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Everything posted by D Δ TONEDE Δ DDUCK

  1. You're completely missing the point. No one said raiding people is toxic, no one even brought that up. No one said at any point: "this person is toxic because they raided me" or: "this person is toxic because they raided someone". It's the way you're addressing criticism and the way you handle it, I don't know what you're not understanding.
  2. I don't know if you're just messing with me, or you just don't see the part of: "no need to be salty" being toxic. No one said raiding bases was toxic, it's the end of your statement that is. Edit: Also find it funny that you just cringe react me for giving criticism. Goes to show how well you deal with that.
  3. This seems like you got warns for breaking the rules and you don't want to take responsibility. If you truly feel like your warns were false, appeal them simple as that. Don't act immature like that thinking it's going to get you somewhere. This is just not needed and just goes to show you do act toxic. As a potential staff member, this is not how you should act at all, or try to combat criticism. You just make yourself look worse, while proving them right. I don't know you, but you give off very immature and toxic vibes from just those two statements alone. -1 from me.
  4. The issue I have with your analogy is that Google.com just leads to a search engine, which isn't the same content as linking someone to pornographic videos. The reason why it's different is because one links to content that does distribute porn, while the other doesn't, unless of course that google link is a google image search link that leads to porn. I believe his ban was for advertising pornography, not for advertising in general which is shown in this appeal: I don't know if he intentionally left that out because he wanted to make staff look stupid, or if he just forgot to add pornography after advertising. Advertising pornography is a bannable offense, even if it's just to the website and not a specific video, considering you're greeted by a plethora of porn videos on the homepage itself. The reason for this is so Garnet and the community isn't held accountable for distributing porn to minors (yes this is illegal in the States) and this is the way to avoid such issues.
  5. -1 to both. 1. I don't see why this would be useful in any way, shape, or form. If you feel a staff member was biased in some way, we have the forums here for you to make a report on them, with you showing proof, of course. There's really no benefit to this. In fact, I'd say it's better if the same staff handles the same person again because they have a track record of that person and know if that player was recently in trouble or not. 2. Refunding people should not be a punishment. One, it basically allows people to just get away with rule breaking because they pay someone off. Two, monetary punishments should just not be a thing. Besides, if someone wants to be a good samaritan and refund someone, they can. However, I will say that does not mean you're exempt from a warn or jail by the staff member, a staff member has the final decision on what they want to do. P.S. just because you think your suggestion is simple and doesn't need the format, it does. There's a reason we have it, and that reason wasn't just for if you think your suggestion needs it or not.
  6. I can tell you right now TS3 is not a dying service whatsoever. Yes, Discord is better for community groups/gatherings which is what I find discord useful for. However, a lot of servers still use TS3. This not only includes Gmod, but things like FiveM (GTA V RP) for better plugins that allow for things like only being able to talk people within' a certain range, while keeping everyone else muted until you're in their talk range. Arma 3 communities use it for a more 'realistic' radio type of chat where they use a plugin to do so. TS3 is definitely not a dying service, nor is it a non-versatile service. TS3 offers better communication through voice and much more plugins that fit with servers and communities, while Discord offers a more better service for community gatherings outside of the serverfor people to just chat in/share memes/videos, etc.
  7. -1 I'd dance all of the time in my sits when I was staff and didn't have a problem, I'd even do it while I was talking showing that I was listening to the person. Furthermore, while it is a bit silly it's nothing that a staff should be punished/warned about. Now, onto the whole 'RDM' thing. Yes, it's a shitty thing to bait someone into your base if you have a KOS sign just so you can kill them, I think it's super scummy and like I said, shitty. However, it is not against the rules for someone to kill you in their base if they have a KOS sign, even if they tell you that you can come in. At any moments notice they can revoke your access to the base and kill you without your knowledge, it is up to you to see if they have a KOS sign. And if they do kill you, don't go back in there, I don't understand why you'd return and try to enter their base if you know they're already going to kill you, seems kinda silly and that you really didn't learn your lesson the first time. I'm sorry you're upset and frustrated, but nothing happened that broke the rules.
