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Dan Gardner

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Everything posted by Dan Gardner

  1. SKS is awful right now, keeping 2GA Marksmen from serving their purpose. I would recommend the SVT-40, adjusting the stats to match the M14 EBR on the US Side would make it as balanced as possible
  2. Having a [-1] from Pencil is usually hard to come back from, but everyone else seems to not mind your toxic past. If people had no idea who you were before coming back, then they have no reason to worry. I can see why people who knew you would have an issue with you becoming staff. But you've been back for a while now and I don't see anything that stands out to me that makes you unfit for staff. Obviously as Pencil said, if you had a toxic history in the past it's your duty to show that you have left it behind and have changed for the better. I think you've done an okay job at this, but I don't know the severity of your toxicity back in the day. For this I'll go neutral, if I see more positive vibes and general helpfulness and all that jazz from you I'd most likely reconsider, but with the ratio of +1/-1's on your app and the quality of it at that, I doubt my opinion on the matter will make much difference. Good luck!
  3. Unfortunately, they were taken back for a reason. As Aparh stated, there is an issue of the possibility that people will go on Support and just go off on their own with the SMG they get, possibly neglecting to heal people on objective or in strategic locations. Supports should focus on healing, and rely on their teammates that they heal to defend them if they don't have a donor weapon. -1
  4. Big +1 to the FAMAS, other one's dont really add much or would be useful at all. Though, as Pencil said, the De Lisle would be fun to see as a troll weapon to kill people in tryouts lol
  6. You're in a very important part of your life and we all understand the pressure that you go through. I'm glad you've been able to dedicate as much time to this community as you have, thanks for all you do.
  7. +1, I've really enjoyed having you on the server and I really appreciate you easily playing and contributing to both sides of the server. Good app too
  8. This is the exact reason I haven't made a post on this thread. There are a thousand pitfalls to making changes for this community, and the thing people keep coming back to is the map. I agree that the map is a bit too open and there are way too many points that you can get caught out and sniped from 1000 different directions (spawn being a big place where there is little to no cover for advance), but it's been like this on every map. I don't think its because of the map itself, but based on the gameplay that players tend to lean towards. A lot of people, if they can't get on an objective, they'll make a decision to help their team by basecamping a route to said objective. This has been a staple on every map and I don't think a map change will be what fixes it. All we really need at this point is an update to address the issues the map currently has. Add more routes, cover, take away headglitch spots and make them work for the defender, not the attacker, (at least at bases, I'm sure we'd all like things to be relatively even at objectives.) The only problem with this is stated above by Garnet himself. This community reacts in a very harsh and toxic way towards anything that displeases them in the slightest, and when you put that negativity towards Garnet, I can see why he wants to work on more important things and not give effort to the server. Because honestly, we suck. Hope everything is going well at Uni, @Garnet. Take your time coming back, we'll be here. PS. Maybe even add regular player owned cars that cost a shit ton of money so they don't get spammed. I'm sure people would love having more chances to get a big group to an objective without being sniped. Also if the damage dealt to players driving a vehicle wasn't so high, people would be more inclined to actually run transport and have the war run a little more fluidly.
  9. If Pencil checked logs and saw that your final kill was longer than 5 minutes after the raid call, which I really think he would as he's a pretty experienced staff member, then the ban was justified.
  10. Being one of the first people you had interaction with on the server, (you came to my tryouts with ~10 hours,) I can tell you're a pretty cool guy. You seem mature and obviously can learn and adapt to rules fast, but the one thing you lack is experience in the community. Make more friends in the community, try to get into a SOC faction, and make a name for yourself. It's hard giving someone a [[[+1]]] for staff when you don't know them very well, and that's just the nature of it. For now I'm neutral, but I would love to see more of you in the server. just toggle off bro
  11. Love you cutie thank you for being the best 2GA Marshall of my time!
  12. No mention? fuc kyou good riddance. jk man its gonna be sad to see you not leading Vega, but I hope your decision brings you happiness. Good luck out there!
  13. After being in several factions with Jim, (one with him being in a leadership position over me, and now with me as his leader,) I can safely say that he is one of the most dedicated players on Garnet. Don't let his joking attitude and detached humor get away from the point that Jim cares about this community. After everything being taken away from him in the DF wipe, Jim didn't hesitate to continue pushing in this server, and never took it personally. That's about as mature as you need to be to be staff on Garnet. For this and much more, +1
  14. /me salutes youre the best friend i ever made on this server, thanks for the memories bud
  15. +1 reasons stated above, very mature and always a pleasure to interact with
  16. BRUH O CLOCK Not to Rip on Garnet: The stamina system was very well made and had few major bugs. It changed the combat pace of the server for the better, but unfortunately, it had drawbacks. On the macroscale level, Stamina helped the shit out of the server, making combat more refined and limited instead of people jumping all over the place. It's drawbacks, though just weren't worth it. I hope we can find a new system to combat the issue of unrealistic combat being abused.
  17. Enjoy marsoc good riddance JKjk love you gonna miss you while you're gone. Remember to pop in ts sometimes
  18. -1 you got raided, thats their payment. dont like it? look away from the screen
  19. Ethan is watching you. you will be judged.
  20. SOC Members should have grenade launchers until separate guns come out, so as not to completely take it away in general. I like the idea of US having grenade launchers because it's realistic. And I think if not everyone had it, it could be a lot more balanced.
  21. This seems like it COULD be an issue but you have to factor in that you need to be in the open to a broad angle to abuse it. I doubt this could cause many issues. Although, it is pretty ugly. One for the list of minor fixes i suppose.
  22. What's tha word on Prestige and Jugg losing nades
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