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Everything posted by Stromboli_GG
+1 Been working with Billybob on and off for years, proven himself as a gamemaster before and since he has improved as a player since then, I have no worries that he could take the job and soar through the ranks.
I was in the caves when I saw this.
Big +1 extremely honest person very active on 41st and a former mod. Also very hard working and is really passionate about what he does.
In-game name: Strom/Mac Dhugail Age: SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:174483395 Warns: None Timezone: EST Playtime?: 1169:08:59 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES] Referral(s): None Past experiences as a Game Master: Previously GM on this server had to resign due to school Why should we choose you over other applicants? I have had past experience on this server as a GM so I already know how to use most of the GM tools. Also I'm a creative individual who knows how to make a storyline up on the spot. More importantly I want to see the players stay on this server and look forward to an event announcement and with the experience I've had with former GMs that produced some of the best events I've ever seen I would say I've picked up a few things. Finally I can figure out what the players want sometimes its just going to event suggestions and seeing what we should do, but I have been talking with people for a long time and have a pretty good idea of what the ideal event is for the player base. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I have lots of free time now so I might be able to run 2-3 scheduled events per week In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To make sure ALL the players are enjoying their time on the server and also to take feedback from said players to improve oneself and one's events Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I want to improve rp for all of the certs that would require them to actually think about how they are doing their rp instead of doing mindless rp that someone who isnt even certed could do Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: I want to bring back the horror style events that we used to do, even though they are quite difficult to pull off I feel bringing back horror style events would create a whole new aspect to events for new players Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: The Fall of The Jedi The CIS have kidnapped a Jedi Master presiding with a different battlegroup and the 34th have been sent to intercept the Munificent that carries the Jedi. Then there is a decision made by Navy (1.) Attempt to board the Muni to save the council member (High Risk) The 34th board the Muni to be met with heavy CIS resistance. The clones are made aware that the Muni hangars are on a time lock and will close after a set amount of time if they manage to get to the Jedi and make it out of the Muni in time the Jedi will inform them that his battlegroup is being held down by CIS forces on a nearby planet and need immediate backup. Once the 34th arrive on said planet they will go through a rigorous battle with the CIS requiring heavy MED, ENG, and EOD RP. Clones can retreat after boarding the Muni and go with option 3. (2.) Attempt to board the Muni to gather intel then retreat and follow the Muni to a planet (Med Risk) After boarding the Muni there will be heavy CIS resistance and a hacking process that will give the clones the Ship logs showing where the Muni is taking the Jedi. They will find out that they are taking the Jedi to a prison encampment and a document that will tell the 34th where the Jedi will be held on the prison planet. The 34th will follow them to the planet. After landing at the Prison the 34th will battle with the CIS to free this Jedi who will need extensive MED and JEDI RP. After thwarting the CIS attempts of retaking their prisoner the 34th will take the Jedi back to anaxes. Will be told later about the Jedi's battlegroup which will be a separate event. (3.) Follow the Muni to the planet and go in blind (Low Risk) Same as option 2 but the 34th wont know where the Jedi is being held and will have to search for him. Operation Galactic Squid An extremely rich man kidnapped hundreds of people including a clone commander to make his very own sick game show for his and other top 0.1% individual's entertainment. Our job is to go in and stop this operation before the game starts and save the clone commander. After reaching the planet ENG or EOD RP will be required to access the compound holding the people prisoner. Also there will be a secondary mission of capturing the kidnapper ALIVE. If the rich man is not caught and escapes the planet and we can follow him or set up a mission for CID that can lead to a campaign relating to the rich man. Operation Mayweather Famous boxer know all around the galaxy named Flad Mayweather nicknamed "Credits" has been discovered on Coruscant being a lead in a Booster Blue drug ring. After their investigations Coruscant Police has