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Everything posted by Errol

  1. Yeah as much as I hate those rats who raid you as soon as you leave, it's sort of your responsibility to keep an eye on your printers. Just do the diligence of checking on your stuff or have people basing with you to do that for you if you really need to go somewhere. And it at least gives a raider SOME chance to actually raid a base if the base owner is unaware, 'cuz a loud-ass beeping noise should be enough if you're diligent enough to watch your own base. Also agreeing with Wess about the deployable crackers. Anyways, -1
  2. Yeah a couple DJs really close to each other is bad enough on its own, imagine a party using a CC to have more just to make a lot of noise. Just be a regular DJ, man. -1
  3. I love raffles, yes please. +1
  4. It'd be annoying in some circumstances but as long as they can't hold you indefinitely I wouldn't mind this. +1
  5. Yes please, +1 I would love to trade shit, especially keys.
  6. I agree, +1 Though I think a list of non-applicable laws is probably less time-consuming to write out as opposed to a list of stuff that is okay to do. Either way I would love a list in case I wanted to be a tyrannical Mayor but without breaking some kind of rule.
  7. I found out my girlfriend is a ghost.


    I had my suspicions the moment she walked through the door.

  8. Seems like a good guy, pretty active and can at least verify he read the staff rules. Kudos, brother. Hope all goes well. +1
  9. Some good changes in here for sure. The missing HUD textures is one that particularly bugs me whenever I hop on. Good work!
  10. Seconded on this. fr though I'm staying neutral. Not a change I really care about but I have no reason to deny it. Honestly didn't even know there was a difference in the Spiderman suits.
  11. +1 Either make it clear that you cannot defend with nerve gas/explosives or allow it, really. Personally I'm for the former, I don't see how it's really fair a raider can RPG you to hell or nerve gas you, but if you do the same it's "unfair".
  12. -1 I don't mean this personally but as Homeless wrote above you were in fact still causing problems as recently as a couple hours or so, as of the writing of my post. A deluge of RDM and the combative way you talk to certain people in OOC and voice is not what I think the staff team needs. Activity is good and I don't care much about the paragraphs (rarely do I ever), but your server behaviour especially tonight keeps me from recommending you. Bad form to rulebreak and troublemake when you have an active staff application.
  13. Errol

    Jazzo Staff App

    Not really familiar with you I guess because I'm not an old head, but your reputation does precede you and since you were formerly L Admin I see no reason to doubt you would do well in the job. +1
  14. Easy +1 from me. May have a bit of bias 'cuz we're clanmates but I base with you nearly every day I'm on and I've talked plenty with you. I think you have a level head and you seem very responsible, which I think is something the staff team will definitely need now that a lot of people are leaving and there are gaps to fill. Recon's one guy I will easily recommend, hope all goes well man!
  15. Errol

    Drug addiction

    Sounds pretty fun and makes drugs a bit more interesting to use. +1
  16. -1 You can just ask players in RP to /give you like, $10 for a burger.
  17. Definitely would like it to be harsher for racist users facing punishment though idk if this is the way I'd go about it. Shit in my opinion giving them 2 chances alone is generous enough. But I overall agree so it's a soft +1 from me.
  18. Honestly yeah, +1 on this one. Give me my cheaper Dlore and give it to me now!
  19. Errol

    Dlore nerf

    As much as I kinda hate how strong Dlore is unless you buy perks, you'll either have to find a good way to nerf/buff other weapons to compensate or you won't really get your wish. Also I do think the money argument is somewhat valid. I'm a Genshin Impact player and I've paid money to have my strong anime waifus/husbandos, last thing I would want is for my investment to be suddenly crippled overnight. Kinda the same with Dlore, if you want it perm it's like $30. I'd hate to pay that $30 and then suddenly my purchase is sorta worthless 'cuz it got nerfed into the dirt. And in this server where like 90% of all the fun shit is monetized, you don't want to make the pay piggies mad. Sorry man, -1 on this one.
  20. Will have to stay neutral on this one, unfortunately. Had a lot of interactions with you and 90% of the time you've been pretty chill, I've based with you, sold printers, etc. And I do believe you would be willing to help out some new players or to help with admin sits that we need more hands on deck for. However I would agree with Jbhh that having two back-to-back bans as recently as a little more than 2 weeks ago is not starting off on a positive foot for staying on top of the rules. I don't doubt that this could just be a one-time event and that's the end of it, but it's more ideal to have a ban record that isn't so recent. Either way, I'm rooting for ya if anything happens. Just no +1 at this moment.
  21. I'll put a +1. While I agree with Robert (though not with his exact wording) that the paragraphs are a bit lacking, ultimately I think character matters more than some silly paragraph. I've chatted with you a lot and you seem like a pretty responsible, easy-going dude and I do believe personally that you would have what it takes to help this community. And I see you are usually very active when you're online, so I think that would bode well considering the amount of times we have had lately of lack of staff or just staff being AFK for long periods of time. Good luck!
  22. +1 for sure. I can't count the number of times lately where I've seen random nobody cops just arresting for BS/troll reasons or just gunning folks down. Would suck for some players who don't break rules but I think too many people have abused the PD role to keep it at lvl 9. And YES PLEASE for a demoting system, I feel powerless to demote bad cops when I'm a cop and it's such ass.
  23. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: PlayerYour in-game name: StS Errol (or just Errol)Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_1:1:41864700In-game name of reportee: fartsodoodooSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_1:0:765983773Date & Time of incident: Roughly 6:58 - 7:05 PM I think.Timezone: ESTWhat happened? (include any proof): A player who had recently been jailed for RDMing me and the reportee was up on a rooftop nearby the hotel. While locked up, fartsodoodoo proceeded to call this player (who was using the CJ class) a "monkey" and when I asked why he was calling them that, he flat out admits because their character model is black. Link to the screencap (sorry I only have one) EDIT: For context, the player being called a racist term is named Cypherrya.
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