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Posts posted by Ethan

  1. 1 minute ago, Bishopil said:

    Ight nigga don’t even act like you was getting feeds with your 4 fps, ily tho 

    Yeah, that's why I got raid feeds instead, fps dropped too much during war. But now I use GeForce NOW, got good FPS, just have shit mouse/mic set up, but still can play well, just don't do gmod anymore since I can play games that aren't COD/BF but worse lol

  2. 23 minutes ago, Captainswag said:

    Honestly I know you are harmless as a person. I don’t know why you were banned exactly or why phantom directed you to talk to Garnet. This entire thing was blown way out of proportion. @Garnet just let this harmless fucker (no offense SkaDoo, but you know I’ve seen you as a retard for while, love you all the same tho) back into the community or give him the proof he is wondering about. If there is no proof then he shouldn’t be banned. That’s what I think at least. 

    There is proof, it just wasn't shown to anyone as to keep the method of catching wall hacking unknown to the playerbase so we could continue catching more. It's been quite a while since the ban, but the current super admins and Garnet can decide if they want to share the proof to SkaDoo or not. The ban will stay most likely, but who knows, second chances could happen.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Abstract said:
    Description: an event to freshen things up on the server, infection simller to call of duty mw3/ghosts 
    as in there would be one infected that rushes in for example gas station kills a survivor and that survivor would become an infected 
    and the cycle repeats itself, there should be 5 min timer for the survivor to survive, payload should also be done simller to overwatch where the payload would move to obj to obj, the payload should be the 
    book for temple a staff on duty should move it because they have god mode on, doing this would make server enjoyable when its done.
    	Reasoning: we need some activitys other than sims
    	Additional Information: idk what to put

    Your suggestions are two events I have already hosted. Staff of the rank Admin+ can host these events, and other ideas I had (and new ideas if the Managers+ approve) whenever they think is the best time. You should encourage them to host events, as they already have the ability to. They seem to probably have just forgotten about doing them, or don't want to.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dan Gardner said:


    With this addition, I'm gonna add a suggestion for a similar SWEP to be implemented. (Deployable HMG that despawns on the death of the person that places it, Replace Ares/nades for Jugg and add similar class for RU side)

    Yes, and name the RU version Tachanka. The lord will demolish the US soldiers on the battlefield with his mounted HMG.

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  5. Just now, Garnet said:

    Of course you cannot please everybody and that is a fact of life, and the reason why we have had countless iterations of maps. Requesting a rotation is one thing, but being blatantly rude/disrespectful is another.

    To be honest, only one guy in this thread was disrespectful. People just like to see drama sometimes, so they reacted to his post lmao. Don't take it as the entire community dislikes you. Just some people take your absence as ignoring them instead of realizing that this gaming community isn't your main focus in life like it is in theirs. Most people in this thread seem to be pretty chill, pointing out that people just want something new to play on after a month or a couple months.

    • 300 IQ 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, {GG}otham said:

    Basecamping and lack of cqc has been a complaint about every map. It's not a map issue at all. If players want to play the game a certain way, they're going to make that happen regardless. Unless you want a map to be some maze runner type shit. I've been around for a few maps, and I can directly recall a post on every single one of them asking for either a new map, or a revert back to the previous one. I disagree'd with @Ethan mentality about it, but if you guys are really going to bitch about not being able to CQC and how you're getting base camped all the time, talk to eachother about actually playing the objectives. It's strange that I'm noticing a lot of the people mentioning the problems with getting basecamped and not being able to CQC are the first ones to base camp, and the first ones to sit out in front of the objective with an orsis. TLDR; It doesnt matter what map you're playing on if you guys continue to play in the same cheeky ways. It'd be close to impossible to accommodate the server with a map to prevent the way everyone on the server plays. Atleast in  a way that's feasible 

    It's almost like Special Forces encouraging their soldiers to not "play in the same cheeky ways" was attempted before. I am glad you were the one US force that attempted to join that attempt, but you're right. The people that complained about it, keep it going as well. Only replied here because I was @'d lmao. Interesting thread, good luck, but just know @Garnet, you can never please everyone with one solution. If I were being honest, that would be the best reason to have a monthly map rotation. Some different styles of play represented on different maps.

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  7. 26 minutes ago, Versetti said:

    Would need to see some type of proof to prove your innocence my friend

    He just needs to provide his ban. The staff member has to provide the evidence to prove him guilty. As you know, innocent until proven guilty is a good thing to follow. Otherwise staff could easily false ban people who aren't recording every second of their game. He's fine, we just gotta wait for Pencil to respond with his evidence.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Hashem said:

    +1 This makes sense 100 percent, an armored car doesn't just break down and explode when a  couple bullets hit it.

    Don't go the realism route m8. It's a video game, keep it to "it isn't fun" or "it is unbalanced". A lot of things in this game aren't realistic. If it were real close to real life, it would be a simulation, not a game.

    I think this suggestion makes sense since in the past, when this HP fit, vehicles could be spawned in over and over. Now that it's only once a war, the vehicles should have more health to sustain more damage. Also, there is a feature or bug of the vehicle mod that applies all damage the vehicle takes to the driver as well, even if the driver is not shot (for example, if the rear of the vehicle was shot with the driver way out of the line of fire). This makes vehicles extremely easy to take out with one sniper shot killing the driver, and heavily damaging the vehicle.

    I think we should be specific with what you want done, like how much HP should it have, or how many bullets should it be able to take so Garnet can do less guess work if this was accepted. I would think that quadrupling the HP of the vehicles and getting rid of the ability for any damage the vehicle takes to apply to the driver as well would suffice. I don't play MRP anymore though, so you guys would have to test this out, see if that's what you want.


