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Everything posted by Bortnik

  1. Bortnik

    Vibe Ban Appeal

    Don’t you know posting after the verdict is a forum warning...or maybe you’ll just get a verbal this time
  2. supernova (in the very distant future)
  3. Pretty sure we already do that. Honestly a solid app, but since I haven’t been in game in a while, I’m not sure if your attitude has changed. Regardless of that, change your most creative idea and I’ll +1 Edit: ok, I like what you changed, I’m gonna give it a few days and see how you’re acting , and go from there
  4. This might be the most poggers SWRP update of them all. I’m glad you’ve been grinding the server recently, I really hope this is what we need to get back on track. On another note, I should be back from my California trip in a few days, so I’ll be able to help out again. Looking forward to trying all of the new features.
  5. Bortnik


    Expand on your single event, it should be at least a paragraph and go in-depth as to what the event will be. I advise going over your app and just adding some more stuff here and there, and also fixing what has already been pointed out.
  6. I haven’t been on SWRP lately, due to a few reasons(but not boredom). So I can’t really speak on the current situation, anyways from my experience, we go in the right direction, but then all of a sudden our pop just drops. And I can never understand why. We have all these awesome features being added, and constant updating, only for the pop to disappear. And that got me thinking about any changes we can make, but most of them have already happened. Such as getting new management(Conway)and adding more jobs(in-progress). On another note, I heard we were re-opening almost all of the factions, which is good, but the problem we had is that it was too un-coordinated and annoying to do events since there’s more batt’s, but less people in them. And some valid points that were brought up in the discord being; Lots of the playerbase is burnt out of Gmod, and it becomes a chore to play. Most, if not all of the current swrp guys have been here since the start. And I’m sure a few of them think that, but don’t really realize it, and end up leaving out of the blue. Finally I think it’s important to talk about some donator items, I feel the stuff we have can be improved upon, maybe like more ranks, such as a $50 rank, and maybe a $5 rank. Also maybe add some other weapons to the portal. I’m not exactly sure what guns, but if you’re interested in expanding it, I can definitely look into it.
  7. Anyone know of fun stuff to do in LA/San Diego?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IAreGunner


      Just drive down the coastline the mountains are beautiful and the ocean is a beautiful sight.

  8. Bortnik

    Pilot Skins

    If you make a suggestion, follow the format, and provide some player models that we can use for it
  9. Movie (there is a movie called shaft, with everyone's favorite; Samuel L. Jackson)
  10. Cya grace, I haven't talked to you in a while but imma miss my favorite e-girl simp
  11. After re-reading the updated application, here’s my input: You say a lot of good personality qualities, that would be good for staff, but I’m wondering if you actually have them. You have some staff experience which is nice. You have shown your dedication to the server in recent time, that’s always a plus, but we want to make sure you don’t burn out as soon as you get staff. With that being said, I don’t think it’s enough of one side to make me +1 or -1, so I will remain neutral for the time being.
  12. God damn, good work garnet. This are some great changes & additions. I’m also on board with entity, if I have any ideas for automated events, I’ll message you on steam
  13. Everyone is leaving imma miss my favorite man. Have fun with football. Love you drose
  14. Bortnik

    Ban Apeal

    Gonna say this; I suggest you add more to "why should your ban be removed" as that is very underwhelming. You also know that we can't just instantly believe you, when you say "my friend got on my computer and did that". Yeah it sucks, but even if it was your friend, that s no excuse for it happening. Either way, I don't think we even accept these "it was my friend, not me" appeals anyways.
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