informed the 34th battlegroup that Flad has gone insane because the information of his drug ring has gotten out and ruined all of his sponsorships losing him millions of credits. This caused Flad to take over the city with his gang and the 34th is assigned to shut down his operations. ENG and MED RP will be required to access the different stashes and to test the drugs for any evidence. CG will take lead on this operation with oversight of Navy with there being 3 goals 1.) Find and collect all stashes 2.) Shut down all production lines 3.) Arrest Flad "Credits" Mayweather. This event will be completely controlled by the players with all decisions having a consequence and/or reward Suspicious Farmer The 34th battlegroup was called to a grassy planet by a farmer who says they CIS are there to ravage the planet. Once we arrived we find the CIS destroying the planet and all the life that lives there. There will be a basic CIS base that the 34th have to take down for their mission. Once we push through the CIS we find the farmer. We escort the farmer back to safe area where if the clone troopers decide to search the farm they will find an illegal Rancor Fighting ring that will lead to CG investigations and possibly MED rp from fighting the Rancors. DOOKU The Count has been tracked down to a Rishi Moon base where he was checking up on his new acolytes, that's when the 34th ambush the Count and trap him on the planet, after rushing down on to the Moon Base the 34th will launch a full scale assault on the base rushing to find the Count and Acolytes, after heavy ENG and EOD rp the count will be found with his Acolytes in the Old Jedi Temple. Dooku will send out his Acolytes to fight the Jedi and Clones in attempt to escape. But it will not prevail the Jedi will chase him into a cave where they will meet face to face. Count's heavy dark presence with the force will force the Padawans and Knights to meditate so they don't fall to the Count's tricks. After an extremely hard fought battle filled with dark abilities clouding the mind of the Jedi the Count will Weaken them enough to escape but leaving an extremely valuable Sith Holocron that contains the names of different Force attuned children that the CIS will be going after. This will be a start up event for a campaign about saving Force attuned children that will have many cameos from Sith characters from Lore. Also the Count or any other Lore Sith MUST be played by a TRUSTED Jedi Knight+ that has been approved by a GM Supervisor or above.
I know there is already a timer for when it opens for use so we should keep that but then also add a cooldown per use so people cant spam it
2 problems I see on the server are Tali Self Damage Rules and Parachute Transportation. Here are 2 ideas that could help fix them Self Damage- If a Tali uses an explosive and does over 30 damage to himself it is warnable. If the Tali does any amount of damage to himself that kills him it is also warnable. (Obviously not applicable to Red Unit : Bomber) I feel the complete removal of the Tali Self Damage rule is a bit overboard since of course minor mistakes can be made of someone being just a bit to close. Also i've seen the RPG can be inconsistent with it's blast radius causing the user to do a small bit of self damage to himself when at a usually safe distance. Lastly the main problem I see people complain about is when they get suicide bombed by an RPG or Grenade launcher so I believe instead of complete removal we just need a cap on how much damage one can do to himself Parachute- Add a cooldown of 5min for each objective when using the transportation bot The parachute is unfair to the newer players of the server who don't have the money, I've seen on multiple accounts of someone getting killed and then in less than 10 seconds they kill the person who just killed them. A cooldown is something that would be very beneficial to the majority of the server. Also this cooldown can help both sides work together more with their vet players who have enough money to constantly buy transport, since the cooldown will force them to either walk or take a car with their team it allows a push on obj to take it over instead of one person clearing it then it gets instantly taken back. The amount of damage and the cooldown timer do not have to be exactly what has been stated but the concept for both are necessary.
Confirming Referral. GERT is an absolute lad who is really chill and i feel he would be able to use that to make events. If he gets it I have a great feeling the community would love the events.
+1 I have seen lots of gm apps over the past couple months and this one stands out to me with instead of 5 completely unrelated events it's more of a campaign event which is pretty cool. Also making one whole campaign completely laid out with everything about it and everything that can happen proves a dedication instead of just making up 5 events on the spot. What im saying is that it makes me think that you really want this and also are dedicated to the position.