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  9. On 8/26/2019 at 9:15 AM, Jngley said:

    I would like to counter act Krimzins statement but try it if you would like but I would suggest using match, suppressor, forgrip, and the second scope don’t know the name and try to hip Fire mostly don’t use if for anything over short range use a sniper for that if you do use it for far range you can get the easy headshots with the sight and the match 

    The AEK has +40% spread per shot now, I would advise against hip firing with that thing at all if you're going for consistent results of the enemy being dead. Just use the AEK, and ADS. All ARs should have bad hip spread, but do more damage/fire slower than SMGs, and the reverse for SMGs. Gives each their own purpose instead of being interchangeable, since the only difference before was damage and firing speed. The hip spread now gives each a unique style you can mess around with. Don't ADS with SMGs to move faster while firing, and ADS with ARs for accuracy at medium range.

    • Informative 1
  10. 7 hours ago, CodyDrax said:

    3rd person has already been dealt with. It's no longer a combat issue on MRP. 

    He is suggesting it be completely removed because you can still use it to peek corners without showing any part of your body, but I don't think it's that big an issue. If it were to be removed, I wouldn't mind much either. I think completely removing it would make the game and other player's actions more predictable instead of not knowing if someone is around a corner looking at you, so I would enjoy it's removal. +1

    But I know a good amount of players like the gameplay third person gives them, because it gives them that advantage as well, so they don't mind the enemy having that advantage sometimes. We'll see how this goes.

  11. Denied

    You advertised your staff application in OOC. You also seem to have a false perception that you need to have connections with higher up staff to get accepted. This definitely does increase your chances of being accepted as I am more willing to trust you, thus accept you, but that is not the only way. The community's trust in you is another key factor, that you can focus as well. You can do this by interacting with community members, building a positive reputation for yourself, and taking positions that involve you needing to be responsible, like an Officer position in a base faction.

    Wait at least two weeks before you reapply this time.

  12. Denied

    You seem to have the potential to be staff, but I am not confident in your abilities to staff. I think you COULD do well, but I want to be fully sure and believe that you are ready, and you're just not there in my opinion. If you get more involved in the community, and participate more, I think you could show some good staff traits, but at the moment, I am not confident enough in your abilities, and I think it shows with your community support not being very enthusiastic, but willing to give you a shot.

    Wait at least one week before you reapply.

  13. Accepted

    I was hesitant to accept this application as you just came back to the server last week, but from the interactions I have had with you in-game and in TeamSpeak, I see you seem to hold the same good traits for staffing you did before. Welcome back to the staff team, glad you have time to balance between school and staffing.

    • Like 1
  14. Denied

    You seem like you could make for a decent staff member, but you don't seem to have much community support, and I haven't had enough personal interactions with you to trust you myself. Try to work on your community interactions to build trust within the community further.

  15. 2 hours ago, Gamma said:

    I agree with the AEK a little bit. I feel like it should only do around 40 base instead of 45-47 but I disagree with SMGs. I think the SMGs are fine where they are because they are cqc weapons ment to fire faster but with lower damage. Instead of nerfing SMG damage I feel you should buff base and SOC faction ARs to 40 instead of the current US base guns only dealing 30. If you brought all SMGs down to 25 it would be as bad as the current mp5a5 and no one would use them. 

    I was purely making this suggestion to make the donator weapons fit the weapons balance change that Garnet put through. You seem to have an issue with Garnet's weapon balance, not my suggestion to make the weapons consistent.

    • Informative 1
  16. Description: With the change to nearly all faction class weapons, the donator weapons seem to significantly outshine the default weapons now as they were not changed as well. I think the donator SMGs and ARs should be brought down a bit, mainly in damage, to fit closer to the default weapons like the donators used to before the weapon balance changes. The AEK should do 30-35 damage (instead of 45). The Sterling, FMG-9, and MP5A4 should all do 20-25 damage (instead of 30).

    Reasoning: Previously (before the weapon balances), the AEK, Sterling, FMG-9, and MP5A4 were all pretty close to their default class counterparts, but now that the default weapons were nerfed, the donator versions reign supreme with ease. I preferred it before where the donators had a small edge, or simply gave you the ability to use that type of weapon on a class that was lacking it (making you a more versatile soldier).

    Additional Information: Examples include faction ARs went from around 42 damage to 30 damage while the AEK (one of the only donator ARs) still does 45 damage. Another example would be faction SMGs (SSO, Frogmen, SEALs) went from their damage of around 30 to 19-20 damage, while donator SMGs like the Sterling, FMG-9, and MP5A4 all still do 30 damage.

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  17. Denied

    Try to open up to more of the community, you don't seem to be a well established member just yet. Interact with as many people as you can, have fun, and be yourself.

    Wait at least 1 week before re-applying.

    • Like 1
  18. Denied

    "There is plenty of good feedback here for you to evaluate, Jerry. Look through these replies when you have calmed down, and actually think about what you did wrong. These replies summed up what I wanted to say pretty much, so I will let you look through them and use what you think is helpful to your improvement.

    Wait at least two weeks before applying again. I want to see improvement if you want to apply again, if you really want to become a staff member."

    This is what I said on your last staff application. You did wait the two weeks, and a few days on top of that, but from what I see in these replies from community members and yourself, you don't seem to have taken the time I have given you, and you have given yourself, to improve your odds to get accepted into the staff team.

    With that being said, I don't want you to apply for staff anymore if you aren't going to take the time between applications to actually improve. You have been blacklisted from the staff team.

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