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Everything posted by JonnyFlame

  1. You have decent sentences and meet all of the requirements. I must be on at different times than you since I don't have much interaction with you (not a bad thing), but those bans are concerning. Even with the length of time that's passed since the last bans the behavior in itself has me concerned, especially the ban evading portion to speak to the Staff member who banned you. I feel that the obvious thing to do is to appeal the ban on the forums instead of taking the route of logging in on an alt to escalate the situation. Props to you working as an EMT, I am appreciate for your service. I will remain neutral on this as I feel this application could go either way. Neutral
  2. You meet all of the requirements and have significant playtime on the server. I do not doubt your knowledge and I can confirm taking many sits that you have reported, every time I see your report I know it's going to be an easy decision. I wish you good luck and hope you will be joining us soon. +1
  3. I don't know what else to say that hasn't been said. This was well written. +1
  4. I have seen you on the server quite a lot, most of the reports I have taken from you have led to punishments against players who blatantly broke the rules and it seems you have a knack for identifying them. You meet all of the requirements and have good paragraphs. +1
  5. I don't know what else to say, greatly exceeds all requirements. Very mature, very active, and great relationship with the community. Let's get this bread! +1
  6. You have good interaction and playtime with the community but I think you could write a bit more about yourself to help fill in the second paragraph that you're missing. In addition to this, please make sure to read the Staff Rules thoroughly as you have missed something. I think you would make for a good applicant if you fixed these minor issues. Neutral
  7. You seem to have a significant amount of playtime, experience, and lots of interaction with our community. You are honest and admit to your mistakes as written above and your sentences are strong. +1
  8. I think you have really good paragraphs. For me personally, I like the part where you mention your positivity and culture. You do have prior punishments for Mass RDM and NLR but others stated it was a few years ago. I don't see this as an issue as it was not recent and the hours you have might be beneficial to the community. You also meet all of the requirements so that's a plus. +1
  9. I never got a chance to really know you but I have only heard great things about you. I bid you farewell and thank you for the time you put into this Community. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors! -Jonny
  10. I agree with some of your points and will be the first to admit when I'm wrong in certain areas. Although I reviewed my footage and you brought up many good points such as "uNNgalublich is still nub" spawning props, breaking NLR in some cases, and overall not having an intent to roleplay due to his actions. I can see how all of those things can make a convincing argument against them and you could be right about them but I asked you for evidence such as screenshots and clips of them spawning props inside you but you didn't give me any. During the sit, I also checked the prop logs and couldn't find any recent evidence for him spawning in the props during the times uNNgalublich was killed. uNNgalublich did later admit to spawning props inside of you so I did punish him for what he admitted to and what I could find evidence for during the time. At most during the time, I could have added NLR but I was never given evidence of him breaking NLR and thus could not verify that claim. Here is the screenshot of the logs from my video showing the number of times uNNgalublich was killed: https://gyazo.com/ef95f204c004c5bb9d88b95aabdf303a . (Not related to the sit but related to the screenshot you posted, Shotgun Ghost, who was in your photo with the textscreen was banned for 1 month after review from myself and GamingCarrot for Racism and Homophobia in his textscreen due to the 2nd line that he kept changing to multiple discriminatory words). I can understand the frustration but without a clip of which times he came back and broke NLR all I had to go on was what was presented in front of me. If you can please show me him breaking NLR that would be great! You also have to understand that you cannot kill someone just because they are breaking the rules (such as spawning a prop inside you) and you should always collect evidence (via screenshot or clip) and place a report on them. Best of luck! -Jonnyflame
  11. -1 -Did not read the Staff Rules/ -You have very little information as to why you should be chosen over other applicants. -I think more time needs to pass from your past punishments before you apply or list reasons to why you had those punishments Overall I think there is more you could add to your application to make yourself look more appealing. Please look back over the Staff Rules and follow the completely. Make sure to not leave anything out.
  12. -Great experience as being Staff -The application is well-written -Meets all requirements -Great characteristics +1
  13. +1 -You meet all the requirements -Read the rules -Past Experience as Staff -Lots of time on the server and its familiarities -No recent punishments or bans
  14. +1 -You have read the Staff Rules and meet all requirements. -You have significant experience in terms of being Staff and have been staff on this very server before. -It only makes you stronger by admitting mistakes and wanting to improve yourself, I think your character has greatly grown. -You also have a significant amount of time on the server. -The only downside I can even fathom is the inconsistency with your prior staff position. Granted you keep doing what you're doing I have no doubt that you will exceed expectations.