In-game name: Strom / Mac Dhugail / Soc Blard Age:15 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:174483395 Warns: 0 that I know of Timezone: EST Playtime?: 556 hours. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Referral(s): GM Billybob, L.GM Bobert, didnt really want to bother anyone else about a referral Past experiences as a Game Master: No Why should we choose you over other applicants? One of the main reasons I wanted to apply was that I am a very creative individual when it comes to events like this. I usually just make up the event in my head but I also add some truth to it by uses some of the episodes from the clone wars. I don't want to name the individuals but I sometimes have helped people during their GM apps by giving them unique event ideas or ways to word things better. Also I have lots of experience being event characters during events. I think I have been the main character for an event around 6 or 7 times maybe more, and an important side character or droid over 20 times. I have helped GMs with pre event lots of times and I've also helped GMs with the event with things to do to keep the players interested multiple times. One of my other core features that I can use as a GM is that I know what people want. I have kind of studied what people like and dislike in events. For instance people do not like fighting on a venator, but people like more story build up during pre-event. No one seems to like the idea of just shooting at drop pods in MHB anymore as well. My main goal as a GM will be to bring more to the table for players to do. not have it so people are waiting around while one person does RP, but not also fill in that time with some drop pods. Maybe throw in some small passive RP for people to do while they are waiting for the main RP to finish. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details I've been arrested a total of 3 times one on each of my lives. Clone: CG meta gamed from when they were an EC and arrested me for drug usage. Mando: Had to be held securely while a rogue mando was on the loose. Jedi: Miss clicked a teleport on base How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I plan to try to do one event per week and help out with at least one event per week In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To create RP for the server and make sure we don't have hours of downtime where people just AFK. Also to listen to the community and give the people mostly what they want. (only mostly because some people are weird and want ERP or something racist/sexist/homophobic) Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would try to make events that are heavily based off of the Clone Wars TV show but change it so it isn't exactly the same. Also create passive RP for each of the different cert. MED: Someone starts to feel lightheaded from battle WH: The door to med bay is locked and wont open so they can hack it open. MEC: A vehicle has some mechanical problems from getting shot. EOD: Every EOD is given a wire training kit to mess around with. Pilot: Their LAAT needs refueled or some of the navigation needs recalibrated. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: My most creative idea that I've had is using resources like the shows or movies to make events. I know it is kind of the opposite of being creative, but It can make lots more quality events than just making one up on the spot can. Also taking recommendations from non-GMs because it helps give the people what they want Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: I'm going to put what I base the event off of in parenthesis next to the title. Event Name = Orange. Event Inspiration = Green. Type of event = Red 1. Geonosis Factory Destruction (Star Wars Battlefront 2 Galactic Assault) Off World Required: 1 EC (Tank Operator), AT-TE, EOD, possibly WH. Possible NPK/ FPK (they can choose which one) We are on Geonosis and we are at the droid factory that has ray shields protecting all entrances. A special AT-TE is dropped in by the fleet that has it's own driver and a lower health. The 34th battle group is assigned to protect the AT-TE at all costs on it's way to the factory. It' top gun is equipped with an EMP that will shut down the ray shields for 10 minutes. Once reaching the facility pipes the EC AT-TE driver will swap seats and fire the EMP. After the EMP goes off the EOD and other personnel rush in to set enough explosives down to blow up the facility. If they run out of time the droids in the facility wake up and start to attack the group. A WH can hack them out from a hidden console in the facility, but someone has to stay down with the console if any parts of the hack is failed. 