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Everything posted by LASDSheriffDog

  1. This was already handled in-game by staff. @proggy @Chase @Buddha Just a FYI the Reportee was banned by console for a day for reaching warn limit after he Diss'd in sit.
  2. Player has read the rules, Decent hours, Stated clearly of what makes him unique and how he could help benefit the server even more. Was honest about the warns and overall like this application. +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  3. I haven't yet met this person, But those paragraphs are making me full! I love this application and would love to see you on the staff team! +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  4. In your ban it should show who banned you whenever you tried to join into the server, We are to put our name in after the reason of the ban.
  5. Congrats to everyone here, I am glad we're all here to help make our server enjoyable and awesome for all new people being introduced to DarkRP and to make sure everyone has a good time on our servers! Congrats to Hotgirl, Diego, And Ashen for MVP!!
  6. There is one, Go into tab menu and on the far right side of the list you have a mute button to actually mute that player.
  7. Some how I think we should try and merge these suggestions together.
  8. I dont want to discourage you, You seem like a nice person as I've played with you for a while. Unfortunately I would like to know you better as there have been times I've seen a bit of a minge but it wasn't too bad. I know we all need chances sometimes but would really love to see you improve of the mingey part of yourself. There was possibly one time, Maybe it was you it's hard to recall and my video didnt catch. But you were media mic spamming once and have seen some sort of minge from time to time. I just dont think you're ready for staff at this point in time. Other than that you're a great person but I would love to see you on the team. I just don't think you're ready for it yet. -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  9. No one can actually kick, People can reconnect but you would be back in like 20 seconds just like a reconnect would. If its that we would've seen someone do /reconnect and a message saying this player has reconnected this player. And even if you were reconnected admins still do not need to give you compensation for what happened and what you lost.
  10. -1 I was in a sit with this player earlier today about what happened. @Chase dismissed this as the player did not have sufficient proof of what happened. I do have video recording of the sit and what went down. Player claimed there was a glitch in the job menu, He some how was able to click join job on a job that was already full. Once he did that he claims it kicked him without reason. He then requested chase and going through and asking questions the player said he doesnt have video recording showing the glitch but says his friend has video recording of the player DC'ing. It could be a glitch, It could be players internet issue. But as I was helping another staff member with this I request chase to come up and to help us out. Player didnt have sufficient proof that it was a glitch and this was handled already in-game by a manager. No clue why it was brought up to forums. -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  11. Kinda worried that's all you got from my post, Sticking with my original post as it's just a bad idea.
  12. -1 Reasons as follows, If players are able to media mic spam they could play anything on youtube that could be very mingy. Anything by ram ranch or something super racist. It should stay in place as it could be abused by many players and when stopped by staff we cannot tell the player to not play that and they respond with oh other staff told me that we could. We would just be running around in circles to figure out what is okay and what is not okay as we all have a different taste in music. It's easier to make it a rule of no media micspam than to try and limit the 100s of thousands different songs and media on youtube or from any other media player. -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  13. @Fetn Due to recent changes in rules you cannot be added to refs as it was done before your referral. All referrals must be done prior to the application being made. Do not give an applicant your referral after they've applied; a +1 serves the same purpose. If you wish to refer an applicant, talk to them before they apply. The application does look good and I will be +1'ing as I think you'd make a good staff member. +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  14. As far as I can tell little to none effort was put into your staff application. Do /playtime and it'll tell you how much playtime you have in our server. Second off, You didn't read the rules too well. You haven't read the responses on your application on how to better your application. I will have to -1 due to these reasons. -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  15. "I like the hours and the application can be very relatable, It's a good application and seeing that you've had previous experience on GG,.Unfortunately I haven't seen you in-game or on TeamSpeak. Before I +1 I would like to get to know you more and how you function in-game and in TeamSpeak I'd certain things happen. For now I will -1 as I dont know you but I do trust the recommendations on the application." I trust stalin's information about this said player and heard good things about him. +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  16. "There's a few things on this application, You stand out to me. You stated what makes you special! You have had previous staff experience on a server I use to be staff on many years ago, My only issue is I don't know you, I want to +1 but since I dont know you I cant really +1 just based on your application alone. And writing this kinda is pulling me apart as it was done extremely well. I just haven't met you and would like to see those hours to be higher. Server requirement is 72 hours. " ‐---------------------------------------------------------- Edit : Player has reached time requirement, Even though I have not spoke to this person I trust he will make a great staff member and continue his dedication to Garnet Gaming. +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  17. You have referrals from staff I trust and positive reviews from staff I trust as well, I have seen you extremely active on the server even though I usually am on at night I still see you which is a pleasant surprise. I would love to know you more so come join us on teamspeak, We dont bite! +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  18. -1 Few reasons why I'm giving this a -1 1. Poor paragraph --- You need to have at least 2 paragraphs and must be strong paragraphs that could easily be read 2. Minimum is 72 hours of playtime on the server (If I'm reading it correctly he has 32 minutes as the format is hours.minutes.seconds) 3. Did not read the staff rules. (READ LINE BY LINE ON THE RULES) 4. I've never seen or even heard about this player For these reasons I will be -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  19. I agree with @eli_ and @Vaelex, I dont think I've seen you in-game or in team speak. Also seeing that you only agree with people that are giving you a +1 and actually disagreeing with people who give a -1. Which correct me if I'm wrong will give them bad rep on the forums page. -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  20. Great app, awesome layout and looks to be well known in the community +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  21. Hey chief! I would recommend adding more to your paragraphs, It is a requirement for at least 2 full paragraphs on why you want to be staff. Tell us how you can be beneficial to us, What makes YOU stand out. I definitely understand we got to start somewhere if we want experience. Just let us know who you're. Come on teamspeak and just chat with us, I would love to get to know you better! Personally myself have not seen you in-game at all, Some staff are saying that we have had previous issues with you before. My suggestion to you would to add more to your paragraphs and come and get to know us better. For now I will be putting a -1, I would like to see a few things if you edit this application. First off I want to see better paragraphs explaining how you can really help us and how you would handle certain situations, Secondly just come and say hello and pop into teamspeak or even OOC and get to be well known in the community itself (We don't bite!). Lastly, I would just take my recommendations in mind and make a few changes to your application and write when you made an edit. For now I will be putting a -1, If any changes are made I will update my post. -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  22. First off, You were just saying what admins are supposed to do and how they're supposed to be 100% of the time. I appreciate the honesty of being banned from 2 darkrp servers, However I haven't met you or even seen you in-game. So I don't know your personality whatsoever, I would love to get to know you better and see what makes you special. For now I'll be -1 until I can know you more in teamspeak/discord or even in-game. You can add me at LASDSheriffDog#9777 on discord. I look forward to meeting you. -1 -LASDSheriffDog
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