  15. Neutral +1 for improving your application! Much better than before! -1 for the mass RDM ban under 83 hours. I still think more time needs to pass. I think you have a good shot at this! You meet the requirements and fixed the format
  16. -1 -The paragraphs were not very strongly worded -Did not read the staff rules -Does not follow proper formatting in some areas I am not sure if you know what the role of Staff does, we typically do not hand out money to new players since they start with a decent amount to begin with. I do respect that you would teach someone how to play if they did not know how and answering questions in reports is very helpful. You also stated that you have never been punished but due to your 4 warns I can see that is not correct. I think you can do better if you read some of the applications of those who were accepted to see what they did right. Do not copy them but you can compare the differences.
  17. -1 -Did not read the Staff Rules -Not sure about the being banned for Mass RDM with under 100 hours. (I think more time needs to pass) Some Positives: -Meets most of the requirements but just needs some work for the application. -I like the past experience as a staff member even if it includes a different game. -Good traits listed such as listening Other: -Overall not bad but could use a bit of polishing, the second reason above is a deal breaker for me.
  18. -1 You need more information in your application, you only have a sentence or two for the reasons listed. Please read the Staff Rules before applying.
  19. Neutral You show great potential to improve your application. I'm sure that there are more things that you could add to your paragraphs to give us more details about yourself. A lot of staff here are also reliable and are here anytime we need help, everyone has different qualities but being available 24/7 is a bit overzealous. You meet all of the requirements so that's a positive! You did fix your mistake about reading the staff rules but overall I think the application needs a bit of work. Good luck!
  20. +1 Significant playtime on the server Good paragraphs At first, you did not read the staff rules but you later realized your mistake so I will not count that against you. I must not be on during the same time as you since I haven't interacted with you much but others say positive things about you.
  21. +1 It seems like you have decent experience and playtime on the server. You also have a good bit of time to dedicate to your role. I think you are a great candidate.
  22. In-game name: JonnyflameAge: 23SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:56448885Warns: 0Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Playtime?: 101 Hours 43 Minutes as of writingDo you have access to Discord and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YesDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] BusterBigNut recommended me to apply for staff. Past experiences as staff: [Optional] As for experience, I have many years of experience in server ownership in Gmod, Minecraft, FiveM, Twitch, and real life. As for pure Gmod experience as staff, I was a part of the DerpRP staff team for approximately 2 years and made my way up to Lead Admin before it was shut down by the owner for personal reasons. I also became a moderator for SR Deathrun on Gmod approximately 3 years ago but the server was shut down by the owner about 6 months after I was accepted. In reference to the Minecraft staff experience, I have owned, developed, and been one of the lead managers/admins for the moderation team on about 15 large-scale Minecraft servers throughout my years of playing since 2011. As for FiveM, I obtained the rank of Chief of Police and EMS on GTA5Police and led a large team of supervisors and leads, I even worked on the training procedures for both departments and created their new Standard Operation Procedures myself. For Twitch, I moderate two 20k follower channels at this moment. Lastly, for my real-life experience, I'm currently a Security Sergeant at my work and train our Corporals and new incoming Officers. I work closely with law enforcement on a daily basis and it's essential that keep a level head and remain calm during any incidents. Why should we choose you over other applicants? I believe that I bring a lot to the table in terms of moderation and leadership skills. When I first started I had a hard time figuring out the server since I was returning to Gmod after a long time of playing other games. For me, learning the meta and interworkings of the server was all fresh since every RP server has its own rules, policies, procedures, and mostly building techniques. After spending 100+ hours on the server I finally found good strategies for most of the jobs and started helping other players level up and get money. For me personally, I feel warm inside by helping other players and giving them fun and enjoyable experiences. I would like to say that during my time of playing, I experienced a handful of situations with Errol and Buster that made me want to join the staff team after they handled my sit. I would like to use them as role models and align myself with their values as both a played and hopefully one day a member of the team. My biggest strength is that I care about the community and how everyone is treated. I think everyone should be treated fairly and with due process. I greatly enjoy being a tutor and a mentor to new players who want to be a part of the community and whether I achieve staff or not I will continue to do so and carry my same can-do attitude. I am also extremely truthful and honorable - meaning I am usually the first to admit in a situation that I'm wrong and honor my word even under uncomfortable circumstances. My reputation means more to me than anything and I would rather admit fault and work toward a solution for my mistakes to make it right. I thank you all for taking the time to read my application and hope you have a great day. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details From my knowledge I have never been banned but I believe that I have been punished a few times via warns on DerpRP due to being unfamiliar with the rules early on but it was quickly resolved and I became a strong member of their community. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: I have not made any previous applications. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I have a decent bit of time to contribute to the role of staff since I currently go to College 3 days a week and usually join for about 2 to 5 hours every other day. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? Outside of Garry's Mod I am a variety gamer and establish myself in just about every title of game besides mobas. I do hop around a lot in terms of games but I am committed to my duties as a leader.Did you read the staff rules?: Yes, I have read all of the staff rules. Jonny Edit: Formating and I finally found the name part in the staff rules. (My bad)
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