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Everything posted by Denizen

  1. @evityI had VIP Mod because I bought it as a tmod can you give me back my VIP?
  2. If you are accepted, (which you wont if you have 4 warns and only that much effort in the app) a manager will post here saying so.
  3. Update: +1. Why not? If he's bad just set him back, On the other hand... Weeb steam profile... Nah jk, okay effort, could be better, but considering your age i'll let it slide. Good luck! Add me to referrals.
  4. Age -1s are toxic. -1. more effort in your paragraphs please.
  5. https://prnt.sc/qpz1by http://prntscr.com/qpz1mb https://gyazo.com/997c71ec6a345b18108017410327e048 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198799056747
  6. This litsrally is a glorified shitpost. Support your +1 with a paragraph or two as they tend to not be counted theirself alone.
  7. It's easy to input a string to ignore any donation items. Think logically now.
  8. Nope, checked it all over. Apologies.
  9. Update: Recording I have was too recent to present the chat.
  10. You know exactly the situation, you had asked ridiculous questions in OOC and the main golden rule of the server is to Use Common Sense. I do stand by the fact that Idiocy in OOC was inappropriate, but you asking nonsense questions in OOC after being answered with screenshots, OOC answers, and the such was on you. The warn reason was once again, not appropriate, but i'll leave it up to Operators to determine accepted or denied. Thank you for your appeal (posting screenshots soon)
  11. I suggest waiting longer than tomorrow as well. PM a manager/forum mod/superadmin to get this post removed.
  12. Lengthy application, kinda generic but oh well. Low playtime but maybe you'll surprise us. +1 from me.
  13. Nothing against you, but this is basic server knowledge. Play a bit more before you decide to apply again. I suggest getting this deleted by someone so you don't get denied and have to wait about a month.
  14. I respectfully disagree, I can understand a review of an application especially for a staffing one. Personally it's a +1 from me. No issues from Theta and he at least deserves a shot after playing for this long.
  15. Reconnected you for failbase yesterday. Materialized fences and keypads at 0.1 secs. You are not ready to staff our server.
  16. Update: +1! Your reputation precedes you and you fixed up your paragraphs soon after being notified so, honestly I'd love to have ya on the team. Accept this kid!
  17. ^. You are mature as hell in game, have a good attitude, I'd love to see you on the team, but extend these paragraphs a bit more and I'll give my vote.
  18. -1, mostly people just don't want to join it. Useless code and time in my opinion, and as a former GM Planner, this won't change anything. - Denizen
  19. +1. Okay app and I trust the other staff's judgement.
  20. +1. You changed up your act and I'm proud of your improvement from Day 1. Good luck.
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