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Everything posted by WickeD

  1. Imagine being so salty that you had to make a report just for someone on an online game to get banned. And imagine being dumb enough to put it in the wrong forum to start!
  2. In-game name: WickedSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:230222452Staff members in-game name: ROBO BOYStaff members SteamID (/id (name): 76561198857174264Date & Time of incident: 4/28/2019 - 6:00 PM ESTTimezone: ESTBan Reason: Mass False Warrant +LTAPHow long were you banned for?: 500 HoursProof of Ban: http://prntscr.com/ni2gqd What happened? (include any proof): So when exzap made his judgement on the money printers he failed to realize that the location of the money printers and the time the picture was taken. Here is what he said "The blue arrow points to Wicked, the Red arrow shows where the printers were. Behind a wall, unable to have possibly been seen without killing himself and abusing the custom escape menu, which he did. (video can be provided, Failrp as well)" Here is my picture https://prnt.sc/ni2g94 You can clearly see that I took the picture before he closed the door avoiding my view of it. Second, off his arrow for the printer is completely wrong and he should have no clipped to see the location of the printer. He said I must have killed myself and abused the custom menu which I didn't and made his judgment off of incorrect information. I only wanted to clear this up I don't ask for any decrease in my punishment.
  3. WickeD

    False Ban

    Another thing to add is that at the time of both of those warrants Snappy was the mayor and confirmed both of them being legit warrants on each player.
  4. WickeD

    False Ban

    In-game name: WickedSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:230222452Staff members in-game name: THICC THANOSStaff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:86861358)Date & Time of incident: 4/28/2019 - 6:00 PM ESTTimezone: ESTBan Reason: Mass False Warrant +LTAPHow long were you banned for?: 500 HoursProof of Ban: http://prntscr.com/ni2gqd What happened? (include any proof): I was banned for MASS false warrant when I only warranted two people with screenshot proof and reported after the fact of leaving the server 30 minutes later.Why should your ban be removed?: To start off here are links to proof of me warranting the first person for having drugs aka Meth "http://prntscr.com/ni2fxh" The second picture is at a corner but you could clearly tell that it was a money printer he tried to hide when I said I was going to warrant him for having it "http://prntscr.com/ni2g94" The second person left before I could destroy his printers but either way I don't see how two warrants with sufficient proof got me banned for over 2 weeks. I want to be unbanned because I have legitimate proof of the person having illegal drugs as stated in the rules and giving proof of my warrants. The thing that blows me is that the dude that reported me waited 30 minutes after I log off to report me and apparently get me for LTAP for that reason.
  5. WickeD

    Ban Appeal

    Keep in mine the kills were in self-defense but it doesn't matter anymore when your unban is about to be up in 5 hours.
  6. WickeD

    Ban Appeal

    In-game name: WickEDSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_1:0:230222452Staff members in-game name: Walter SkiesStaff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:0:138549630Date & Time of Incident: 3/9/2019 6:02Timezone: Eastern Standard TimeBan Reason: Mass NLRHow long were you banned for?: 2 Days (2880 Minutes)Proof of Ban: http://prntscr.com/mw3mg9What happened? (include any proof): I was banned for mass NLR while being raided and asking for money for taking my printers.Why should your ban be removed?: I wasn't in the wrong I asked for money because my printers were going to disappear when I left but they ended up getting destroyed and then they killed me and I retaliated by killing them back and I was banned for MASS NLR EDIT: I came back only twice just an FYI.
  7. WickeD


    Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Player Your in-game name: WickED Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:11101 In-game name of reportee: Earl SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): N/A Date & Time of incident: 4:50 am Timezone: EST What happened? (include any proof): https://youtu.be/mftvJfry1RY Basically, I arrest him for RDMing and once he is free he comes back and goes on a mass RDM spree.
  8. I know him in real life he has straight A's.
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