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Everything posted by SamSlayer

  1. +1- I think this system should be experimented with at the very least. I think it would be interesting to see.
  2. Operator : Suggest Weapon (Add and Modify) Option 1 CW 2.0 Addon - P90 - Unsupported https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428753150/C21FE760C180DDC488EFE8F2DBFA2E70828AB0FD/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428752900/E7E2D68D024CE6B98D99E51938437C1ED465E2DB/ Download link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=729326334&searchtext=CW+2.0+FN+P90 Option 2 HK UMP With modified stats (Damage 27, Effective 170.5M, Damage Fall Off 44%, Firerate 900, Hip 45%, Aim Accuracy 90%, Spread 6%, Max Spread 40%, Recoil 23%, Mobility 40%, Handling 100%, Deploy 0.5s, Reload 2.94s, Full Reload 3.89s, Increase Magazine to 30) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428753539/C360ADDB3F086E39D6E9E2A2E1E203829673C2C2/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428753763/14EBABC97753901E73A7D8503D7A52FB88BEABA0/ Enforcer : Suggest Weapon (Add and Modify) Option 1 : CW 2.0 Addon HK416 with modified attachment structure. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428754938/C5D6F5645B3E770E43E5B2EA0ACBCBDAAFBDA835/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428754723/DA6370BD0C2D9FCCBFFC4E84E9BE2A049112B38B/ Download link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=354842171&searchtext=CW+2.0+HK416 Option 2 : H&K G36C With modified stats (35 Damage, Effective 422.2M, Damage Fall Off 30%, Firerate 800 (Negotiable), Hip Spread 42%, Aim Accuracy 97.3%, Spread per Shot 6%, Max Spread 40%, Recoil 30%, Mobility 40%, Handling 100%, Deploy Time 1s, Reload 2.1s, Full Reload Time 3s) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428754307/BE1A615005E7F12275B4BDDA397772926F2FD433/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428754082/8CE9F186BE398388B110E0E8315BEDACF5354AAC/ Explanation : Firstly, we are suggesting a change for 2 of the primaries currently listed on both Operator and Enforcer whitelists. The first being the change from the GBM4A1 and the second being the SR-338. To start off the GBM4A1, is a weapon that is held by the faction in its very name: Green Beret. As Delta Force we feel as if utilizing weaponry already used by another faction cheapens the option for both us and the originating faction and it reduces the overall appeal towards the whitelists of our faction. Many people who wish to try out for the faction, do so to be apart of a high speed, and official-feeling faction as well as receive better weaponry without the need to donate and we hope to facilitate this through these suggestions. For our entry level whitelist, the Operator, we humbly request that the GBM4A1 be swapped to our old weapon the P90 (updated CW 2.0 addon however) or the HK UMP with modified stats stated above. This fulfills the close range meta that we see on many objectives, allowing Delta Force to respond where requested without the need for donator weapons to fulfill the job required. We understand that this does not quite fit with the identity given to our faction, but no soldier starts as a strong marksman and as such, we would work with our faction members to earn their way up to our premier class: Recon. As a testament to its appeal, it draws all of our Operators to it at current moment, though this should not be the case. It should draw those who truly desire to embrace the Recon specialization or hold talent for sniping. The other members who are not as suited to sniping would benefit from the addition of a competitive SMG or Assault rifle. Similarly, we are suggesting the the Enforcers SR-338 DMR be swapped to an assault rifle. The reason in doing so is because Recon fills the long range assault tasks with the M95 with high effectivity. This reduces the use of the Enforcer class as it feels like a lack-luster and discount version of the Recon whitelist, making it redundant. Our current faction community have stated that the ability to take down a target with one, precise shot is of greater appeal than the possibility of eliminating the very same target with multiple shots, reducing the current appeal of the present iteration. The assault rifle steps up the marksmanship requirements of the faction by allowing for more distance to be taken between the aggressor and the intended target. In locations where the engagement distance is not considered typically close, the Enforcer with this weapon would excel while the Operator and Recon would suffer. Furthermore, what this does for the Delta Force faction is allow what is referred to as a 360 security. All of the typical avenues and paths of engagement are covered and supported for the assault and engagement of the enemy in any environment, as Delta Force squads in real life would operate. As to why we chose the HK416 and the P90 addons for this suggestion - we feel that the current list of weapons used on the server have all been seen and used, we are asking for something new to the server. Through research, we found, the HK416 was actually designed and created for Delta Force and is considered a standard - adding a touch of realism to our selection of this weapon. The weapon itself comes with a large manner of attachments that all revolve around the idea of stealth, reconnaissance, and personalization/equipping for the mission. The current P90 we have on the server has a fire rate issue and “breaks” when modifying fire rate, we’re asking that this new updated CW 2.0 addon be re-downloaded and added as an attempt to rectify the problem of the old P90. Should it have the same problem again we ask that the alternative we suggested be tested. In conclusion, I would like to push my faction in a direction where the use of whitelist weaponry remains competitive with appeal to every whitelist to people with and without donators. +1/-1 With valid reasoning - please refrain from shitposting!
