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Everything posted by Bozee

  1. Bozee

    Radio chat

    yeah I was thinking voice chat radio, but I was thinking more of like a radio entity thats in your slots, and you can change frequencies or its specific to faction, idk... I was thinking it would help add an element of rp you know?
  2. Bozee

    Radio chat

    I don't know how this would quite be done as I'm not a coder, but i think radio chat would be a cool thing to have. whether done between factions and base or through frequencies, I think It'd be beneficial to communicating on the server. I'd say frequencies would be a cool thing, but could be confusing, or people could troll on them. as I said i don't know how itd be done, I'm down for open discussion about it. I think that radio chat would help people communicate. while we have TeamSpeak, having radio chat adds an element of rp to communication. this is my 1st suggestion post idk if I did it right, I tried to follow format, but it seems like a basic idea that we could discuss. so I didnt really go in depth
  3. I +1 Simone coming back, could help the community alot
  4. bye buddy hope you find your dad
  5. its actually crazy how they take so much more evidence to ban other hackers, but this one was just a go with minimal evidence, the evidence isn't "damning" sure its a lil sus, but nothing to warrant a ban in my personal opinion.... idk I could be biased as I am Larry's friend but at the end of the day this seems kind of bullshit
  6. +1 this man flicks be insane but he no hack, he just filthy...
  7. I've never played taiga v3 so I voted for it. I also don't think the original echo was bad, had good cqc and cover plus tunnels. I think revised echo was what people didn't like but idk much so I could be wrong
  8. love you bud. you're a great kid, do big things in life man!
  9. Bozee


    same reason I deleted my post, thought hey it was too abrasive and forward, so I made it simple... and about calling the server racist at times, its just what ive seen. I made my point, people saw it, I deleted it because i didn't like how I had worded it. and as far as me not caring about people disagreeing, I think ive stated why I believe they don't deserve a rebuttal, if you don't agree with equality then I don't want to argue about it... I don't think there's much to argue beyond that point because that's the primary goal of this post is to encourage equality!
  10. Bozee


    but just because you see black people looting I want you to not associate them with BLM, because trust me we don't like it as much as you guys! as I said in the post I deleted, I grew up on the southside and Westsides of chicago, I've seen the worst of people and sadly the worst of police. I protested here, and I protested back home in Chicago, the people apart of this movement want nothing more than equality and peace, all the rioting and looting isn't BLM.... at the end of the day even its still sad to me that rioting and looting is what people who don't care about the movement instantly go to instead of the thousands of innocent black lives lost
  11. Bozee


    I'm glad your upset as my community and piers are! it's a difficult time for everyone! but I don't think all cops are bad, I think the justice system is bad... the problem with cops is their willingness to let things happen as we saw in the video.... to many times "good" cops sit there and watch as the "bad" cops commit injustice..... police can be the savior of my community or could be the detriment to my community.... and thats the problem... there should be consistency in minting good cops..... most jobs can't have a few bad apples, and the police are no exception. thank you for making your voice be heard and I appreciate your opinion my dude! genuinely I'm glad your upset with us!
  12. Bozee


    because if you dont share the same belief that we should be equal, move on... nothing to talk about
  13. Bozee


    I'm not saying you specifically, but referring to people who have a disagreement, idk what there is to disagree with, we want justice, peace and equality, if there's a disagreement to that.. sorry its not worth debating/arguing with me, ill move on to someone who wants to take the time to help instead of disagree. I also think that's genuinely part of the problem, the fact that people are willing to debate this blows my mind! you either want equality or you don't! same people who cringe react this or disagree are the same people who be slanging racist terms from what I've seen!! in no way is advocating for peace and equality a joke to me, sorry you took it that way but I really grew up watching my friends and family be fucked up by police antifa is primarily looting. tainting BLM image, but i appreciate your support man! anyways I've been to 3 protest, I've probably seen 90% white people looting the stores, just from what ive seen, and this is what I'm talking about.... white people and antifa loot the stores and taint BLM image, the people looting don't represent BLM... so don't take them at face value for this movement....
  14. Bozee


    I mean what's there to argue here, its not a debate, either you want equality or not... thats the point... I don't see how theirs anything to disagree with there and if you do, I dont want to argue at this point I will
  15. Bozee


    yeah the cringe reacts was what made me delete it, I deleted it because I made my point youve clearly seen it considering youre talking about it. but I'm not here to argue I'm here to encourage.
  16. Bozee


    in what way is this shit posting, not asking in a rude way just curious?
  17. Bozee


    I hope that we can all be equal one day, #BLM change our future!
  18. just add more fog lol, lol trying to get people to come together on guidelines and rules is like agreeing on politics
  19. Bozee


    well I mean it's clearly been granted already sooooo um. fuck....
  20. be good bro! get to that NFL
  21. going miss all these guys and you bud! keep being great!
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