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Everything posted by kat.

  1. Best that ropes are removed now that US isnt the big superpower (which is why their base is way better) like it was around 2016. Back then it mattered way more, tbh.
  2. +1 Great idea but would cause the server to become more serious (not that thats bad, just that its different)
  3. -1. You should reapply when you have amenable experience on MRP. Good luck! Yours, ~Kat
  4. In Game Name: Kat Origin of name (Why you chose it): Reason 1: I had originally came up with KittyKat999 which was then shortened to Kat. Reason 2: I lik kats How long you've been on GG (Put the date you joined if known): 1st time joining EVER: Mid 2015; started again in Mid 2016; Rejoined shortly for Tali in 2017; recently this server popped into my head and I decided to give it a go and here I am! Favorite faction you've been in: GOATSOC (Seriously: GRU which was base faction back then). Favorite memory on the server: The legendary, the inspirational, the magical Jake Weather. Other then that Ill just list the people who really made my experience great: Copywrite (Amazing mentor), Jao Graves (Also amazing mentor), really any RU officer from 2016, Jester (Fucking hilarious...), and as for today, my loyal comerades of 2GA! Yours, ~Kat
  5. Personally, I believe people can change, some more than others though. Therefore I want to say you should get a second chance, but you need to take into consideration a lot more things when it comes to a perma ban. The 3 ban rule is probably one of the worst ways to be perma-banned, but since I am extremely gullible and will believe that you just wanted to burn your bridges then I'd be fine with it. I'd like to see you back on the server. I want to see how you can redeem yourself, like most others should have the ability to. Also, good luck getting that DF whitelist back. +1 Yours, ~Kat
  6. +1 He mains US and I main RU, but let me tell you that this guy is still one of my favourites from the enemy team. He is a useful asset to US as it seems, and I therefore believe that he is prepared to become a staff member. I also like the construction of your application. Good luck, and keep it up! Yours, ~Kat
  7. I like it. Nothing beats a nostalgia-incorporated hybrid of two biomes. Are you going to use old or new COMMS btw? ~Kat
  8. +1 Stated above and general admiration to this player.
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