  3. +1 For a permanent ban, the evidence, in my opinion, is insufficient. You spectated him for about a week now, both phantom and crin and yet they couldn’t make a decision, so they went unconditional with a script? And still, sure, the evidence at some points can be determined as “fishy” but not in anyway solid. You spectated him during wars when there were lots of targets but couldn’t prove anything. Iv watched his sims myself. Be it 1v1 or a team based sim, there would be times he would beaten or outplayed , and I know he was trying. He’s sent me videos he recorded himself of him playing and not once does he flick. https://gyazo.com/8a8e3b2569566b54ba103ddf98462dfb No flicks here, he solidly drags his mouse to his target and drops them. Iv got more of these clips of this counter-evidence doesn’t suffice for you guys. I believe the decision made based off of the limited amount of evidence shown was a poor one. There were times where Cramps has pleaded with me that he isn’t hacking, Vandal can vouch for that because he was there too. Going off of old VAC bans doesn’t exactly assist in proving he is hacking either so let’s leave that out of the arguement. In the one clip with Crin spectating, that isn’t a flick, because wouldn’t he have locked into the gb first, you can’t even prove he aimed in because the clip is in third person. Standing on +1 until I get solid evidence.
  4. Quick question, so are these HUB buildings basically our debriefs or are they like our spawns? Also the exteriors of the bases look very dim, maybe some lights/more fires would rectify that? Other than that I think the map is coming along nicely. Well done garnet.
  5. It really doesn’t even need to be coded, just some effort from the staff team to set up, given the permissions of course. That’s just my two cents.
  6. See ya man, without your "motivation" in our debriefs when DF was going to host tryouts after wars in which you would say that none of us in army would pass, I would never have passed DF tryouts. You were my CO in army and you helped shape me into who I am today. Good luck out there! Thank you /me Salutes with the upmost respect
  7. 2 man comms squad? See ya bro good luck out there.
  8. - Which is why i'm suggesting admins get the ability to have NPC permissions so you can spawn NPCs which would also help with things such as events. - An NPC wanders away - you kill it and tell staff where it was. Last time I checked NPCs dont wander very far from initial spawn. - The staff who was asked to spawn NPC's for the patrol would see where they would be dying and remove them. It wouldn't be a problem because the staff is already noclipping around spawning some NPCs for the patrol to fight.
  9. I recently updated my GeForce and was optimizing my games and clicked onto CSGO and immediately had an urge to play the game again. Iv had CSGO since Operation Bravo and even then I played CSS before that (these were my first two FPS PC games). Of course I am going to have to start off back at silver in terms of ranks but I am looking for any of you guys who want to play with me. Obviously im going to be really rusty but im just looking for people to chill and play with be it ranked or casual. Add me on steam!
  10. All feedback is greatly appreciated. - The MOS would not be in the persons name, simple something you can come up with. In my personal opinion utilizing the ranks of E-1 to E-3 would be the best choices as most factions do not document these ranks. The name can be whatever pops into your head. - The spy would be recording this for the purpose of RP and of course to assist in gathering intel. You can obviously tell if someone meta/powergames you if they continue to harass you in a sense that makes it seem like they know who you really are. The purpose of attempting to root out a spy is to do so in an RP based scenario as if you noticed they were acting strangely in which they kept showing up to a debrief for a faction they don't belong to, that sort of thing. - Most immersive RP servers actively rely on staff to help boost the immersion - that is just something I am suggesting to happen on our server. - Kidnapping may be annoying but it is one our of best RP interactions between US and Russia.
  11. First id like to thank you for your feedback. Firstly, obviously if you're within the area of a patrol and one of the NPCs shoots at you, you may fire back - simple solution. As I said before, its a suggestion to add simple NPC spawn permissions to admins, staff members who devote a lot of time to upholding the rules. Saying it isn't going to happen isn't really constructive, besides adding powers like this to admins could lead to other things such as their ability to host events. DRP staff have the ability to host events if given permission, I feel that can be applied to MRP but with more powers. NPC's corpses can be removed utilizing the remover tool if set to the proper function so staff will not have to use the clean up everything admin power which would remove our duel NPCs. If you would like I can post a recording of this being done. Thanks!
