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  1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/13q7T5_M0gqxvRxxVPltqbz4uzFbLK6hP/view?usp=sharing
  2. Description: **NOTE this is based off of the Simfphys tank post I made earlier and is supposed to replace it (I couldn't figure out how to delete it)** While VCMod has worked well as a platform for providing easy transportation, we can agree that it has a large share of issues that were either claimed to have been resolved or have no easy solution to fix. A few examples of this are drivers taking damage if the vehicle is shot at all, vehicles are hard to turn, and it's too easy for someone to steal the vehicle and drive it forever until they leave, are banned for FailRP, or the vehicle is destroyed. With Simfphys, however, the issues listed are not a thing. If a Simfphys vehicle is shot, the driver and passengers take no damage (unless you shoot through a window). These vehicles are able to be tuned and duplicated through the toolgun, and require fuel to run. The fuel limit opens up a variety of RP scenarios like Vehicle Recovery, etc., and deter thoughts of running off with someone else's vehicle. Simfphys Vehicles are also more durable than VCMod and won't take just 2 Mosin shots to blow up. There are multiple vehicle packs supported so you can choose the vehicles used in the game (they don't all behave the same Stock). How this can help the server: Once again, this would open up another set of RP Scenarios, help deter FailRP by Stealing cars with the Fuel Limit, and resolve multiple issues with VCMod. While work would need to be done to make the vehicles fit the goals of the server, I would be more than happy to provide assistance through the process. Extra Material: Link To Addon (Simfphys base): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=771487490
  3. I'm gonna go back through as the VCMod replacement for cars is a better deal than the whole thing. give me a bit to refine this
  4. such is why I added parts about the other aspects of simfphys as well as straight RP versions that do not include functinal weapons. though i do have to agree with the possibility of Server Performance hits
  5. Description: A little while ago, I heard through the grape vine that there was thought about implementing Tanks and Tank Crews as another way to bring in proper RP to the server, but no one knew a good vehicle Base/Engine to use. Well, I have a Base that I have been using in GMod for a while now; Simfphys. Simfphys has a series of general improvements over VCMod when it comes to cars as well, one being the driver does not usually take damage when the vehicle is shot, yet does when the vehicle crashes at high speeds. When it comes to tanks in Simfphys, there are different versions available, notably Normal and RP versions. The tanks also seat 3-4 people depending on which is used, allowing for tank crews. In normal versions, Seat 1 (operator/driver) is used to drive, operate the main cannon, and fire the cannon turret's built-in machine gun; seat 2 is used to operate a separate machine gun; seat 3 either is just a seat or operates another separate MG; and the 4th Seat onward (for other vehicles like APC's) are just seats in the vehicle. For the RP versions, only the driver seat does anything: Drive. All Simfphys Vehicles have a gas tank that will drain as the vehicles are driven, and Simfphys allows the customization of performance and duplication of vehicles using the toolgun. Simfphys includes a Gas/Diesel/electric power pump for refeuling, making refueling a car a necessary part of RP. The addons required for this to work are "[simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base", and "[simfphys] armed vehicles". You can choose a variety of vehicle packs after that to fit your needs. I will be using the "[Simfphys] [INS1] Gulf War Armed Vehicles" pack by Artic to demonstrate the HUD used as well as some of the vehicles available. (See Extra Material) How this can help the server: Once again, this would open up another set of RP Scenarios and help deter FailRP by Stealing cars with the Fuel Limit. While work would need to be done to make the vehicles fit the goals of the server, I would be more than happy to provide assistance through the process. Extra Material: (DISCLAIMER: Humvee is not HUGE. I took the picture with it suspended in midair)
  6. Well at the moment, i am actually tinkering with the Hammer Editor built into GMod, trying to make a map inspired by what i've seen in CSDesert_V2 and the recent Echo Maps, mainly to see if i could do it, but perhaps to try submitting to the GGMRP community to receive feedback to improve my creation, and if the Great Garnet wills it, maybe have it made an official map. But, in order for that to really work, i would need assets for MATCH, ATTC, textures to go along with it, and extras that Garnet/the community would like. This, However, brings a different meaning to the "Community Built Map" the title suggests. It's not hard to make a basic or (even a more advanced) map, but when it comes to how it works, the players and the community need to have a say so it's fun for anyone and everyone. Now, there are plenty of maps i've heard of but never played on, and so Aparh's suggestion would be nice, just to switch things up and keep things interesting. Regardless of those points, i have to +1 this just because everyone wants more of a say in things, regardless of the situation. Yes, that is why we have the suggestions tab here in the forums, but people may not have "Valuable" suggestions, and need a prompt to work off of. I think that letting the community submit map designs to be voted on, or suggestions of things to be added to maps being created could really benefit GGMRP and its community by actually bringing people together to create something everyone enjoys
  7. +1 While I personally have not had an issue, I can see how it would be an issue
  8. Little late for that. I'm Over here for now! but yeah. I get ya. Thanks Mate.
  9. So essentially, my next plan of action is to join RU, wait a while so I can rack up some more hours, and revamp my Application? The amount of activity I can put in relies fully on any schedules I have, as well as if my parents will get off my ass about being on for more than 2 hours a day, but I can do my best to put some more time and experience in.
  10. Name: 11B CWO2 KernelPanic Age: 15 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:429980526 Warns: No Current Timezone: PST (UTC -8:00) Playtime: 76:59:54 (as of 11/18/2019 at 4:13 PM) TS/Mic Access: Yes Recording ability: Limited until more storage Referrals: N/A Benefits: As a staff member, I aim to help keep the server running with all of its rules followed. I aim to resolve conflicts as they arise, but also prevent issues from arising in the first place. Following my past experiences In other leadership roles, I believe that while an organization of any kind needs leadership, the best moderation is that where the leader intervenes when necessary, but otherwise steps back from moderation and simply enjoys what he/she is helping along; this I wish to commend the current staff team for. However, while I know that it is necessary to remove the bugs or iron out the issues, I feel that it is as important to be there as a guide for the individual players as well as the server itself. I feel that the staff could do more for identifying the motives of the offender, and talk with them in-order to have a chance at improving how they deal with a situation. While this shouldn't be the only thing staff does, I feel that this is important in-order to keep both players who were confused about what to do because they couldn't understand their trainer, or who simply need a little more help from being wrongly punished for their actions. I'm not asking for the staff to be therapists, but simply stating that incidents can most certainly be looked into more than they are. Ban or Punishment History: none Previous Applications: none Time available: Weekdays: >4 hours, Saturday: 3-6 hour window, Sunday: 1-2 hours Thank You.
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