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Yazmo ☣

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Everything posted by Yazmo ☣

  2. *IM FROM MRP* But to my understanding the appeal section is not a place to apologize. Why would you get your ban revoked just because "I didn't mean too". That is a lesson to learn and just because you are or were staff doesn't mean you get different standards. The MASS was done while you were on Citizen, and your intention was clearly just to kill all the people not to really raid. Even if you did do /theif you still mass'd on citizen. Including your childish "I am done" post, I do not think you get a second chance off of being apologetic and saying "I did not mean too". -1
  3. MRP: "US only has 2 base factions"
  4. Except that discord has a small delay, and is meant for text chat over voice chat. TS is a lot better for larger groups and sub channels etc. It is also very simple to use, click on the channel you want to use.
  5. You may want to beef this up a bit more. But, you are an amazing leader in game and you continuously prove yourself to be a stellar member of the community. Based of your maturity, +1
  6. well this is a start, everything else looks great tho
  7. There is already a thread to discusss this. But anyway there does need to be a dmg reduction on the suppressor IMO. Remove the extended mag, supressor dmg reduction, and aim spread increase
  8. Third person..... it only has 1x sights
  9. Aim spread. No sniping with with the MP5. That is the worst part. But you are right. I think it deserves all 3 nerfs. Dmg reduction to supressor, remove extended, and aim spread increase
  10. remove extended mag, instead of DMG nerf just add a dmg decrease to the suppressor, and finally nerf aim spread. I wanna see this weapon burn man its ruining PVP atm
  11. I did not feel attacked in anyway. I was just pointing out your errors. As a staff I'm pretty unbiased especially as I personally never interacted with you. Your responses just aren't true from what I have seen, and Zed has given his statement.
  12. I am trying to qualify for the Canadian Summer Games, I will be away from home for the next 3 days in London Ontario qualifying. Thank you!
  13. I didn't really "supervise" it but okay. I just brought you to an Officer so they could remove your whitelists. Well this is extremely well written, you dodge the point quite often. You constantly /comms our plans, percentages, and kidnap statuses. IDK why you say they are false reports, because they certainly has justification. Ill now make certain comments. You straight did this in comms. We asked you politely and you refused to stop. You are correct that it technically IS NOT META. But just because someone tells you something false does not mean its true. If any officer, higher ranked, or anyone in general asks you to stop leaking information in comms, you do it. To my understanding, you do this often. Using comms to say what we are doing in war, saying %s etc... All of this is not even Meta as you used comms. But it COULD be FailRP and it is also just a reason to blacklist you if you did not stop. I never, EVER saw you actually trying to play the game. I only saw you goof off and get yelled at by others. In wars, you would literally yell random shit like "2GA GO TO COMP" and try to throw people off. You SAYING you have the full intent to RP in a semi serious server is getting you no where. No. This is a straight no. You cannot break faction rules then say its due to RP. Do you wanna talk about when you would literally go up to 2GA officers and do that Ugandan Knuckles clicking and spitting? What? I brought you to a sit to let you know why it was happening instead of just having them all removed. AKA a Strike. You can't bend the rules and do things out of order in the intent of "RP" and then be mad when people ask you to stop SEVERAL times. As an AOD, it is not my job to do anything to interfere with the faction. It is not my choice, I don't give opinions IN A SIT. And to the final point. Zed is the leader of 2GA, and if he deems you someone who is disrespecting and bringing down the 2GA image, that is up to him. Proof has not been needed in the past, and he does not really need it. If all the officers and enlisted have problems with you, and you fail to stop, you are worthy of your blacklist. Do not try to counter this with "bias" or "false". I have never interacted or approached you before, and let 2GA deal with their own faction. Second, do NOT try to make this an administrative issue and say "false". This is a faction level situation, and if Zed starts mass blacklisting THATS when it is an issue. -1
  14. As for you my friend. Keep doing you man feel free to contact me if you ever need me ?
  15. I hope I showed you what I could while I was around. SSO is growing and hopefully someone grabbed the touch I passed down to you guys. Love you man
  16. I appreciate it man ? And I’ll be on US from time to time but I’ll never leave RU
  17. I will always be in contact, in TS and feel free to snap me whenever
  18. I actually forgot to include you. You were what I wanted the OPTs to play like. You were always doing your best to benefit SSO in wars, great, communication, aiming, and to top it off great game sense/mobility. Thanks for being someone I could rely on. See you around ?