  12. See ya Lala, now who will be US's best DJ? Anyway I remember I think about a year ago when you first joined MARSOC and actively doing sims against you when I was still some skid in army. Hate to see another old US player leave but people get worn out. Add me on steam and maybe I can carry you in CS seeing as how im gonna start playing it again. Peace xd
  13. Description : This suggestion would essentially piggyback off of kidnapping. After confirming a kidnappees whitelist in RP, the kidnappers may request a staff to set one of their kidnap members to the kidnappees whitelist. This would replicate someone taking a soldiers uniform and essentially posing as the kidnappee (now deceased). Then the now disguised soldier would have to be transported to the opposing countries FOB and essentially become a spy. With a change of MOS of course. Furthermore, on the opposing side of this, factions will have to find a way to root out the spy, be it by confirming an account of false identity through docs, or through interrogation/troop inspection. Reasoning : This would be an additional RP aspect to kidnapping. It is entirely doable with the use of a headmod+ as they can set jobs. If anything spirals into the form of a report, the kidnap party will already be recording of course. Also to avoid metagame, I would also highly recommend for the spy to be recording as well. This would be another form of RP that will be enjoyable and rewarding to factions who kidnap frequently as it results in more in-RP based intel and overall just more RP. This would require NO CODING just the assistance of a headmod+. I am well aware that this currently conflicts with the new staff rules that involves whitelisting, what I am suggesting is an additional exception to the rule outside of tryouts. +1/-1 with valid reasoning only please - no shitposting please.
  14. Description : A sort of event based patrol system - instead of it being player vs player it would be player vs NPC. If an officer wants to set up a patrol to keep new players/enlisted entertained in their hourly wait between wars they could contact a trial admin + to spawn hostile NPCs that will attack the patrol as they move throughout the map. This would also of course give trial admins + the ability to spawn NPCs, not just Superadmins. Reasoning : With the introduction of missions into our server, I feel that now would be the time to increase the amount of things to do during PassiveRP. Missions of course are extremely enjoyable and give the player something to do outside of sims and tryouts. This would assist in boosting server appeal and overall RP as there would be an additional for new players to do after completing training or waiting for the next war. Furthermore, NPCs drop cash and this would be another way to earn cash. Also this would require NO CODING, just simply giving more permissions to staff. +1/-1 with valid reasoning only please - no shitposting please.
  15. SamSlayer

    Hyperion Ban

    Who is he anyway? I checked his playtime and it’s over 200 hours which means he’s spent a fair amount of time on garnet.
  16. +1 from me. I’m actually surprised it doesn’t state that counters need to be adverted in that particular section of the rules. Rules like that should definitely be more precise in stating what you can do and how to do it as I don’t expect people joining the server to automatically know you need to type in advert chat “counter kidnap” to actually be able to counter. Right now the rule basically says if you see a kidnap occurring you can basically open fire. Any community member with more then 100+ hours knows you have to advert but we shouldn’t be assuming things with people whom are new to the server.
  17. Speed buff to the Army soldier whitelist????? xd Good work as always garnet and you too bizzy. I hope school isn’t giving you too much a rough time, hang in there bro!
  18. I only have it on the console. Almost master prestige and missing about 2 or 3 dlc weapons.
  19. Goodbye my friend, Even before joining Delta Force I always looked up to you guys and held you guys with the upmost respect despite what other people said. This respect fueled my desire to be apart of this faction and pushed me to improve myself and other aspects that would help me pass tryouts be it Spetz time, OC time, or any other form of obstacle that was apart of tryouts back on the old desert map. I first met many of the old faction members in the final phase of my tryouts - all whom I also came to know as friends. My first interaction with you was after the completion of my tryout in which you gave me a ridiculous code-name which left me in a state of shock even though I had finally achieved my goal of becoming a DF operator, despite that fact I still to this day wear the rank proudly and would not have grown into the person I have become without your leadership and friendship. Good luck with any future endeavors you have, and feel free to message me on steam if you ever wish to play any games - also try and hop into teamspeak from time to time so we can play more single player. To the now ex Colonel of Delta Force, /me Salutes with upmost respect. @GG | Vandal You got some big shoes to fill, no worries man Ill help you every step of the way.
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