2. Base Retake (Original I hope) Off World Required: 1 EC (Tactical Droid), lots of teleporters We planned to go help a random planet that had a distress but while on the venator we realize another battle group has beaten us there. So we turn the Venator around to go back home when a CIS cruiser pulls us out of Hyperspace to gloat to us that they have taken Anaxes from us. The cruiser runs away through hyperspace while we rush back to base. When we get back and change maps a GM has to place teleporters in the Battalion Bunks hallway, NCC Spawn, Jedi Temple LAAT, and Brig (SOB is fine at Cairo) to teleport us to a new FOB like Aurek or Zeta. We will be separated into 2 squads: Base retake and FOB retake. Base Retake will obviously go back to base to clear out all of the CIS and FOB retake will go and obviously retake all of the FOBs. The EC will be a super tactical droid that has taken over NCC. They have a 20-30 minute timer until the tactical droid downloads and leaks all of the NCC information. (We know this because Naval will be informed of their system being hacked. 3. BIOWEAPON AMBUSH!!! (Extension of recommendation) Off World Required: WH, Pilots/ENG with AA, 3 EC (2 Senators, 1 droid) A routine protection for an election on Alderaan that went almost perfect. A senator electorate that knew he was going to lose called for CIS to rain hell. The CIS arrive in a munificent and drop some drop pods but no droids come out. A large gas cloud emits from each drop pod. A deadly gas that can result in NPK/FPK if suit not sealed. The Senator being extremely mad at the CIS for their extremist response sides with the republic to help them find his droid informant on Alderaan. After the droid is found and captured a WH hacks into the droid to stop the gas leak. Pilots take off to take out the Cruiser and AAs are placed on the ground as well. If the GM decides it should be dead now within 5-10 min the cruiser either blows up on the spot or takes off into hyperspace where it's systems fail and the cruiser explodes in space. If the timer is up and the GM decides it isn't dead the players can choose to let them escape or a Venator chase down. 4. Blackout Killers (Original) On World Required: 3 ECs (2 Sith Attackers and a BX droid) ENG (A lot of them) Possible: EOD and Trial for Jedi or FPK The generator shuts off mysteriously, flash lights wont work, and comms go dark a few minutes later. The door to the generator room wont open. So while a WH or ENG starts to open the door 2 Sith uncloak from the corners and start attacking them then rampaging through the base killing all that are spotted (no camping spawn or gen). People go back to repair the generator after the generator is repaired and the Sith are confirmed dead or captured. Status 4 is called and everyone goes to debrief. Navy announces that their comms are jammed and the signal is on Anaxes multiple search parties are deployed to find a jammer at a FOB that is protected by the CIS with lots of droids including BX droid EC (Returns until jamming device is blown up, deactivated, or destroyed. 5. Attack on the Jedi Council! (Original) On World Required: 2-3 ECs (2 EX droids and Sith) 104th HN, Jedi Council Member, Jedi Padawan. Possible: Jedi Trial or FPK The base is attacked from the AUX hangar bay, while the troops are distracted 2 EX droids and a Sith enter the temple with the intention of taking holocrons and Jedi books. A Jedi council member senses the dark force user entering the temple so the Council Member and a Padawan retreat to the temple with some clones. As the Sith is distracting the Council member the EX droids take out any clones then shoot sedative darts at each of the Jedi knocking out both of them. Naval comms into the group that went to the temple and after no response but a slight sound of dragging and someone unknown shouting orders is heard over a clones radio a larger strike team is sent into the temple. The EX droids are holding both of the Jedi on the Temple stairs and the Sith has his/her sabers next to their necks. Both of the Jedi wake up while the hostage negotiator is doing his thing. The council member can use a group push/repulse that will save him but possible kill or injure the Padawan 70+roll=Padawan's safety, 45-69 roll=Padawan's limb gets torn off while the EX droid is flying off, 20-44 roll = The EX droids hold a tight grip and the Sith is pushed slightly forward, angers the group. 1-19 The Padawan gets both his arms ripped off from the push and dies from blood loss on the floor. Council member is safe.
I'm don't really care for the topic itself but the problem is the last time Garnet experimented with anti-cheat which was on MilRP it false banned over 50 people in one night, which caused a lot of active players to get banned for almost 2 weeks because Garnet had to make sure he was unbanning someone who was false banned and not someone who was actually banned trying to get back in.
I think it would be beneficial to give Sub-Batt leads a level 3 keycard because we are called to NCC a fair amount of times and I for one am usually the highest ranking 212th on/not AFK when people are called to NCC. Also I've had multiple times where I needed in NCC for clearing and I had the clearance to enter but not the keycard since it is only level 2. Furthermore I have seen multiple instances where people get trapped in the NCC hallway that splits into the intersection that leads into NCC and Aux controls because they were allowed in for clearing but were left behind, and with me being there with them they thought I could open the door because I am a sub batt lead and on the wl for it just for them to complain to me about why I can't open the door when they realize that I can't with my level 2 keycard.
