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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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About PrisonNightmare

  • Birthday 08/07/2002

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  1. It's been a while, I usually come on the forums to lurk every once and a while to check up on how things are doing, and tonight I just wanted to make a post and see how everyone was doing. I don't play GMOD anymore (or play any games in general for that matter) but this community was a big part of my life growing up as a teenager. The server and this community in general got me through some lonely times in my life, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm glad to see that it's still doing well and that it's still kicking, and it's always nice to see familiar names I remember when I played pop up on here. I remember being 14 and working my way up to being the second "General of the Army", and feeling so accomplished. I honestly think that this server really shaped me into the person I am today, it sounds dumb but I really do think it helped me learn a lot of life skills in terms of leadership and building connections with people when I didn't really have anywhere else to turn to learn those things. Also met a lot of cool people because of this community, I haven't really kept in contact with a lot of them but I still think about them a lot from time to time. I guess as a little mini update on myself for those who care, I've been focusing on myself and working on improving myself both physically and mentally. I've been devoting myself to weightlifting & bodybuilding in general, and I've pretty much fallen in love with the gym. Guess I just wanted to make an appreciation post more than anything, was feeling nostalgic and just wanted to say thank you @Nutter How have you guys been?
  2. A wild Prison Nightmare appears!

  3. Reallllly wish I didn't gamble all my money away the last time I was on now Great update Garnet!
  4. merry christmas garnet gamers 

  5. That kill card feature is amazing, it tells you the hp the person you were killed by was at so you can mald at close fire fights even more. Could you hypothetically make ones that unlock when you hit a certain prestige or hit a certain amount of kills total? Lots of potential with that ngl though lol. Great update thanks Garnet
  6. Never forget the LSAC massacre of October of 2021...
  7. I’m ngl I don’t remember any of the maps by name lol, does anyone have any screenshots to help others like me who don’t know them by heart? Would be much appreciated
  8. Damn looks really good! Great job so far, can't wait to see what it looks like when it's further along. That US base was probably one of my favorite layouts, glad to see it making a return. Would it be possible to make all the buildings in town have lighting? I remember it having ridiculously dark spots, I think it ruins the combat gameplay a lot with people just hiding in dark corners and camping there the entire war. Having all the objectives have lit up lighting makes them infinitely better in my opinion. Don't know how similar this map is to v3, but I kind of like the idea of replacing the globe: (forget what the name of it was lul) with an actual tower structure in similar shape to it, kind of like how Silo was on delta I think it was? Can't remember what map that was on. Maybe add a similar one near afghan base so it evens it out, rather than just have one nearer the US base. Might be a dumb idea, but just trying to spitball lol. Gl with map though looks good so far.
  9. I mean I'm sure you mean well, but this appeal reads like a sob story. Your first appeal you don't even acknowledge what you did, you just try to pretend that you did nothing wrong and you don't know what you did. Your second appeal you acknowledge your mistake, but then try to weasel your way out of the DarkRP ban by saying what you did didn't affect that community, only the MRP community. And now with this ban appeal, all you've done is say you know you don't deserve a second chance, and that you should be unbanned because you used to do so much for the DarkRP community, which in reality none of us from MRP really care about. I personally wouldn't even really give a fuck if you were unbanned, because it's been so long since your ban I know you wouldn't hack again. But you not even saying "I'm sorry for what I've done" or "I humbly ask for forgiveness" in the THREE unban appeals you've made, leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. -1.
  10. how yall doing

    1. JackJJ


      Better now  : )

    2. Jake


      better than you prisonligmare

  11. Holy shit I didn't realise so many of us from 2016 were still around wtf lol. Also joined in 2016, and have been playing on and off since. Pretty sure I was just joining random RP servers and this one has just stuck with me since.
  12. I think the espionage idea is a really good idea, however I don’t think it being behind a paywall is. It should be a specialization people in each T2/T1 fac can earn/tryout for. It’d add some more RP opportunities which is always a good thing. I think if Garnet & Bizzy can find a suitable way to integrate it, it would be a really fun thing to have on the server.
  13. In what way was it abused? Was he moving people out of channels he shouldn’t have been or something? Can’t remember what perms you get with that role lol
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