In-game name: RCTL SGM 1507 Julian
Age: 20
SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:184668703
Warns: 0
Timezone: GMT-6 (Chicago)
Playtime?: 207 hours
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES
Referral(s): Sam, Daph, Nutter
Why should we choose you over other applicants?
Well for starters Id like to imagine my track record is very well known, especially under those who make the decision on whether I will become a GM or not, over and over do I try to prove myself to be the best version of myself but more importantly even without the rank of GM do I try to give everyone around me the best experience in the game by having so far provided a fully completed Coruscant Guard Handbook with new formats, new rules, new formations and even new internal medals for a sense of better reward. I give it my best all the time every time and that has been seen clearly, I see no reason on why I wouldn't give the same amount of effort into my events as a Gamemaster.
Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?
Not where it matters.
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?
Right now? Full-time hour on the hour some sort of passive, in a month probably not as I start new work but that wouldn't stop me from giving at least 2-5 hours to the server daily
In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?:
Its a Gamemasters responsibility to provide a fun atmosphere for the players at all times, especially when it gets boring, they should always try their best to keep numbers and activity up and don't force players going AFK cause of boredom, they have the responsibility of being creative, being able to do events that don't rely on simple attacks, write storylines and engage the entire server into a fun activity whether it is boarding, or yes a simple attack or also something much deeper. They have the responsibility of being mature, as to not abuse their powers, as to give back and use their powers for other battalions to have better trainings and give the entire server better simulations besides just doing events. To put it in one sentence, a GM's responsibility is the server.
Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team:
I would ensure a roleplay-friendly attitude at all times but I would go above and beyond of what I have seen already, sometimes I truly believe some battalions get forgotten during events, that they can't use their battalion role for an event, that when we are on the Venator the only action we see is right in MHB. I wanna truly expand roleplay, I want every battalion to feel special during my events, to have the feeling that they matter and that without them the event wouldn't be possible, and they will feel that way because my events will 100% require each at the time current battalion to show off their special skills.
Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server:
I don't think I have one big creative idea but Ive played around with many small ones in the past that I personally already had the pleasure with talking to Garnet, we have discussed the addition of battalion-bound companions, for example, CG would receive a massiff or ARC and ARF Troopers a drone, Engineers a little Astromech, whatever it may be. One thing I would also personally love to see the addition of a better travel system when it comes to entering outposts.
5 Unique Events
Operation Celestial Electroshock
The base is hailed by a Republic Advisor on Coruscant, inside of NCC he will explain the situation, A Republic Scientist developed a special weapon under the codename of Celestial Electroshock, this weapon was able to disable every single electronic device including weapons located on a planet for a small amount of time, the scientist has been captured by CIS Forces and is now stranded on Onderon where he is kept hostage.
Main Battalions in the Events storyline will be 104th and CG for obvious reasons.
Once Troopers arrive on the planet they will need to clear the CIS Forces and move the the CIS Base, breach it and look for the CIS Officer that has taken the Scientist hostage. Once found, 104th and CG will start negotiations and try to get him out safely, this can end in two ways, the scientist may be rescued and evacs safely or he cannot be saved and the weapon may fall into enemy hands meaning the Republic has lost a very strong weapon.
Anaxes Blockade
The Anaxes Base has picked up strange signals over the planet's atmosphere when all of a sudden it is reported that CIS Forces are attempting to build a blockade on the planet to stop future deliveries and trooper transports from going through and leave our base stranded.
The entire base is ordered onto the Venator for direct combat against the attempting blockade. The tiny CIS fleet will consist of two Munis, Droids will attack the Venator via drop pods the entire time, and they will attempt to breach the bridge and other important sectors including all generators onboard the ship, bombs may be placed if the droids are successful in doing so, as the tactical droid takes part in a boarding party there are about two ways this might end. In the first ending the tactical droid gets killed after his surrender, which would mean there are no further actions and the blockade has been stopped for now. The second option is that the tactical droid is actually being taken into custody and moved to the brig, if that happens, another group of Commando Droids will board and attempt to rescue the Tactical Droids while disguised as Clone Troopers, when the moment is right they will perform a hostile takeover of the Brig and free the droid while attempting to flee.
The Decision
As the Clone Wars continues, more planets are forced to choose a side between the Republic and the CIS, a large planet filled with factories and ports that has decided to choose the Republic as their ally is now under attack from the CIS for choosing the Republic and therefore ending all current trade deals with the CIS and its affiliates, under fire the planet experiences heavy civilian losses and constant air strikes.
As we hear these news and are being ordered to assist in freeing the planet we board up onto the Venator for the rescue, once arrived we meet heavy fire from the Muni which is stationed above the planet. To avoid confusion, yes quick Venator RP will happen before we even land on the Planet this time, once the Muni has been destroyed we are clear to enter the atmosphere and start our ground attack.
