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Everything posted by skrt

  1. Cya man, it was fun playing wars with you in ts
  2. skrt

    20 Round Mag Buff

    Description : Buff the gun mags listed below that only have 20+1 rounds to 30+1 to create more Diversity between AR'S used on the server. garnet_ak105 , garnet_g3a3 , garnet_fnfal , garnet_scarheavy Reasoning : Currently there's only 1-2 AR'S that are meta in terms of DMG and Magazine size that are reliable. Making these guns able to have 30 bullets would allow players who have these guns on their classes to actually use them more. Additional Info : N/A
  3. +1 I've seen Vilan on pretty much everyday for a few hours. I've never seen him be toxic or minge.
  4. why did you eat all of my nuggies
  5. Huge +1 to this. Adds more stuff to do between wars. It'd be cool if you spawned with random guns on the server with a "loadout" like 1 AR 1 SMG 1 Sniper. This is nothing like that server. Just because we add an TDM arena to do something between wars does not mean we are icefuse. They have a "constant" war that has different ROES between the US and INS. That server works way different than Garnet and has a different gameplay. What snap is suggesting is just an area where people are bored during peacetime to go and try to improve their skill or just fuck around and kill people. Lot different than what you were saying
  6. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:216273912 [RU or US]: RU Classsssss of choice: RPG How much do you luv me?: dude what the fuck that's gay!
  7. skrt

    Jasiah fan 333

  8. i main echo and hibana fr fr

  9. $not album tomorrow 😳

  10. Stamina also killed the server hard even when it was tweaked. You were lucky if you had 40 players on during peak hours and you were still able to break your playermodel. Overall +1 for intentionally crouch jumping in combat having a punishment.
  11. skrt

    You kinda stink. Can you take a shower?

    1. Silo


      bro shutup, i can smell you from canada

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