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Everything posted by El_Nino_Loco

  1. even if he has screenshots you never brought me to a sit or anything. you just banned me for leaving...? where is the logic in that?
  2. your video (if it even exists) will show you banned both me and waylon for absolutely no reason, and with no sit. You didnt even attempt to bring us, once you had our ID's if we even committed any offenses, you should have tried to teleport instead of just banning outright. Ill bet you didnt even check your leave and rejoining logs.
  3. i was printing in my base. I didnt even NITRP, and I never ltapped. You fixed it after my friend said you were being reported for it, clearly want to cover up your abuse
  4. your screenshots say theyre broke
  5. I am going to check my bandicam and see if the video processed, I started recording after waylon's ban so I could catch him.
  6. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: T.AdminYour in-game name: El Nino LocoYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:0:499174634In-game name of reportee: IPL4YG4AMESSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:98470489Date & Time of incident: Last night, 1:46 AMTimezone: Eastern StandardWhat happened? (include any proof): Starting out, my friend Vapeing (Waylong Jennings,) got banned for LTAP while on the server. I PMed IPLAYGAMES saying you banned a guy while he was ON the server. Shortly thereafter, I got banned for NITRP and LTAP when I had not left the server for 2 hours prior to my ban. I screenshotted the ban list at Garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans so I could report it last night. My other friend, Queer Quantum, Told IPLAY that I would be reporting him, then he got banned for Propblock + Ltap while on the server once again. Then I look and my Ban had been UPDATED by IPLAY to cover up his mistake. Both me and Waylon got our bans changed to cover up his abuse. He made no effort to bring us to a sit, and blatantly abused us just to cover up what he did. PICTURE OF ME PMING HIM AFTER WYLON'S BAN: PICTURE OF BANS BEFORE UPDATE: PICTURE OF BANS AFTER UPDATE: He should not be allowed to have the power to cover up his mistakes if he is going to misuse it. Waylon said he was going to report him too so we will wait for that.
  7. You're gonna need to show proof that you didn't do it, Until i see that I feel like Bradley was completely in the right in his decision, we trust him with protecting our server so I have no reason to doubt him. -1
  8. *Tries to go to esc menu to fix my settings when the ~ key does not respond* *Pop up Menu comes up* *Unable to change settings, I crash.*
  9. @Fetn The scamming rule applies to donation (real currency) scams primarily, not in-game money which is basically expendable. +1 for unban +1 for staff retraining and/or demotion
  10. "[OOC] Prop: After 700 hours of playtime ive never been warned once" yeeet -1 staff dont have to reply in OOC or @ chat
  11. -1 You diss MY staff team and then you have the nerve to apply? No.
  12. Considering the guy you killed was a hobo, i highly doubt he posed any real threat to you. Your ban will expire in like a day and a half. Youve already passed a decent part of it here on the forums.
  13. +1 With one big push and my arms spread wide I grabbed a cactus as it passed me byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  14. Maybe change it to where the props don't become phys, just nocollided?
  15. You do realize that 90% of Spawnblock cases occur when NO staff are online? Get down off of your thrones and look at this from the perspective of a player who has to deal with this nonsense, that is our only way of making peace and you want to take it away?
  16. Oftentimes as well warrants and battering rams prevent propblock of spawn too. overall it's a bad idea.
  17. Oftentimes, the police rams/warrants are utilized to prevent propblock. It's a sort of... preventive control over situations if utilized the right way. Not everybody plays by the rules and fading doors are often not used to protect raidables inside of a base. If props cannot be made physics, you cannot take down propblock that is often utilized to prevent printers from being destroyed. Just recently I saw a VIP protecting 6 printers with a prop which didn't even have a keypad. -1, Aint broke dont fix it
  18. The admin probably banned the guys without thinking that he will need "HARD evidence." We entrust the safety of the server with our admins, and you two are questioning the admin for proof and not the hacker? Why should the admin have to prove himself just, he did his job and I have no reason to doubt that he did it properly. Hey minge, show me proof that you weren't hacking.
  19. Joeball, please. I say once again. The time you are referring to was 32 hours ago, and the time he is speaking of only happened 9 hours prior to now. You haven't even been online the past 33 hours. *cough* His timezone is PACIFIC, that takes 3 hours away from Eastern Standard, which turns "2:45 on 5-2" into "11:45 on 5-1" Your comment is irrelevant and you were not present for this event. Please try to remain constructive. This post is confusing enough @Exotic You finished with your analysis yet so we can shut this thing down?
  20. Yeah, that was the day prior to this event, approx. 33 hours ago. This happened approx. 9 hours ago.
  21. We are talking about the same 2:30-3:00 AM EST? You last played GMOD 32 hours ago. Highly likely you are thinking of another point in time? During that time period and several hours prior, your name appears nowhere in the ban list. It does not appear you were referring to this time.
  22. The tests which I conducted require 2 or more participants who are competent enough to perform a controlled experiment and careful measurements. But do post your results, I am intrigued! (The decals of the spray patterns clear too quickly for one person to clear that distance.)
  23. Extensively time consuming to implement on the D3A Admin mod. Has been suggested several times in the past, and has been denied several times in the past. -1 Aside from the time needed for implementation, most modern-day hacks such as citizen hack can bypass many modern anti-cheats as well as screengrabs by displaying their GUI in a separate FOV.
  24. Being the crazy man I am, I conducted ballistics tests on all of the guns in question from the distances given by the eyewitnesses. I used a scale of 6x6 (Hobo size!) My testing chamber: I conducted my initial tests in a 24 unit contained area: I grabbed my friend Bill Nye the Science guy and we conducted the first 4 tests, here are the spread results: I went on to recreate the scene of the crime, here are the positions The top line represents the sniper's view out of the window in question, being more than double my test space, there was no way those shots wouldn't have spread far beyond the results I gave above. I did re-test from that distance of 54 units, here are the results: All in all, there is no way those shots could have been completed without spraying far beyond the head, recoil means nothing. -1, stay banned cheater.
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