[Community Event] StarwarsRP | Build a PVP Arena!
Stromboli_GG replied to Nutter's topic in Community Events
I've been thinking about this and trying to work on it for a couple days and I finally completed the map (Some other ideas I had that people can make if they can : Coliseum(5v5 knife only) and Jedi VS Sith(1v1 knife only), but the one I made and can still be worked on a bit is Junkyard (3v3) (DC-15A) It is made on 4 32x32 base plates with 2 16x32 walls for each side with around 46 props (not including walls and floor but I can make it lower) It is not perfectly symmetrical but has around the same cover on each side, I utilized color and material for the walls and floor to try and replicate a dark sand. I used older rusty and broken down props for everything but the crane side spawn. The fire and embers in the middle area are to add some cover so people don't peak through the pile and for ambiance. Some changes that were made after the photo: Y-wing, Broken TX-130 and Vulture were moved to the walls to protect spawn. AAT was moved to be with MTT to get rid 0f big open space. https://imgur.com/a/y2VtUbc -
In total i dont want to make this a mess like petal and med did so im gonna keep this simple. I know not a lot of people care and absolutely despise me as a person but for the people that do care im resigning from GG as a whole but I might come back time to time just to see if I have fun and to catch up with people but im not gonna be spending a lot of time on the server anymore at all. But to keep this short Im not gonna go super into the reason why im leaving but all it really is im not having fun anymore and lots of people dont want me on this server anymore do im gonna end this run on GG here. Goodbye to I love and hate. -Stromboli Jan 2020- June 2020 Former GRU JLT x2 Donators: RU Defender, AEK, M3 Super 90, 4 Knives, MP5A5, Micro deag, MR96, Black Smoke, Machete, Damas Sword, Orisis, salute, and SWRP Vip
Mun - Delta Squad Application
Stromboli_GG replied to Mun | Nicky Lee's topic in Battalions and Units
+1 My personal opinion is that after reading my app and Mun's app the position of scorch should go to Mun. On behalf of my application and practically being the only competition for this role I forfeit my app and wish for it to be treated as if it wasnt there and if it never existed because all of my stuff on the forums have been treated as a joke. So really you should get Scorch. -
+1 After looking at their models they do look cartoonish and with the models he recommended the 41st would fit in more with the other clones GRU JLT 212th LCPL
+1 Ive gotten to talk to you when you joined GRU and you havent been toxic at all in ts or in game, even though you change your name and it seems like you are inactive but really you arent but overall my +1 stands GRU KST Stromboli, Former 2GA SSP Stromboli
The quiz is an unnecessary thing on the server giving people whitelists for free and those people most the time end up rdm'ing because they have no idea what the rules are making the server overall worse because people wouldnt wan to play because they keep getting rdmed and it is waisting staff members time because most the time they have to ban and warn those people who keep rdming after several verbal warnings Getting rid of the quiz just makes the server overall less toxic because those people who only do the quiz end up being really toxic and end up getting banned. Since there are so many bans being handed out staff has to go on sit after sit after sit wasting their valuable time on garnet gaming. Sometimes there arent staff able to ban online when someone continues to rdm so when they jail the person who is rdming that person just switches classes so the staff has to continue to teleport them for a long time ruining the garnet gaming experience. Just 10 minutes before i posted this topic there were 3 rdmers online who used the quiz for whitelists(you could tell because they only had a soldier class and not corpsman/support) which were on while no staff were able to ban so stork had to continuously teleport them because the kept switching classes to get out of the jail making stork have to manage 3 people at the same time while no other staff were online but those rdmers ended up leaving the server after a long chain of them getting teleported. Also those people who rdm with quiz whitelists make the base factions look really crappy and toxic.