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petal last won the day on June 15 2019

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111 Good Reputation


About petal

  • Birthday 05/13/2004

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  1. The team at least got something done out of it. That's the change I wanted to see. Again, I wanted to make a document your way, but it would've been taken as a joke because anything I usually say is taken lightly because of my position and status in Garnet though.
  2. Also, "But with the recent events and the amount of drama that occurs on a daily basis it has become almost a chore to play on the servers. It just isn't fun for me any longer." You resigned, why are you putting your two cents into this? Aidan and I already spoke and I already spoke with others as well. They agree with me, the way everything was presented was fucked though. So be it though.
  3. The essay shit was an entire group effort, so don't try making it seem like you were there watching it being written. I didn't want to rewrite people's words as toxic as it is. Two, don't you think you're being a hypocrite going low to mention my 1MD blacklist? We're being given chances by the people because we're not doing shit like this. If I would've written the essay myself, I would've said it nicer, but it would've been taken as a joke, because as you said, I'm jailbait. The toxicness in the post was my fault for not going in to remove, but I did find it rude to twist people's words. Before you start going off, please at least try to get it explained before you make a post trying to tell people not to let us in a faction. We used to be friends and I don't like friends doing that.
  4. It wasn't my decision to put that in the document, it is rude yes and I'm contemplating removing it, but reminder, it wasn't I or Medinator who stated it
  5. I only copied and formatted what everyone said. Personally, yes it was toxic and harsh, but I respected everyone's wishes and put what they thought.
  6. This is our formal resignation so that we can go to SWRP. MRP is fucked so we decided to get a group of MRP players to state their opinion of MRP, in hopes that it will change. The people in this were made anonymous just so they can avoided being targeted. All are reputable members of this community and do not deserve the backlash sent their way. Feel free to read it and respond how you will. Just know, cringe reacting or toxic reacting will furthermore prove our point. Everyone has been color coded based on what they decided to say about MRP. So just keep in mind the color codes are the different people speaking about that certain topic. Black is my opinion. Purple is Medinator. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18-0g8bXy-tx-Db-3GIv8hlQQurtJ1ALZ7OGUEbWIF3s/edit?usp=sharing Goodbye, we're being SWRP people.
  7. +1 I got to know him and he's such a doll. He's kind and he brings roleplay in all while being a great WO. I'm definitely interested in what other roleplay experiences he can offer
  8. I forgot that followers see everything you post and they get a notification. Now I feel bad cause they got a notification for this too. Sorry guys ;;

    1. Bortnik


      Cringe. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

  9. My past names were kinda cringe and I was like, ok I need a new name, so I just decided on Petal. I'm gonna change it soon probably, I dunno
  10. Then stop responding if you believe so or take it up with a higher up, quit responding just to only repeat yourself.
  11. Ok, I have no jurisdiction, but you're responses seem like spam at this point. You can quote multiple people at once and you can explain your side. Also a note, this is a report on you. I suggest you gather up information, and (With proper grammar and spelling) go ahead and explain your side in one message, not spam a bunch at once. It looks really sloppy on your part.
  12. I dunno what your gender is but you're supposed to write to the person above you. ^^ I like your kawaii lifestyle even though I've only seen your profile Edit: I think you're a girl so
  13. U didnt save me from hardy when he was stabbing me 😞 -1

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Hardy is evil trainer. First he stabs me in training, then baits me outside ;( @Hardyexplain urself!!!!11111

    3. petal


      No no it's ok it's ok! I was busy at the time and only had a quick second before I had to go AFK. I'm sorry he stabbed you



      It's not okay! Hardy must stand trial! 😡

  14. Thanks boo for thinking about me. I'll miss you but hopefully we'll talk to each other some other time. See you
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