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StarWarsRP Administration Team
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Everything posted by Sam_my

  1. I've had only positive interactions with JT. He has admirable professionalism IC and his application reflects that. I see some nice ideas in here and think they could prove to be high quality and creative events under the guidance of one of our wonderful S. GMs. He is very new to the community, but I believe that if he puts in the work he will prove to be an asset to the GM team. I'm particularly interested in seeing his diplomatic summit idea in practice. +1 nice app JT.
  2. Great guy, some would say the best. Genuinely interesting ideas here, so I'm excited to see how they can come to fruition with some experienced GM guidance. +1
  3. I agree that you are freshly returned to the server, however based on my discussions with you in the past few days I believe that you're ready to take some of your previous responsibilities back. Pill was one of the best GMs not too long ago and I would love to see him back on the team. +1
  4. Great month! Congrats to everyone on some well deserved promotions.
  5. +1 Nothing negative to say about Johnny. Great leadership and overall positive impact. Would be happy to see him join the team.
  6. +1 for activity and application despite the silly colors
  7. Solid application, I'm in agreement with those who have commented before me. +1
  8. What an amazing month :D. Can't wait for the further progression of the best SWRP server in the galaxy. Garnet is also so handsome.
  9. I think Evil could be a good addition to the gm team, however the effort in this application is just not there. My vote is neutral.
  10. Going to have to be a -1 from me. The effort for the events especially is just really not there. The only contribution in this app as I understood it is adding more “point and shoot,” which is really not something we are lacking. Not putting anything for a most creative idea because “nobody listens to my ideas” is very mislead considering this is literally the platform where we are asking for ideas and actively reading them/ giving feedback. You also provided some negative feedback on events stating that they’re “go here, fight x, rescue x, leave,” however you didn’t use the 6 different idea questions to provide an alternative (even though I don’t believe that your formula applies to a solid chunk of events). There is no group that I discuss ideas with more than our T.GMs, as they can often offer a completely new perspective that long time GMs may have a hard time seeing. I urge you to take some time and resubmit an application that shows an appropriate amount of effort and motivation.
  11. Wow. I'm confirming my referral because I do believe Julian will make a good addition to the team, however this application would have been a tier higher if my boy used some periods. -1 for grammar but +1 to join the team
  12. Agree with Conway here. Good ideas, but missing some meat for sure. I believe in your motivation and would be happy with you joining the team. +1
  13. +1 - Impressive application, excited to see him join the team
  14. What a fantastic month, many thanks "Harus"
  15. I believe you have the right idea with these events and it seems you want to become a gm for the right reasons. I think with guidance, your events will do nicely, and you’ll end up a fine addition to the team. +1 (I’d be happy to help with refining the events)
  16. +1 Only positive encounters with Fern. The referrals speak for themselves, but Fern has been taking on more responsibility recently and as I see it, he is definitely motivated enough. Happy to see him join the team.
  17. +1 for sure, tdizz is a real one. With his return, I’d love to see him taking on more roles.
  18. Nice application, I see no issues with Xeno joining the team:) +1
  19. Yet another agreement with the previous comments. Owning up to past mistakes is commendable. I think your ideas, although a tad bit short, show that you’re not afraid to mix things up from the norm. In my experience, even just adding one twist to a generic base attack makes the overall experience more enjoyable by multiple orders of magnitude. I have absolutely no objections to the inclusion of havoc to the gm team and I’m excited to work with him in the future:) +1
  20. The rate of server improvement has been astounding. very excited for the new year
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