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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Ebichu

  1. my ex brought up the fact that she still has my address, not too sure how to feel about this 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nutter


      You should probably tell mommy that your ex knows your address

    3. Jake
  2. This school shit getting kinda lame

  3. +1 From community feedback you seem like a good guy and are ready for the big leagues. (Is crouch jumping really a warnable offense?)
  4. Sly cooper 1-3, spyro, Katamari Damacy, SOCOM, Super Mario 64, Ty the tasmanian tiger 2.
  5. I dont think it can be elaborated on any further, he killed hella people and got a mass ban. +1 A lot can change in a person over 1 year time frame, I say he should be given another opportunity to play.
  6. I didn't read the whole thing but I'm sure it was beautiful
  7. -1, forgot to add one grain of salt for a bit of spiciness.
  8. Neutral, do you happen to know how to make a good grilled cheese?
  9. Ebichu

    Military Police

    I was a pretty high rank in both ANP and MP and it was a big shit show. Children arresting people for no reason and minging at 3 in the morning. Bringing back both or making it one big thing instead of 2 wouldn't be too bad as long as it STAYS as a non main faction. My question though is who would lead such a thing and how would joining work?
  10. Medinator and I fell off but I can say that he was one of my only friends on here. Compared to how I've seen him act a year ago (according to his snapchat), I can personally see a big growth in his maturity and I think he is fit to be able to come back. His "crime" may have been pretty bad but this was a year ago and things can always change,+1.
  11. This application seems pretty good. The paragraphs are pretty good and you seem to know how to follow directions. One thing I do see though is that for the "have you ever been banned or punished" part, you mention you got a warn for RDM but you dont state that warn in the question where it asks how many warns you have(hopefully that made sense). I'll give a +1 but I would like you to elaborate on it.
  12. Jokes are a really good edition seeing as I take 30 minutes to load in, thanks Garnet.
  13. Megan The Stallion must be your most hated enemy or something. Even without using the format, you still admitted to breaking the rules.
  14. Still didn't read the staff rules though
  15. This really doesn't explain how he coincidentally looks at someone who is invisible. I'm sure that your mouse did have some sort of weird glitch like this but even with your experience it still doesn't really help his case much. (btw I looked up this mouse you had and its aesthetically horrendous)
  16. That still doesn't make any sense at all. For this to happen, your mouse would have to break through the matrix and move on it's own for the computer cursor to move. I could be wrong but I'll wait for further evidence and then we shall see.
  17. How does your cursor move with out touching the physical mouse
  18. Now I'd say this is a bit tricky. Now you have contributed to Garnet even if it didn't work out too well. Ozzy made it seem like that even though you made an impact, it was a bit of a flop(sorry) so it wouldn't end up swaying him which I dont quite agree with. I think that a person who has intentions to improve Garnet should be brought back and its already been a year so +1.
  19. I think the part about the staff team was a bit misunderstood. I see no mention of him calling out incompetence among the staff team, I see it has him saying that he would be a good addition as he is experienced. Even with all that said, I would still -1 due to the fact that you do not have exact hours, the format is terrible, and your application has more filler than Naruto.
  20. Ebichu

    ban appeal

    This isn't something that someone who wants to be unbanned should say
  21. I just found a Hershey rapper with no fucking Hershey in it

  22. Can't wait to test out my new super powers

    1. Ebichu


      Update: The date is December 21st and I have no super powers

    2. Ebichu


      I was tryna become the Avatar bro

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