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Everything posted by Pluto_

  1. app short and didn't read rules -1
  2. I know one of your referrers to have a rather large brain and you are an active player with good playtime +1
  3. always need more of these @metro @rico App is good, and I've seen you base with knoxx so I know you're at least a semi brain-enabled individual. You have my support. +1
  4. Being able to record is a requirement
  5. I'm almost certain it would because I can't think of any class where you can interact with another player through your keyboard. It's different with quickwant because it's simply a bind that you aim at a player. I feel like if someone is placing so many hits they would already have a bind for it. -1
  6. -1 This just seems clunky. There are already payphones around the map that basically do the same thing
  7. Yeah I would get behind this since pop is 100+ for most of the day now, maybe 3 assassin 2 hitman?
  8. Pluto_


    +1 I'm always down for more hats
  9. I have never once seen you in game, you have minimum playtime, and your staff isn't the very longest. Your current saving grace is actually reading the staff rules. I will give rep once more feedback comes in Neutral
  10. It won't for me, like I said on Rapt's app two of our mods are currently banned for mass. Your app and playtime are good so I'll +1 however I don't know you very well at all so I may change if something comes up
  11. A little less girth than I like to see; however, you are definitely one of the most active players, your playtime is huge, and you read the staff rules. I am 100% on board with you being staff, but others will want a bit longer of an app most likely. For me it's a +1 Also at least two of our mods are currently banned for this reason so I don't care about this at all. And who hasn't been warned for some OOC bullshit, I hope you get it buddy!
  12. If only mitch mcconnell was this generous
  13. I've seen him on a good amount recently, he bases in industrial cap Your entire app could fit in the "Why should we choose you section?" There is absolutely no effort at all here. -1
  14. Yes brother it is a significant pain to load more rocket ammo to the point where I don't bother even using them +1
  15. Pluto_

    DJ Update

    Just get a better spot bro* -1 *or just wait for them to get behind your kos line
  16. You are a very consistent player wohmi, and I have seen improvement in your behavior. I have no doubt at all that you would be good staff, and honestly bro with not carl's referral there's nothing stopping you bro. +1
  17. an active brain-enabled individual with previous experience +1
  18. In all honestly I was waiting for this, I definitely would've given the referral. Very active player and a seemingly large brained individual +1
  19. Holy shit Will you were not fucking around. good shit Will @Radio_Will You have officially out-done me, and I could not be more proud of you. You were my first trainee and it makes me extremely happy to not only see you succeed, but to stay committed over a year later. @Hardy
  20. Active player, app is good, and didn't lose your cool when we were minging outside your base* so I think you'd be pretty good staff. +1 *Like Rico did lol
  21. Based purely off the amount of money I have made off your printers I know for a fact that you are basically as active as proggy (who quite literally never disconnects). Your app is highly appealing, and I think highly of one of your referrers. +1
  22. It's the credentials for me +1
  23. -1 If someone is indeed such a grinder to hit level 100 non-vip then they should find someone who will take your in-game money for credits. Also I doubt this is even possible to implement, I'm pretty sure the tool gun uses are either enabled or not, so there would be no way for it to be unlocked for user rank no matter the level.
  24. @stretchy @Calvin @Boalp @KingDamon Roy is right on this one, I do believe he means 10 warns ever, I don't even think it's possible to connect with 10 warns? They expire after two weeks @Sperm Warns aside I am willing to leverage how active he is and his attitude in sits to forgive a somewhat lacking application, not to mention the hours. I will give positive rep if we find out about those warns.
  25. Very good. I thought of new things to mention that I had not before. I will definitely be hitting on this. This I had not even thought of, very good suggestion. I'm planning to have the video made by 2021, but I have severe ADD so cross your fingers It will probly be at least another day before I start making the video so if anyone else has suggestions leave em here.
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