  8. Of course, I try to be helpful when I can. Being former staff and now just a player I try to empathize and see it from both sides. As I said, in about a day or two everything should be solved. This will be my last reply as I don't want to keep derailing things, but hopefully all goes well for you.
  9. No, it's giving both sides a chance. I understand you're frustrated, and I get it. But we're trying to be fair to both sides, and not just immediately dismiss our staff, and of course the players. Just give it about a day and I'm sure things will be solved.
  10. +1 Even though I've been out for a bit (due to reasons I wish to not state) from what I saw of him before taking my short hiatus, he seemed to be doing 91st very well. He rose through the ranks pretty quick, but he had 91st going and he's been extremely dedicated to his role, along with the server seeing as he's still Commander of the 91st. I think Oatlife has very much matured during his time on SWRP, understanding how his behavior is vital to his image as a leader and rolemodel for the server. I think Oatlife would be a fine addition to RC, especially as the leader. He has experience being the current 91st Commander, and understands how he'd need to function, along with how to behave and who to select for his squad, meaning he won't just let people in based on how well they can shoot a gun on the server, but along with how they act and their reputation with the community. For these reasons I have no doubt that Oatlife would be a great fit as the Delta Commander.
  11. I uh... don't think anyone got warned for this, it was just a suggestion. Anyways, the props that look like printers got blacklisted in the latest DRP update, so that should help some things.
  12. I mean, you could've avoided it by not killing Diego, tbh.
  13. Yeah, gonna have to -1. With the proof shown you clearly killed Diego for no reason, and then had left. If you were keypad cracking the hut, you can be countered, even if you don't advert raid. You should've PMed the hobo, or reported it to staff instead of trying to take it into your hands.
  14. I don't know the full situation, however I will say leaving the server and if there's a sit on you it is considered LTAP, whether it was with malicious intent or not, so I would like to at least say that before I give a -/+ support and will wait for any further comments Grace has to say.
  15. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30304121 Weapon Choice : Neostead Your Favorite GUN ON MW : Sorry, I like the Intervention for my montages on Rust.
  16. not even a good 'ol mention to big dumb dumb me. good luck man, i remember the times back in 2018, was good yes yes.
  17. I'm not gonna -1 or +1 simply because community opinion/support on these types of things isn't really needed, it's mostly up to Garnet and Phantom, etc. But I will say the model itself is 13 MBs which is pretty big for just a single model, that's what I will say.
  18. I mean, the guy admitted he did steal it by saying: "shit", 'fuck", "i didn't hit my fucking bind" basically saying he didn't hit his bind to advert the steal.
  19. I understand where you're coming from and it's totally understandable of what your thought procress is. But I'd personally put it under the realm of somewhere under self-defense, since you are defending your belongings and things that belong to you. I don't think any punishment should be given to you, as I think you're new if I remember correctly.
  20. +1 It's essentially like someone keypad cracking your keypads without adverting raid. Or killing someone for shooting at you in self defense, it is allowed. I don't understand why you'd be warned for RDM when you did nothing wrong. You simply defended your belongings and the only warn that should've been given out was to the other guy who didn't advert steal, tbh.
  21. I mean, I can confidently say I've never had the issue of crowbar spamming being too loud for me, as you can adjust voice volume and the game volume in gmod itself (or steam voice settings, something like that) I have more issues of TS being too loud and not being able to hear anyone, over crowbar spamming. I've had more times where a hobo throwing boots and spamming: "I'LL FUCKING RAPE YOU!" be more of a problem than crowbars. Maybe its just me, but that's my personal experience and I suppose I've never had any issues with crowbar spamming tbh.
  22. Could just restrict it to hobos then, just like mic spamming.
  23. I believe this was already suggested and denied due to it going to be more performance heavy on the server.
  24. Ya ever feel useless, or like a waste?

    1. eXg-Buddha


      every day of my life. preaching to the choir.

    2. Captainswag


      I’m with Buddha on this one, but’s that’s why we got garnet, eh?

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