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Everything posted by LASDSheriffDog

  1. This person read the rules, Understands what mods will do and overall really like this layout of application. Very easy to read and did clearly explain what makes him stand out. I would love to talk to you more on Teamspeak or in-game. I haven't seen you much in-game. I'll plus one but I would love to know more about how you're different like what's special to you! +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  2. +1 I have seen you on for a while, Never had any problems with you. +1 LASDSheriffDog
  3. I trust @StevieTwith his recomendation, You have some really good paragraphs and actually read the rules. I havent seen you in-game, Or in TeamSpeak. I would love to speak to you and get to know you better. For now I'll +1, If I hear anything I will update my post. +1 For now LASDSheriffDog
  4. Eli summed it up well, Ive seen you in-game and never had a real issue with you. You're missing quite a bit on your application. You can edit so theres a chance you could get a few +1's but fir now I will be -1, If any changes are made I might reconsider. Please read the rules line by line, Beef those paragraphs up. Also, Come join us in teamspeak. Its absolutely free and a requirement. -1 Woof Woof LASDSheriffDog
  5. This person hasn't read the rules, As Stalin and many others said the colors are a little bit of an issue but I do love the creativity with it. Do you have a mic and choose not to use it or just no microphone? Teamspeak is absolutely free and I can help you get started with it if need be. Lastly, READ THE RULES LINE BY LINE then update your application to reflect it. As of right now I can tell you're forgetting a big part that we are asking from you! As of right now I will be giving a -1 Update your application and I MIGHT re-consider woof woof LASDSheriffDog
  6. I feel like the ban is valid, Proof showing of Mass ontop of basing as a gun dealer -1 Woof wood LASDSheriffDog Edit : Proggy said what I was trying to say, I was on my cell phone when typing this out.
  7. Althought I haven't met you, I hear alot of great things about you from other staff. I trust +1 Woof woof LASDSheriffDog @proggy @StevieT@Vaelex and @spliq @granddaddys @Yui_
  8. Depending on the certain microphone you have, And what system you're running it on, and whether its wired or wireless. I have wired corsair void RGB where the connection isnt complete. Sometimes I have to rebind my key to work for talking in-game and sometimes I need to check the box that says sound will stay on after going out of game or minimizing window in the gmod audio settings. It could be your system over taking which one is working.
  9. Has almost been a week, He hasn't fixed his application or respond to any recommendations
  10. -1 You just summarized what staff are expected to do, I didn't see anything showing that you're special and why we should choose you out of other candidates. Your paragraphs are rough. I also did notice with your periods you didnt space them after starting a new sentence. I haven't seen you on or in-game. You have decent hours but I would like to see more. I also see something missing. Please read the staff rules and update your application Here is the link to said staff rules. READ LINE BY LINE For the time being I'll be putting a -1. If anything happens I will reconsider -1 Woof woof -LASDSheriffDog
  11. After hearing about you being a T-mod for a while back but never got any higher and ontop of the MRDM and a 2 week ban I will be changing my comment to -1 [For Now] I saw you on last night for about a half hour. If I hear anything else I will change my response but for now will be a -1. I do hope to see you on and possibly have a chat with you.
  12. Very repetitve with "I aswell" and "I also" I havent seen you in-game, For now I will be neutral until I hear more or even see you in-game --------NEW POST MADE DISREGARD THIS ONE-------
  13. +1 Do it for the love of God and for VIP's Woof woof -LASDSheriffDog
  14. When asking @Illusionsfor proof he sent me these photos via discord. I am posting these directly from what he gave me. I am not related to this ban except for these images. https://m.imgur.com/a/zMxFUQe
  15. I can understand the frustration with seeing spam in your chat but again I do like knowing when and who stole from my printer. Maybe making it so once pressed itll only send a message with a cooldown of 120 seconds without stopping the player from taking your money just the player whose recieving these notifications.
  16. -1 Although discord is easier to use and its free, Teamspeak is a dedicated server so sound quality is improved significantly. Having a private channel and seeing who is all active on the teamspeak server. I only use discord for talking in private or someone showing me a clip. You can easily see who is staff on certain servers with also having multiple tags. Discord will allow you one tag/rank.
  17. Alex0221, Spamming your appeal wont get you anywhere. An investiagtion is being done and if Illusion has any proof itll be brought up. Stop spamming. It wont help your case at all. You also havent filled in proof of ban.
  18. Ive seen you in-game, I have not had any issues with you and overall think you're pretty chill. I have to agree with all the comments before my post including Kicks, You have my blessing +1, +1, Add to refs. Woof woof -LASDSheriffDog
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