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Virus | GarnetGaming

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Everything posted by Virus | GarnetGaming

  1. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

  2. i always check Teamspeak and never see you in ? (tbh I check it like at 10:00am)
  3. If you guys make a discord lemme know also I’ll be on more often in teamspeak in both garnet and coyotes
  4. My one year on garnet Idk why I'm doing this but I just want to if you want to read it go ahead if not idc. I first joined the server with my friend on July 5th, 2017, I signed up for Garnetgaming.net on July 7th. We logged on just to fuck around and be dumb, we first hopped on and joined ALQ. I remember there was a tryout for a class idk which one and it was done at OC, we both went for it and I went first and I think I got 31 seconds but he still passed me because he felt bad, my friend went and got like 37 so he failed but instead of leaving he just rdmed the man and left, never to be seen again. I played on ALQ for awhile where I'm pretty sure I met Austin and when I say met I mean like we talked for like 5 minutes at war time. I played ALQ for like a day and got bored so I decided to join the US, I wanted to join the Marines at first but this one Navy recruiter would not let it happen lol, he basically forced me to join Navy but thank god he did. I first played under the name "Kovah" or some shit on navy I remember the first war I accidentally leaked the radio and everyone was like "blacklist this dude" so I decided to hop off and change my name to "Virus" which is what my name is on everything else. I came back and played in The Navy. I liked the Navy because of the people in it. at the time it was Tayler, Oxyy, Lucas, Jackal, Coyote, and Smokey. (sorry if I forgot anyone) I liked them because they took it seriously throughout tryouts, war, and shit but also they could have fun with us, by hosting sims, or just fucking around. I worked my way up the ranks till like SN where I saw the first DEVGRU tryouts I had no clue what I was going into I went for the tryout and failed instantly I was cheesed. I then proceeded to practice RU,OC, and all the other things needed for the tryout. I went for it again and got passed everything but failed questions. I then proceeded to study the fucking docs I remember I printed out the sheet out so when questions came I could pass. I worked my way up to SO3 and tried out again I passed everything with ease but then came 1v1s it was alpha and I left in the tryout and alpha fucking smacked me in 1v1 I was trash like I think it was like my 5th day on the server. I still passed the tryout because alpha fucked up on RU and they still let him pass. TBH I didn't deserve DEVGRU I was not good. but I was so hyped I played worked up my way through the ranks and I remember I put a WO application in and it got accepted I remember meeting Fupert by just through the SEALs and this dude was a clown he was fucking hilarious I remember the day I met Tex he was on LOA because of something and he hopped on one day and was like who tf are you we talked for like 20minutes before war and we started becoming friends he ended up being one of my closest friends on the server. I met scuffed because he also put a WO application in because he recently just left GB he got accepted as a CWO4 and I hated this dude at first not because he was a dick just because he got accepted higher then I did. Alpha left the seals because he was being an asshole to everyone besides me we were pretty chill and got kicked out. Coyote left because he got bored, idk why smokey left, oxyy left because he was bored and Lucas just went inactive. I started becoming more known in the community and I started talking to Tayler and Jackal more often. I met Mute when he was WO I'm pretty sure he was going by the name "Xero" at the time (way better than fucking "Mute") he was hilarious also him and I became pretty good friends. I applied for Mod and got accepted I was a T Admin when I resigned. Mute was also a staff member and the shit he did was so funny I remember he Tp'd me in the middle of Afghan DB right on the stage. at this point, I was a CWO4 and I think it was my favorite time on the server I think Oxyy and Lucas were still around. I got up to CWO5 or OCdt and I remember I was stuck at this rank for like 2 fucking weeks which I know isn't that long but at the time I was promoted like every 3 days. I couldn't figure out why I eventually just got promoted and I realized it was because I never hosted tryouts. I started becoming more of a "leader" I guess you could say by hosting tryouts doing DB when no one was on like at 9 am and just other stuff I got up to ENS. at this point, I met Pablo. Pablo was the best fucking recruiter you could have he would stay on all day and just recruit I remember it got to a point where navy would take up a full page on the scoreboard because of him we once promoted him at like 11:58 and promoted him again like at 12:30. Pablo and I were good friends I fucked with him a lot but he knew it was a joke. Smokes was an ALQ I'm pretty sure that came to Navy he was fucking insane, I was convinced he was hacking but he was just really good he was a really nice dude. At this point, I'm pretty sure the ranks were FADM Tayler, VADM Jackal, LT Scuffed, ENS Virus, CWO4 Tex/Mute CWO2 Fupert, WO Pablo/Smokes. also there was Bishop and Hummus they were nice but I wasnt too close with Hummus but I knew bishop anyways that's not a lot of officer + ranks only 4 and I could only promote to WO and scuffed could only to CWO3. so not gonna lie Scuffed and I was massed promo'd Scuffed went to RADM and I was RDML (I was so fucking happy). at this point it was like early September and I got a job working at Tim Hortons (Canadian coffee shop) I was officially known as Coffee boy. then school started I came on as much as I could when not at school or working. started to be called inactive (as a joke) the server went on we experienced 2 new maps but they both caused crashing for some reason. So everyone started to get bored of the server and being on for 12+ hours a day. I joined in July and by November I had 1000k hours (41 Days.) on garrys mod and when I first joined I had like 50. We played fucking tree cutting simulator, natural disasters, prison break and phantom forces or someshit on Roblox and it was so fucking fun. around November they started playing a fuck ton of warframe and I at the time I had a shitty PC so I couldn't play with them. I got really bored and when the new COD came out I started to play that. I ended up resigning because I felt I wasn't doing my duties as a RDML enough. I really should've just talked to Tayler and got put on reserves. The only reason why I played GG was that of the people on it. Navy was some of the most fun I had. Navy was the best faction because We would play serious on the server but fuck around on TS/Other Games. also, The SEALs were the fucking best on the server no questions Delta Force never wanted to Sim us because we would've smacked them ez. I'll probably never play on GG seriously again because it took too much of my life and the people that made me stay are gone besides like 3 that still play Mute,Jackal and Fupert. also, my timeline may be messed up because I'm doing this from the top of my head and sorry if i missed anything/one important. there is also prob a lot of spelling errors or shit that doesn't make sense I didn't look it over. If you read all of this thanks if not idc. People Mentioned @Tayler @Jackal l GarnetGaming.net@Fupert@Mute@Coyote@Oxyy@Scuffed also Lucas,Tex,Smokes,Pablo and smokey hummus and bishop (bishop I know you still play but idk your @ thing)
  5. E

    1. Mute
    2. Tayler


      Are you that kid that died on caffeine?

    3. Virus | GarnetGaming

      Virus | GarnetGaming

      @Tayler almost and rn I'm drinking a coffee lmao

  6. it really do be like that sometimes

    1. Mute


      It just be like that sometimes ..

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