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Everything posted by Payphone

  1. +1 Idk why i just feel like it, good app tho
  2. Cap

    1. Ridaar


      No chance its you

    2. Schyzo


      he's british

  3. First person to read the rules in 3 months +1
  4. hmm I have a feeling he did not read the rules -1
  5. +1 Fisherman Would be cool i think that it should be a prestige job ( maybe )
  6. I'm resigning from staff, love, yea I love this server and have been playing for years and have had a lot of memories, i don't like the direction the server is going. bye. @Corbzz@Vortex @snoopi @Hoal @Chinese Man @Hydra @HGEnzo123 @HGPotato @Chicaa21 @Derpza @everyone
  7. Best HG member fr You have been an amazing part of the server/community for alot of people. hope you have a great 2024 and onward!
  8. I blame enzo and dog for my demotion XD all jokes, congratulations
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