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Posts posted by PraetorDon

  1. +1

    There should be a standard set in place for offences however, so people don't get jailed in RP for over 10 minutes (the maximum time a jail for would last if a sit took place). There could be an exception for kidnaps however.

    I also agree that RFR's/DI's/DS's do not get this privilege.

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  2. There's a lot I want to say, but I'll keep this short.


    This really isn't professional behavior. We're all on the same team here, trying to improve Garnet Gaming. 

    I don't consider this a valid report for the points stated above. -1

  3. So recently, I have been talking with a lot of newer players about their training and experience on the server.

    One of the biggest complaints I get, is that /quiz really doesn't help them, no one trains anymore with the addition of /quiz, and there are too many rules+game knowledge required to move up.

    I believe @VBSA  and other 2GA were working on a training video, but I'm not sure where that stands, correct me if I'm wrong. 

    What I am proposing is a revamp+addition to /quiz,

    I don't know about the feasibility of this, but US currently has a cinema player. We could use this to display a training video that would be mandatory for all new players to watch. Ideally, it would be no longer than 10 minutes. If they had any questions afterwords, they could be answered by a trainer. It could be located in the training room, the controller could be in the middle area that has doors that can lock on both sides, to prevent minges/trolls from accessing it (although I think RU door locks are broken right now, US should work fine).   Forgot this only works in chromium. Regardless, there should be a training video, it wouldn't hurt.

    This thread will be updated with additional information when I have more time, I just wanted to get one of my ideas on  paper this morning.


    Edit: Added a poll to gauge community opinion.


  4. -1 to this, but please read. 

    If we're going to go this in depth to crouch jumping, and how it's allowed and not allowed, it should should be just disallowed altogether.

    This is one of those potential rules that will difficult to enforce, and will be frustrating for both  players and staff.


    Again, if we're going down this route, just disallow crouch jumping altogether, preferably with a grace period.


    Edit: For those quoting my thread, my whole shtick is I play devil's advocate to get better+more opinions.

    As a side note,

    Is crouch jumping during war a problem? Sure. Should there be this much  put into it?  No. A decision should be made by the executives+the staff team, we don't need a whole thread on it. No offence to Stork, it's very well written.

    There are greater issues that need addressing such as the poor new player experience, toxicity of players+factions overall, and the toxicity between US and RU. I get that this is the suggestions forum, but the crouch jumping issue is something that should be entirely decided by staff, not a community suggestion.

    That's just my (controversial) opinion.

  5. 3 minutes ago, RamenSoup said:

    Where do you seem to accuse me of this? IF that’s even me.

    I figured you would say this, I didn't include this in my post beforehand because I didn't want to appear I was witchhunting.

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    In this video, you appear to be tracing Huskaii through the rock before you kill him. In addition, you appear to headshot Jackal through trees.

    It was also pointed out to me in both clips, that before you kill someone, you toggle on your flashlight, which occurs both  in my clip and in the third clip Jim posted.


    • Informative 1
  7. The trend these days is to use a subscription based model, for example Office 365.

    For instance, donor classes/weapons/perks could be sold for $X/month, perhaps including bargain deals that would give you a package of guns, or a gun+a class.

    In this case, VIP would be a certain % off for all these subscription based purchases. Another idea would be to earn points with purchasing other packages + VIP, which you could use to redeem an additional package permanently, think like a rewards system on a credit card.

    Just an idea, but I'm not a programmer, so I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement.

  8. Just now, shrimp said:

    I think he means 'Stop being dickheads to random players on the forums'. 

    I agree with this, as well as most of what Bishop said. 

    9 minutes ago, Bishopil said:

    Two staff members have commented on this thread with the same worry of a “corporate-level professionalism”, which makes very little sense to me. At no point did I suggest super strict guidelines, much less anything that would be “too strict”. There is a huge difference between having/poking fun, than just being unhelpful and condescending. At no point did I state that administrators would have to keep a 100% serious “work” environment, because yes, that would be ridiculous. If you were new and posted a suggestion that you thought was valid, would you want bland memes as a response? 

    It wasn't a criticism of what you said specifically, I think you made a very valid post, which is why I didn't quote any of your points with a dissenting opinion.

