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Everything posted by Captainswag

  1. Yeah don’t worry about it, just take your time to mature (I mean that in a good way tho I realize it sounds kind of mean)
  2. It’s true, if y’all every use third person when told to front face then it may have your body facing the wrong way though you yourself aren’t
  3. Alrighty +1 from me, seems like he could make decent staff with his experience
  4. You okay, people understand don’t worry about it
  5. Just saying before I read any further, you are probably going to want to beef up those paragraphs
  6. Since when could you claim an area for 1v1 sims? I thought that it was against the rules. by the way amazing update garnet I’m looking forward to valley sims
  7. +1 only heard good things about him, I say a second chance should be given
  8. +1, very mature from the interactions I’ve had with him. Would make an excellent staff member.
  9. +1 for unban, I once let my brother play on MRP and he tried to kill a guy, I know how it feels.
  10. Well I only found one use for 3rd person after it’s other nerf, and that is running the new OC. So I’m fine with this.
  11. Well first, you got the title of the post wrong, and then you only have one paragraph so uh... yeah that’s a -1 from me.
  12. Thank you, I read option 2 and I thought the part that was Was part 2 until I saw the part 1 above it.
  13. Phantom, would there still be a medic class for each SOC? Like the Officer, Medic and standard class? also will the SV98 still be available from the arsenal? EDIT: I just read option 1 and realized that it had what I would prefer
  14. I like this, there could be a few more ARs for the RU (or that may be my love for weapon variety) but other than that I love this idea! Keep us updated on the weapon rework though, I don't really understand what you meant by the "identical stats" thing. Other than that I love that.
  15. -1. You have to beef up the “why should we choose you over other applicants” part, as well as the playtime do /playtime in game for that. You also tried to advertise you for staff in game.
  16. Age: 15 though for hobbies you put “in the armed forces”? Like how the hell are you in the military at 15. Also your grammar is awful and you are not 15. -1
  17. Ok, I was thinking that because of two SOCs doing tryouts or something, and I didn’t play the alpha map test thing. Thanks for letting me know.
  18. Wait, are there two ATTC buildings or just one? And isn’t it an objective as well as training spot?
  19. Cannot wait to play on it, hope it comes out soon!
  20. +1 I can’t come up with a reason to say no. Mature and very respectable from what I know.
  21. a little TOO accurate
  22. Captainswag


    I’ll give him 12
  23. Captainswag


    Also, the title of this is incorrect man, Buddha talk about double teaming
  24. Captainswag


    It takes 7 days to get accepted or denied, if you get denied - you MUST wait another week before applying again
  25. Captainswag


    What the hell did we just tell you, you still don’t have a valid steam Id and where’s the two paragraphs?! -1 and you broke the rules. You cannot apply again so soon.
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