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Account Terminated
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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. -1 for being a chicken fillet smooth brain
  2. 2GA PVT Finger Nugget was banned by V MAJ Ozzy for 999 years. Reason: hacking Im not part of the community 5head
  3. https://streamable.com/dkqc1o Ima leave this here pls cring
  4. Facts Massive +1 to Simone getting unbanned
  5. Nigga you cheated they didnt use any evidence from me for the reasons that have been stated massive -1 you sped
  6. I can say right now he wasn't using external assistance I ran the lua stealer several times and not once did it pick up anyone else's luas apart from jammy? If so show the evidence for the community to see You can disagree or cringe or what ever but i can guarantee that you've never used external luas or internal menus and it really shows because it seems youre basing these bans of circumstantial evidence, all im going to say is you need to rework how you deal with these accusations.
  7. Woah Hashim Ima miss you bigman was really fun being under your GRU. Goodluck on wherever you go next
  8. You were a good manager Aidan it was fun to be on the server while you were a manger. Have a good future man.
  9. You tryna say im cheating or something?
  10. So as you know I resigned permanently and wanted to make a cringe montage of my time in GRU. @Hashim @Hysteria @Flame @SixtyFlags @Jesus @Malmood @Tristan , Rob and Stromboli! Thanks for everything!
  11. This put the biggest smile on my face thanks man!
  12. One of the reasons i'm leaving I have alot of personal issues including a drinking problem
  13. So this is my formal resignation from Garnets community and I can say its been the best time of my life without a doubt I may be back at some point but with my current situation in life I cant make time for the server anymore my activity the past week has dropped significantly and I feel this is the right thing to do especially mentally. So I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone I've met and the memories we have had! @Garnet What can I say keep doing what your doing man! @Millerjerm One of the people i'm closest too on this server thank you for the opportunities you provided me. @Bortnik Good luck with SWRP you know where to find me! @Torch Thank you for the memories in SSO my first SOC faction and helping me change as a person. @Zuki We have had our differences but I feel we are chill now. @Gythem I just want to apologise for my actions when i was in your SEAL's keep doing what you're doing man. @VBSA My favourite Turk<3 @Salmon Ahhh one word JACKBOX! @Homeless One word TEE-K.O @SixtyFlags Pretty cool I'll miss you. @Krimzin I dont even know what to say about you apart from WHERES THE SCREENSHOT! @Hofman Thanks for GRU! I'ma miss you! @Pyrex You're a good kid I have no doubts you'll be a future marshal for 2GA @DuckyRU Dont leave the server even if people think you're lying what you know is more important!nik @Hashem You're an amazing leader i'm so happy I was apart of your GRU. @Nikolai The monkey wouldnt get inside the cages so I had to put it down. Sorry to anyone I missed. So yeah I guess this is goodbye thank you everyone! I may come back at some point I may not time will tell. Goodbye.
  14. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:52779832 Weapon Choice : STERLING L2A3 Your Favorite GUN ON MW : HDR
  15. Women are a complicated species it baffles my mind how your supposed to figure life out thats all from me. Peace! 

    1. KingOfCoochie1993


      girls are pretty hot bro

  16. The evidence is so unwatchable, Its not 100% Solid so +1 for it to be removed!
  17. I'm just sat here thinking about life and why it's so shitty you know. 

    1. LalaDeviluke


      Because we got hecka shit to stress about and our future depends on yourself and people around you.

    2. Zephyr
  18. Probs best if this was moved to factions and regiments? Under 2GA?
  19. The way its dealt with in MRP is they would receive a FailRP warn after being told to stop
  21. So this is just a PSA for all Garnet members including the big man himself @Garnet
  22. This is punished in MilRP so I don't see why it shouldn't be enforced in DarkRP.
  23. I can say you do not know what happened i was there and witnessed what happened so i suggest you don't say anything unless you actually know what happened that night.
  24. Not needed? Like both of you theres no need for comments like this just take it to a PM. You also just made yourselves look pretty immature.
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