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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


DarkRP Administration Team
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Everything posted by Chawhead

  1. had this back in the day people abused it -1
  2. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] I'm suggesting that you may not raid players lvl 15 or lvl 10 and under. This is not a rule at the moment but more of a thing that if you get caught you will be looked down Apon. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] It will help with new players wanting to stay on the server. All the time I see new players leave once raided by a high lvl player who wants their printers. Sadly 95% of those players never come back! just like /mug is lvl 10 and up, I really don't see an issue with this being implemented. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
  3. No matter how you slice the pie, you let monkey with a gun mass rdm(RANDOM DEATH MATCH) doesn't matter if they are your alts. @Giygas reported monkey for mass rdm. which he did for no reason/role-play scenario and none of the people who were dmg or killed did dmg to him first. letting someone mass rdm on your behalf is against the rules always has been its considered baiting, so when someone does that on your behalf the ban gets split up. not only that but it looks bad from a new players perspective if I let y'all off the hook ("oh look they got away with mass so can I"). I only was part of the sit because whiskey needed help.
  4. - 1 didn't read the staff. you seem like a shady person based on what I saw between you and docknbomb. plus, all you do is jump around the map I don't really see you interacting with the community. interact more with the community and re read the staff rules and I might plus 1.
  5. I believe I said that above it takes too long to communicate that way your raid is over before it even started. Plus, a lot of CPO's don't know how to do that they only know /ooc and /advert and that alerts the criminals you are about to raid them.
  6. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Today I am suggesting that we implement a police radio. the police radio will be used by Civil Protection only. that will be their main forum of communication amongst the team.Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] I truly believe that this will make being a Civil Protection officer more enjoyable. I find too often that when I roleplay as a CPO I fumble the ball because by the time I'm done asking for backup in group chat the thieves are already on to us. You can pull off raids more effective, arresting people at higher rates, defend the police station like seal team 6, and much more. You can have the mayor barking out orders, cpo asking for additional information, abs (all-points-bulletin) can be put out to help catch the perps, if you accidentally arrested the wrong guy don't worry you can talk to the warden and get him unrested without the hassle. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
  7. -1 playtime too low for me, you only have 1 paragraph it requires a minimum of 2 paragraphs (you're clear on plagiarism), I've never seen you in-game. plus even though you changed it you clearly did not take your time reading the staff rules.
  8. NEUTRAL I've never seen you in-game (I'm a big believer that if you are applying for staff you should get to know the staff team and introduce yourself so you can be known), I checked copy leaks for plagiarism and you're in the clear! if you see me in-game just say hi and introduce yourself so I can get to know you then ill +1.
  9. +1 your warns and bans from mrp is a long, but you have matured and are showing signs that you are getting better. I'm a big believer in second chances good luck.
  10. -1 is your in-game name really ridaar cause I've never seen you in game could be because we get on at different times. your playtime is only 25 minutes ahead of the required playtime too short for me. I know exceptions can be made but you are 14 and the requirements state 15+. copy leaks could be wrong but it says ai content detected which means plagiarism. also, Conway had to inform you that your staff app was wrong which means you quickly flew threw it rather than taking your time to look. ADD ON - I JUST WARNED YOU FOR RDM COME ON MAN
  11. What's not fair? If you want higher prop limit get on in the morning after reset it's at like 75 pl and if your talking about unfair i think rpgs are more unfair then the prop limit. What do you mean as a hobo/dj i can show you base dupes that are 35 or less for both of thoes. You just have to get creative not that hard. I've been with gg for a long time, when i joined there was no prop limit hud. You had to guess what you were at. Ive never once had a problem with prop limit. To build a base, hobo hut, or a dj booth you don't need anything more then what the pl is at relevant to the amount of players on at the time of game-play. If you want lessons on how to build just pm me i got you.
  12. -1 it is easy to make a 35 prop base that is unraidable. I don't get why people need a higher limit. no offense just get good at base building.
  13. -1 The rules clearly state what the banker's job is (what you can and can't do) all you have to do is f4, info, rules or look up the rules on the forums. every new server you join the first thing you should do is read the rules which states all job descriptions. it would be unnecessary in my opinion.
  14. -1 ive never seen you on or know you. -1 horrible sentence structure. -1 false reference. -1 no effort put into this at all.
  15. +1 great app great reff
  16. +1 as someone who plays the cp roles alot I would love to see this implemented. Iwas trying to think of something to help with /911, but this is the cherry on top.
  17. -1 First of all it simply would not work at all. second of all voting to become a job is so old school, I'm willing to bet only a handful of servers use voting mechanics when it comes to stuff like this. plus, if you and a bunch of people don't like someone you can team up and press no and that person will never be mayor ever.
  18. what not even a tag and i helped you make your original staff application !! just messing around, going to miss the fun times, but such is life. hope for the best and wish you good luck. don't forget to hop in game once in a while to say hi.
  19. +1 respectable player. knows the rules and has a likable personality. would be a great addition to the team.
  20. Chawhead

    Fat Kid

    +1 would love to see this come back prob won't happen. have been trying to bring this back for a while. miss the old staffing days!
  21. not again, will miss you man. good luck my friend. if you ever are onine and want to play something lmk.
  22. Chawhead


    +1 this would be a great addition to the server
  23. 100% agree with aj he took the words right from me lol
  24. +1 would love to see this
  25. +1 the outside activities, +1 why should we hire you, +1 read the rules.
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