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Everything posted by Errol

  1. I will have to first acknowledge that your ban history is quite... ridiculous to say the least. That being said of course, Texas and others fairly point out that you were a bit younger when you were going wild with those bans, so perhaps a bit has changed over the course of that year and a half gap from then to now. You also certainly do have a great deal of hours and while I can't speak for your rule fluency, I do think your lengthy playtime should give us a bit of confidence in your knowledge. And while I do think your paragraphs can have a bit of redundancy, overall they're informative and I feel you did make it clear that you want to be more of a help than a hindrance especially in regards to managing other people. We do need that bit of a human touch here, especially if we want to keep people playing and having fun. Overall, I don't particularly see any issues to go off on. I think that ultimately judging you based on stuff you did quite some time ago is unfair, we've all made mistakes and especially a younger kid is gonna learn eventually. Honestly man, good luck. +1
  2. I'm going to heavily suggest you take a look at the Staff Application format and go ahead and edit your post if you wish for serious consideration. You can find the format here:
  3. This is the spot that is being referred to, btw. I definitely want this to be able to be expanded, up to the bend in the ramp. Nobody comes here because the tiny little building provides no protection, plus walling this area off is blocking no other pathways as it's a contained area. I've wanted this spot expanded forever. Big +1
  4. Hello and thank you for appealing. I will say upfront I do appreciate you coming to me in my DMs on Discord and extending a hand of apology towards me and Canlex, even though this won't really have any bearing on how this will likely end up. As for this report yes, I banned you for transphobia towards Canlex. You say in the thread that you were on a drunken episode and ended up saying hateful things towards another user, though you are still ultimately responsible for what words you use on our server. You can be entitled to your opinions on the matter for sure, and while you made it clear you don't hold these views, we can't have people coming to the server and belittling or insulting people for whatever reason it may be, including transphobia. I will attach a couple of the clips Canlex provided to me as proof of this. If you want to play on our servers issue-free, refrain from behaviour like this again.
  5. Was fun having you around man. Don't be a stranger, come play whenever you have time.
  6. Congrats to everyone for their promotions, and special congratulations for our month's MVPs as well. You guys have been doing a good job!
  7. I'm sorta on board with giving certain jobs a gun, however giving them armour? No. Armour is already cheap and you can buy it at the vending machine, F4 menu or the Kleiner NPC. And I heavily disagree with limiting Franklin to one. That to me sounds like a terrible idea, it's one of the best VIP jobs save for a custom class, and you will have people fighting hard to try and get it. Not everyone can get a CC and Franklin is at least one alternative to having a pro lockpick/cracker. Overall -1 for most changes, though the Bank Robber should get some kind of weapon at least.
  8. Granted we all have our times where our anger gets the better of us, I'm not going to say I'm above that. Privately DMing someone and berating them as a "fucking loser" over a simple report is really not appropriate behaviour of an incoming staff applicant. As others are saying this also might not be an isolated incident. I get your "take no shit" attitude and honestly that is good, but as a staff member you generally need to be above petty insults and stuff like this. Part of the job ultimately is dealing with trolls and problem children, so I'd advise you try to temper your attitude ASAP. The rest of your app is decent and you do meet our requirements, so that's at least a bonus on your part. However given all the stuff I've read about here today I don't think I can give you my approval at this time. Perhaps next time you apply, I will hope that we can see some solid improvement in that department. I never want to turn anyone away for stuff that even people on the staff team have done, but right now I'm gonna have to say no. Good luck regardless. -1
  9. I've known you for a while and I'll for sure weigh in on you. You're a pretty solid dude with a good chunk of time on the server, always filing reports when needed and I hear nothing but good out of you. Honestly I don't have much else to say, plus you have a solid app and good referrals, what else more could I add? Good luck! +1
  10. Once again, congratulations to everyone who received their promotions! It's been a rather slow month but I'm glad you guys are working as hard as ever to ensure the community is fun and stable! Also extended congratulations to my man @Orion8559 on getting L. Admin, you really deserved it. Happy to have you on Executive!