On the ground we meet with the current stationed Clone Officer and his one remaining man. They brief us that the main spaceport of the planet has been taken over by droid forces with Civilains inside, our mission is to clear the city path and rescue all civilians and finally head back home, during the mission we may encounter several commando droids.
The 3 Day War
This Event is unironically split into 3 actual real days. Each day will have one Off World Event from the War, this will mean three full days are going to be utilized for this story, not just for story elements but also to have larger engagement from players.
Day 1 The Beginning of the End
Briefing, The Base gets a transmission, Tarkin appears, he reports...
3 Months ago, a planet fell to the hands of the CIS; one month ago the Droid Army managed to breach the last sector before entering what is left of Republic Control, the Planet splits up in 4 Sectors total
Republic Control Sector
The Forests (CIS Control)
The Capital (CIS Control)
CIS FOB Sectors named Aura
Republic Forces have been pushed back all the way to our sector, it seems all is lost and we are their current last hope, so the Base officially enters the war.
Day 1 is simple, find out the locations of the bases on the FOB Sector and attempt a take over, players will have to eliminate the enemy outpost while defending their landing zone, ground command must utilize all resources he has to ensure the survival of the troops and the victory of the first day. Once completed, the first district and its bases have been taken over. Inside one of the enemy bases, Troopers will find data, giving out locations of bases from all other sectors, including information on a republic hostage kept in the capital city.
(Once each War Day is over, we may return to the Venator and back to the base, I wouldn't want everyone stuck on a venator for 5 days just because of this event)
Day 2, The Forests
After securing the FOB Sector, the Republic now has straight access into the forest which leads into the capital city, no new orders has been given, with the information from Day One, Troopers are now aware of a base right ahead of them, and the goal is the same as before, win the war, Troopers make their way through the forest, exploring the new location they have unlocked, not too long after,they find a large entrance to the base but are met with heavy blaster shots coming out of the trees and from the base, its an ambush! Once the ambush wave has been cleared they make their way into the base where they meet CIS Leader Hpad, a humanoid CIS Leader in charge of the forests, upon meeting the Troopers, he closes the surrounding gates of the base and lets loose his secret weapon... a Marsh Rancor comes out of the shadows and starts attacking the Troopers, fearing for their life they fight and eventually kill the monster opening a path into the base, where they are meant to secure (or kill) the CIS Leader and retrieve any data there is.
Once the Base has been captured, the Forests are now under Republic Control, clearing the path for the last and final mission for tomorrow... the Capital City.
Day 3, The Capital
With FOB Bases and The Forest being under Republic Control it is now time to take back the Capital City and once and for all scare away the CIS. Entering the City through LAATs, the Troopers are met with heavy fire having to defend the Landing Zone first before moving forward, the rest up until the end is pretty basic, locate the hostage, locate whoever took him and clear out the City. Business as usual.
Once the building with the hostage has been found it is revealed that the person who captured our hostage is a feared Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, one last stand off with him and the mission is as good as over. When leaving the base, a droid assassin will attempt to take back the hostage one last time and that is it.
And for my final Event
Lost Luggage.
A normal Day on the Base as suddenly we hear two Naval Officers cry for help in Open Comms as their LAAT seemingly crashes somewhere on the base confirmed by a large explosion heard throughout the map, right away a search and rescue party is assembled and order to move out by ground and air locating the crashed LAAT.
Once found, they will find that one of the two Naval Officers has passed away but not why you would think, a big knife is stuck in his chest, the other Naval tries to explain that the knife fell on him while they crashed but clearly that's not what happened, an Investigation began and while the other Naval Officer is being transported back to the base he explains that his backpack was lost during the crash, inside the backpack were important blueprints documenting entrances and codes to several important Republic Bases.
While some stay at base, ensuring the safety of the surviving Officer, others are at the crashed LAAT looking for evidence into what caused the death and crash while the remaining units look for the lost bag which is placed somewhere around the map.
While CID and SOB conducted their investigation on the crash site it is revealed that the LAAT did not malfunction but was in fact purposefully crashed manually, the knife has no fingerprints or anything else but it is a republic-issued weapon, with an ID Code that is connected to the surviving Officer.
Back on Base when presented with evidence, an interrogation may start.
While that happens, the search party has either found the bag or is still looking, if they found the base, drop pods will be released onto the base and commandos will attempt to gain access inside the base, if they are still looking then the search party will be ambushed with drop pods while commandos will still attempt their way inside the base, but disguised.
It is then revealed in the interrogation that the Naval Officer is in fact a spy for the CIS who wanted those plans for himself, at that point the Commando Droids will attempt to breach Brig and get him out of there as well as grab the plans if they are able to.
This can end in three ways, Commandos down and spy captured and sent to coruscant for punishment, commandos and spy down or they escape with or without the plans.