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Everything posted by MattWatson

  1. Well, finally something we all agree on lol . Were making progress. Well, it doesn't matter now. I'm the last one arguing about this topic for the US (On the forums atleased). It's going to get denied and maybe that's a good thing. In a month or two this will come up again because the US will actually say something
  2. Agreed to all three points. But the issues still continue on. If no one voices them then they will just continue to be an issue.
  3. Like I said above Bias is not the right word for it but it was already said. If you can think of a word that describes what I mean feel free.
  4. I agree and disagree. People don't want to speak out in fear of retaliation. Most people, Especially new and some senior officers don't want to speak the minds because they don't want to get viewed badly by the ones that promote them. That's the main reason. A lot of RU don't have that fear because high ranking staff and officers support RU that speak their minds. That doesn't happen in the US. That way the people you see making a post or discussing issues just don't care about being ridiculed
  5. "prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair." This is the definition base of Google and well I'm not a public speaker or an English major, I'm an engineer. I literally use Grammarly so I don't sound 12. There's definitely a better word out there. But you got it on the dot. There's more RU on the forums then the US and because of this issues about the US don't get the attention needed and when they do they meet a huge opposition. Call this bias, or something completely different, that's what I see.
  6. Think about it this way. RU's presence on the forum's compared to the US is laughable. Almost no one from the US come onto to the forums unless they have been banned. Because of this, The opinion of the RU gets out there heavily compared to the US, There are only two people from the US that took some time and give their points. Let's say the RU wanted a Hot Dog Stand Outside RU (Just an example don't take it to literally) First, RU would have way more numbers to give support when it comes to the forums. Then there's the amount of staff that can relatively give feedback directly to the people who could make this happen. For the US, There a lot less staff to do that, A lot. Lastly, using the example this whole post is about (The US DB), some issues can affect one faction more than the other. Over the past few days, I can't recall one time that the US could kill a whole RU DB (Could be for many Reasons). There are many more examples that could show bias. But its mainly because the US doesn't have many people willing to speak up and that's the US fault but still it should be considered. Edit: Just to make it clear, Before this I didn't call you guys to bias. Just trying to explain how it could affect a given topic. Being bias is part of being human. Even for me, I'm pretty bias about this because its an issue I believe in and that makes me a little bias.
  7. Some issue with autocorrect made it by.
  8. I agree with that. But there is some truth to it. Edit: Also agreed, A lot of the US does not have much time, Kinda why I'm trying to speak for them because almost no US actually contribute to the forums. But it doesn't make the issue not important.
  9. I mean, yea it was a little toxic. I simply made a post detailing an issue people on the US have. It's a Suggestion and that's how it should be treated. And lastly saying that just because someone has less time than other makes there opinion not matter it's very arrogant. I thought I knew you better.
  10. -1 His behavior on the server and on Teamspeak is unacceptable as a staff member. Staff Members are considered more mature and more responsible players. He meets neither of these criteria. He might have the time but before a month ago he didn't play almost at all.
  11. Agreed, I still believe this is a grey area. Leaving this part up to the higher management/staff to decide might be for the best
  12. I agree heavily that the evidence isn't there, And that witnesses are needed. But the same issue applies to the scenario given above. How would you know if he had permission. In that context, the ranger would have been banned. Either way, I know witnesses aren't proof. But what about the one that gave the permission and the one that owned the claim. Is that not proof enough?
  13. In simulations, Users are usually not from the same faction. For example a Rangers Vs Army Sim. But the advert gave usually states that a given area is claimed and kos to unwelcome. Let's say a Ranger kills 3 army soldiers and they get triggered and report him. Would he be banned for mass? or will he get off because he was given permissions to be there by the owner of the claim verbally? Edit: Also FYI, Br0ken is a good staff member. He does a great job. Just a lot of grey areas in the rules, So please don't give him hate for this.
  14. To make it clear for the rest of the people interested in this issue, I'm trying to stay neutral but just supplying the info, Staff and applicable parties can use what I find however they want. I read the forum post above and it states "In the Advert it states that "SSO" Claims the area. Your 2GA not SSO, also getting trained for SSO there is no need for you to open fire." To the point, he was a trainee going through a tryout and only had perms to be within the claimed area, He did not have the permission to exercise any other permissions. It's up to staff to decide if a Claim Owner is allowed to give permission to exercise the rights set out by the claim owner of the claim but if it's decided by staff to not be allowed then there will be a lot more rdm reports.
  15. KOS Zones/Claims: You may claim any area of the map (apart from your own or the enemy’s base) as long as it is clear what you are claiming and it can be reasonably identified by other players. In addition, you may KOS said claimed area to those that are not in your faction or not authorized to be there, and kill them should they intrude on your claim, friendly or not. A faction has a claim until they unclaim it. This is out of the MOTD
  16. (Natural) So During this situation, I was kidnaped by broken and brought to the outpost, I heard a fellow officer at which I screamed for help, What I didn't know till then was Mark Duglas, watched me get kidnaped and was waiting to strike at the right moment. Lucky for him marines had claimed and had it kos to anyone that was unwelcome. At this point, Mark had permission from marines to exercise the right to enforce the kos. Because of this Mark should be in the right based on server rules.
  17. Want to make a reminder. This is a suggestion. I have seen some aggressive responses on this. If you do not like it then please explain why this would be a bad idea otherwise please, keep non-relevent, toxic responses for in person or somewhere else. I put alot of my free time into this community and when I decide to make a suggestion theres alot of agressive behavior. It's a suggestion. If you dont like it then -1 it and give a reason why. Thanks for your time. I really do like reading alot of your responses but think before you post.
  18. So acid rain made a point that might be a good idea to make this issue less of and issue. Bring back the third ROE. Anyone with explosives is kos. Any thoughts @Phantom
  19. ^ that would fix the issue I proposed in another post.
  20. I suggest puting alot more time in the future. Maybe just right a book of an application
  21. ^ Ya I thought it had a timer. But the issue I think with suicide bombers is about when there used out of war.
  22. Thanks for your replie. Im not looking for major changes. Just for pre and post was debriefs to be safe till there dismissed
  23. Kinda trying to bring up a issue that people on US have. So please refrain from shitposting unless you have something constructive on the argument. I'm very happy to see both sides of the argument but shitposting. Not needed
  24. He kinda has a point phantom. If it's a semi serious rp server then where do you draw the line. Some things are considered failrp, some things are not.
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