    I was just making a point that when making rules and ideas, it's important to keep a gaming community environment fun  and inviting. Again, it wasn't targeted, it was just my general opinion.

  9. I will say that MRP staff, for the most part, generally try to remain unbiased and professional as possible. There will always be outliers, but one of the main instances of this has been dealt with. I'm not going to comment on other branch's staff members, because I don't interact with them enough to know how they operate.

    Obviously, some of us are more professional than others, whether due to age, experience, or both, but that's the nature of the beast. The general population of the server is teenagers, so with that in mind, the standards set need to be realistic. 

    Going to speak with real world experience here; leaders in the workplace who made a bunch of strict rules and regulations to how they operate found that their teams worked less efficiently and have had a harder time getting people to work together. I have been affected by this, and also I have made this mistake when leading my team. 

    I do agree however that standard guidelines need to be set for evidence collecting, such as no less than three clips for a cheating permaban. That being said,  making rules that punish staff members for doing their jobs will backfire. Instead, why not attempt to correct the mistake for next time.

    If a ban appeal is accepted, the head of operators should go over the ban with the staff member responsible for the ban and see what could have been done differently. That information could be shared with the entire operator team if deemed necessary. 

    The main points of my thread are thus. Yes, staff members should be held to a higher standard than the average player, but at the same time, we shouldn't expect corporate-level professionalism, this is a volunteer position. Issues of misconduct should be a teaching and learning opportunity, punishment should only be used for extreme misconduct, such as Jackal's ban.

    It's important to take enjoyment and pride in what you do, it's much more difficult to do that in a draconian environment than a laid-back one.

  10. 1200px-Spetsnaz_emblem.svg.png


    Spetsnaz GRU Current Roster


    GenMay Don

    PKN N/A

    PPKN : N/A

    MAY : N/A

    KPT: N/A

    LT : Hofman

    JLT : N/A

    KST : N/A



    SSP  Lark

    PPS : Seal

    SHS : N/A

    SNS : Flak

    SGT : Klash

    JSG  Sped Clown, Kruger



    4/17/20, Ranks Updated

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  11. -1 for several reasons:

    1. Because Garnet hosts Teamspeak, he has far more control over uptime rather than Discord where it's hosted by Discord (you can't host your own DIscord server).
    2. Voice Quality is better in Teamspeak, as it was designed to be a voice chat platform first and foremost, Discord calls with over 10 people in them start to lag.
    3. Teamspeak is far less system intensive than Discord, and a lot of people that play GMOD don't have powerhouse computers.
    4. People don't like change, and while a lot of people use discord, they may not use the Official Discord if Teamspeak is removed.
    • Agree 1
  12. -1

    I know of you, as I main RU, but we've never had any specific interactions.

    My advice is the same as others in this thread. Get to know the community a bit more and advance in the ranks of 2GA.

    On the plus side, I haven't heard anything bad about you.

  13. +1

    Edit: After talking to Stork, I think he'd be a great staff member. He took the time to reach out to me to elaborate on some of his ideas. 


    I wouldn't mind having him on the staff team.

    • Informative 1
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  14. From my interactions with Homast, I think he would make a good staff member.

    Not only does he seem level headed, he's brought up some interesting discussion points when talking about the server and it's operations.

    Also, along with the other Gen's, he's helped to revive a faction, showing his dedication to the server as a whole.



  15. 1 hour ago, Jake said:

    +1 how it was previously worked well, this would add some diversity between the two entry factions; one has an LMG, one has a shotgun again. However it being able to rival the 2GA shotgun shouldnt be a huge concern, that thing is overpowered it should be nerfed, theres no point creating another overpowered weapon for people to use and abuse.

    +1 For this reason, and this reason alone, faction diversity.


    13 hours ago, Kerry1 said:

    Reasoning: It would benefit the server for it would make people in the US who can't afford to buy dono weapons have some hope against the RU Base factions who don't have dono weapons either. People would have more fun and want to stay on the server, which would then lead to even more people coming on the server. If the XM1014 comes back I believe it will give the base factions in the US hope that they can do something and not be completely useless against the Russian Demo class.

    Adding/swapping weapons to equal the opposite faction's weapons is how you end up with power creep.


    The 2GA shotgun could use some adjustments, but suggesting a weapon swap with the main intention of countering 2GA demo is unwise.

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