  11. Can't believe we need a tutorial for this. Thank you regardless.
  12. So I'll kind of start by listing some positives I see here. You do meet our minimum hour requirements (and then some), previous experience and having a good amount of time to play. That being said, you also state that you don't have a microphone which would be problematic for various reasons. I'm also skeptical about your age since you've decided to withhold it from your app, since just taking your word for it to me is personally out of the question when we have a minimum age requirement. And you might also want to re-read the staff rules over again, because I don't think you really read them thoroughly enough. And would also recommend beefing up your paragraphs a little bit with some more information. Overall I'm not too satisfied with this app personally, but this is just my opinion after all. Hope you do well regardless. -1
  13. DENIED After giving over a view of the evidence provided, the warn placed on you will stay. While a huge bunch of the debate going on was related to "baiting" prisoners to exit the cells to have your way with them, ultimately the warn will stay due to the Stun Stick Abuse element being correct in this regard. While players are free game outside of their jail cells for arrest or killing in order to prevent their escape (which after deliberation includes stun sticks), you do not have the right to attack or kill prisoners who are not outside the cells making an attempt to escape, which you and zombiekilla did towards the user at the beginning of the clip submitted by Chewy. I will make an effort to clear up any confusion regarding this issue with the respective staff member as there has been a bit of misinformation flying around lately. However your warn will remain at this time. And please do not take this as invitation to continue to mess with prisoners in this way, we don't much appreciate it. Thank you for your report, as well as the effort you have put into your report.
  14. UNDER REVIEW Thank you for your report. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your report. Please note: Withholding information, dishonesty, or otherwise attempting to portray anything outside of the facts, will result in a denial of your report and possible disciplinary action on your account.
  15. Congratulations to everyone for their promotions, you guys are doing great! Hope you guys will keep up the passion to next month, though with school and work getting busy for people I won't put too much pressure on you guys. And also I shall extend a hand of appreciation especially to Bob the Builder. You've been around ever since I can remember and you were always fun to play with and be around. Gonna miss having you on the team but good luck to wherever life is taking you next, my friend!
  16. Take whatever time you need for your school stuff brother, we'll be happy to see you whenever you have time to play!
  17. Errol


    Others had said this before but yeah there is a lot that needs to improve here. Not following the format, not reading the staff rules, and on top of using an AI program to write your app for you (which is obvious based on the first sentence of your post), you were also banned this morning presumably before your application was posted. Nothing here screams any confidence in your staffing abilities to me right now. Just gonna wish you better luck next time, personally. -1
  18. Sorry, I really just don't like the idea of paying for levels. I can get for example after prestiging that regaining your levels for certain jobs really sucks, but even in this scenario it's not enough to convince me to let people just spend money for something like that. You'll get enough XP by doing stuff like printers, drugs or even certain jobs like Deliveryman or Hitman. -1
  19. Yeah easy +1. Having to trudge through a list of names trying to find the right person (especially during high pop) is such a pain in the ass, if there's a way to implement this I would love it.
  20. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons: It has been over a month since you've applied and we appreciate you sending in an application. However since the interview stage has begun there has been mostly silence on your end, despite attempts to get this meeting set up. I think once you have a bit more time to dedicate to playing, you should apply again and hopefully get this done in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 1 week.
  21. Congrats to everyone with their promotions! I'm grateful to have been brought onto the Executive Team and I hope to help you all in this role. Hope September will be a good month for you all!
  22. DENIED As stated in the Staff Application Information and Rules post, failing to meet certain criteria will result in an application not being considered. The quality of your application aside, you currently do not meet our requirements of 72 hours of minimum playtime, so I would advise you to re-apply again once you have met this requirement. Good luck next time!
  23. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons: We appreciate you sending in an application for staff at this time. Ultimately I felt this decision was the right course of action at this time for a couple reasons. You do enjoy some support from our community base, but overall the response here has been either lukewarm or hesitant judging by the amount of neutral votes. You also have a ban dating back only about a month from when you applied, and this particular offence is a bit hard to look past. And while you meet our requirements for many things, it's also apparent that your lack of activity has been of concern to some, as I myself have only seen you very seldomly the past couple months. Don't feel discouraged, if you get some more activity and try to make a bigger name for yourself, I'm sure that you will have a good next time applying. Good luck next time! Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 1 week.
  24. Because of the ladder going from the sewer to the surface, and the fact that the train tunnel area also has a lot of (albeit) small base locations there I can't really agree with this one. While yes barely anyone goes to this spot, people still do base down there from time to time. I can think of easily one other location that could benefit from an extended base ruling, but this one isn't it IMO. -1
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