  19. Yeah you've been mature, I don't know if you've made an impact on the vast amount of the community but you have earned my +1
  20. I'll still be in RU kickin it with you QT
  21. Yeet you follow under the same category as completely and 100% reliable. You were everything I asked of you, and you managed to keep the Training Branch active even when I was set to leader of it. Keep doing the great work I hope one day you can be the leader of it too ?
  22. I don't even know how to start this. I've tried several times but I cant find the balance between emotional and how I want to formally want to express myself. I'm going to simply put it as I am resigning from SSO. My reason simply being I lost the love for the faction, never the people. It wasn't an issue with leadership, the enlisted, it all just boiled down to I couldn't really be the leader I aspired to be in SSO. It was a lot more than just a faction to me, it was people that I loved playing with everyday. But as an officer I burnt myself out and then could not keep up to my standards. I wanted to make a lot of change, for the better in my eyes but that wasn't my job to take part in. Ethan had some words with me that I will stick with. "The faction hasn't changed, only you had your views on it has". This is truly the case, as SSO has not really changed only my view and my impact on it has changed. So before I deal any damage to a blooming faction, I will be resigning. As for me I will be kicking it in RU still, most likely on 2GA just to play with my friends and be the leader I can be without having people rely on me. I'm sorry to everyone who thought I could ride this through to the end, and I'm especially sorry to my brothers in SSO. This was my first SOC faction but god damn it was a blast, until the end where I lost my drive and that is all on me. I just wanted to shout out a few people in SSO who really had an impact on me. @Nexus You left around the time I was hitting SSP, and it was a huge bummer for me. You really were a natural born leader and you helped me really inspire to be a LT just like you. I'm glad we talk more now when you're around, I hope to keep having good times with ya. @GarnetGaming | Medinator I got into the faction and you were caught up in real life trouble. I took you in like a little brother and I hope I was able to show you the good in not throwing your life away. I love you man and I hope you can keep figuring stuff out. @Catfisher We never fully clicked together but we stood side by side for a long time and we had lots of good times. I'm glad you finally caved and joined MRP and I hope you continue to shape SSO the way you have been. @{GG} Windows Second in command! You have been doing a great job leading, and I was always happy to report to you when Ethan wasn't around, Keep doing your shit man I'm gonna miss you. Especially that sound board. @.br0ken My brother, I love you. You are the perfect SSO member in every meaning of the definition. In wars, you were always reliable. Whenever I asked something from you, it was almost always done. Out of war, you host amazing training's and are a great leader to your peers. Be the LT I couldn't have been, make SSO proud! Contact me when you can bro @Riskii Just like br0ken, you were a brother to me. It was devastating when you left. You really have the capabilities to be a strong OPT and eventually an amazing officer. I hope you return when your school is over, you can really make SSO a better place. Love ya man. @Tora Last but not least, I'm gonna miss you so much. I have so much fucking fun with you and I really hope we meet up in Whitby or some shit sometime soon. You're super funny and you bring nothing but positive vibes to SSO. Feel free to snapchat me whenever you want cutie. And of course, I have to @ one last person. I owe my whole GG experience to this man. @Ethan you raised me from the dirt in GG. From the early rank of SHS when you picked me up and starting training me for SSO. You showed me the ropes of the server, what was accepted and wasn't, and showed me what it took to be a leader. If someone was willing and dedicated to put there trust in you, you should be willing to invest the time back into them. And that is exactly what you did to me. I looked up to you, and you trained me to be one of your best. Ever since I was a JSG in SSO, you showed me how much respect could be earned if you had the right mindset. You not only benefited me in SSO and GG, but made me a better person in real life. At the end of the day, you really founded what I have now, and I can't express how thankful I am for the great times you provided me. I'm sorry I let you down and we did not see eye to eye on the faction anymore. I wish you the best of luck in the future, and I hope you never ever get discouraged, what you do is fucking amazing, no matter what shit people have to talk. I am sorry. Thanks for the hundreads of hours you guys provided me, see you guys around GG and RU Cheers, - Yax
  23. 647 Hey man I've never met you before but I got mad respect for ya, takes a lot of courage and strength to do what you did.
  24. can we see proof for this
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