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Dan Gardner

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Everything posted by Dan Gardner

  1. +1 Even though you're a bit of a prick I know that you have good intentions. You definitely deserve staff, as you are very mature, and you excelled in the past with the same job. Good to see you back
  2. I don't see a situation where you can be perceived as not good for staff. You are very mature (especially for your age) and your leadership skills improve every day. I look forward to feeding you reports on 2GA privates. +1
  3. And what would I have to gain from trashing you? I don't even know who you are. My point exactly.
  4. I was just assuming that you'd take the hint of getting nothing but -1's on your app and do some work to better your rep within the community. Obviously it means nothing to you, as you waited exactly 7 days (-1/+1 timezone) to reapply.
  5. For this reason and for the fact that you barely waited a week to make a new app, I'm -1'ing.
  6. I've seen and interacted with you before, and you seem like a nice enough and level headed guy. With your experience on the server and as staff previously, I'd usually let it slide that you just came back. But your app is just way too small to make up for that fact. If it was a little longer, had more good points and more effort, I would +1. For now I will remain neutral.
  7. This section here from the announcement of assassinations. Having this in play makes assassinations a little more possible and makes the concept a lot easier to staff around. This is a good point, but I don't know if this is enough to make the change. We'll have to see how the administration handles the situation. Also, just call a staff to do whitelists if you can't use the Officer class. Frogmen have been doing this forever.
  8. With the new addition of assassinations, this rule probably needs to stay in place. It is one of the stipulations of assassinations that Officers are limited to 1. I also believe that the highest rank on should be the only person with the right to be on the Officer job, (unless they are AFK, then they should be set to Recruit). Before the implementation of assassinations, this might have made sense, but it just isn't important enough to change and may hurt the entrance of this RP Mechanic.
  9. "im gonna be on and off" *releases a server* i like garnet when hes on hiatus
  10. was gonna type a reply but yes, any officer can use either spawner
  11. Description: This is less a suggestion more a bug that might need to be fixed. You can buy vehicles from either side, so as a RU Commando : Commander, I can spawn a Humvee from the vehicle spawner in US Base. Reasoning: I don't know if this was intentional or just nobody has seen it yet. I think this should be fixed as it also allows for a player to have TWO cars, as the spawner does not detect that the player has a vehicle out from the other spawner. Additional Information:
  12. Def should only have base pistols i agree.
  13. +1 this would also make it so the Leader of each SOC faction can explicitly control who drives their car.
  14. It's never been all that important, but I'd appreciate a fix personally +1
  15. I'd love to see you on the staff team again. Just stay with us a little longer, huh? +1
  16. Bud you massed 3 times in 40 days. @The King of Rohan u know what to do
  17. I can see this update is going to fix our numbers issue! Combat has never been better
  18. There was a wrench in the old system, but it didn't work too well. We'll see how it pans out.
  19. Cant find a real reason to not +1. I see you on constantly and you've always been very mature and professional. Good luck!
  20. Loved having you as Counter Admiral, sad to see you go but I'm happy you're doing what makes you happy. Good luck in your future endeavors!
  21. +1. I've only ever had good encounters with you, but that might be because you only play US, so we haven't met a lot. To other people, that might be a reason to either -1 or just not reply, but I know you're mature and you will interact with both sides plenty as staff.
  22. b u g t e s t i n g ah. I was misinformed, thanks
  23. Since Duels are back, is the rule of no 1v1 sims going to be put back into effect? I personally don't see the need as sometimes people just want to 1v1 with no strings attached, just for practice. But if it makes staffing easier, etc, I don't see an issue re-implementing it.
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