learner allowing me to get used to the gm role faster Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details no How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: i have plenty considering that i don't have much going on In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: provide a fun experience and make sure people are not bored Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: make fun and interesting events making sure every specialization is able to do what they are best at Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: a Cert training allowing everyone with a certification (EOD MED ENG) to make sure they are all doing their best Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Event 1: offworld name: What the heck, droids? Intro: everyone starts as a droid on a providence planning to attack a republic venator the venator appears and they send a gunship to attack ,Intro end and everyone goes back to clone life: the droids start dropping pods on the venator (after giving the clones time to set up) the clones have to defend for 3-4 waves of pods before they can board the providence and destroy it once the ship has been cleared and blown up they take the venator back to Anaxes (end of event) map: rp_venator_extensive_v1_4 help needed 1-2 extra gms to assist cert events or pod dropping ec everyone EQUIPMENT NEEDED None no jetpacks no grappling hooks Event 2: offworld name: friends for now map : rp_noclyria_crimson One day the 34th battle group is contacted by an insider of the CIS telling them about a base located on Geonosis that contains a large amount of information that could aid the 34th battle groups efforts against the CIS the 34th is then sent to Geonosis to infiltrate the base and eliminate any CIS forces but as they get there they find a large amount of CIS droids (will vary amount of droids based on player count) once they get to the base they must defend it and clear out the lower level they find a console after they hack it they see multiple deleted files except one once they open the file containing nothing they then have to fight back to LZ and evac help needed 1 extra gms to assist cert events and/or pod dropping ec none EQUIPMENT NEEDED Any vehicle except ships jetpacks+grapple not permitted 3: map: Rp_rishimoon_nightfall help needed 1-2 extra gms to assist on side plot or main EC:none EQUIPMENT NEEDED laats for insertion jetpacks+grapple not permitted Event 3: on world name: none The event starts out with a base attack drop pods for 4-5 waves while the clones clear them out in the meanwhile the CIS set up outposts at comms relay atlas and athena to distract the clones from going to the FOBs the CIS send out a BX droid with the mission of killing people and planting a bomb (likely near somewhere important or inside the base EX: DB, NCC, Brig etc) after the BX is destroyed and bomb defused they can move out to the FOBs encountering pods as they move through to clear the FOBs once they are all cleared the CIS choose to retreat Everything permitted unless not granted by OD EC:1 for the BX droid Assists: 1 to assist with pod dropping Event 4 passive rp name: none A N1 starfighter lands on anaxes base with one injured navy in control of it the troopers are meant to clear the navy of suspicion and treat him medically his injuries include a broken leg multiple blaster shots in the chest and a piece of shrapnel in his arm while medics are dealing with the injured ENGs are meant to repair the N1 and retrieve any info from the black box the damage would include a broken engine and jammed weapons Equipment: nothing should not be need at the time EC: 1 for the navy member Assists: 1 gm to help with the cert events Event 5: off world Name: those guys were almost left for dead! The 34th is sent to a destroyed part of a city on an unnamed planet to clear a virus that had infected the local population turning them all zombies while going through the city they find two survivors they have to save and get to the LZ once they are located and moved back to LZ they are evaced back to anaxes to be sent to coruscant for safety EC: 2 for the 2 survivors Assist 1 to help with set up and spawning zombies Equipment: none no jetpacks no grapple hooks Map:rp_destroyedcity_final
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