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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by LeKichi

  1. Taking into consideration all that has happened previously when Ballpark was a staff, up until now, I think that the dedication and determination to do well for this community deserves a chance. I believe that there has been a lot of effort to make a more positive impact on the server, and many attempts to better his reputation amongst the staff team and the community. Is he perfect? Absolutely not, but neither is anyone here. Will there still be some concerns from staff who were around for most of this? Obviously, and they are not wrong to do so either. However, I think that the sheer dedication is something that will be beneficial for the server. For those worried, just keep a close eye and correct any behaviors you need to. Trial period is there for him to really show if he has shaped up, or if he will fall into old habits, and at least with a chance given, he will prove one or the other. +1
  2. Denied Not allowed sorry. You just passed me in staff ranks and were finally higher than me.. who else am I going to do my chicken dances with now
  3. Damn can’t wait to see the day that Ethan replaces me as Head Admin :’).. Anyways, contracts everyone on your promotions as they were all well deserved! Sad to see one of the last OG’s @BakedSucc leave. Better still be sticking around for party games at least!
  4. Congrats everyone on promotions, they were all well deserved Keep up the hard work this coming month!
  5. Please follow the proper format for your ban appeal! Ensure you’ve read over the rules and provide the correct information so that you can be helped quickly.
  6. It’s crazy to see that you’re still around, considering it’s been 7-8 years since we first played together! Good to see you on here, and I hope you find yourself a new home in our community. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me! Sorry to hear about the loss though. Hopefully you are taking care of yourself through this time.
  7. Yoooo good ol' Jerry Hat Trick! I doubt you will remember me as it has been almost 5 years, but your name is one I still have not forgotten
  8. +1 You're a previous staff member of the server, and from what I saw then (and still now), you're mature and hold yourself well. I have no doubts that you will do well still coming back. You left in good standing, and since coming back, have been a great contributor. 10/10 would make a great addition tot he staff team once again.
  9. The amount of toxicity, and inappropriate comments, that were made in this thread are astounding. There is absolutely no reason for this behavior on a staff app, and as staff that represent your server, and community as a whole, I am very disappointed to see this sort of behavior. If you feel that there is an applicant that needs to improve - give them feedback that is positive and constructive. Making a personal attack towards an applicant is absolutely unnecessary, and sets a poor example to everyone who can see it. As for the app itself - I will remain neutral on it for this moment as I have not personally met you in game or interacted with you, but I will be looking for you over the next day or two. I do like that you quickly responded to your given feedback, and updated your app. I am glad to hear that you enjoy our community, and it seems you have good intentions with making this app. What I would like to hear about more though is the number of previous bans you have (while pretty spread out, there seems to be more than one). Do not let this discourage you from wanting to be staff, or from making another staff application. Being in good standing is an important aspect of staffing, as it shows a level of maturity, and so I would like to hear a bit more about what you've learned coming back from your bans before making a final decision .
  10. If you are planning on applying, you'll want to follow the format given for staff apps, as well as the staff rules.
  11. Congrats everyone on your promotions! Continue to keep up the hard work this coming month
  12. Congrats everyone on promotions! Glad to see all the hard work everyone is putting in!
  13. Congrats to everyone who got promoted! If you didn’t get a promotion, keep up the hard work this month
  14. A very unfortunate thing to happen to a fellow community member, especially a veteran player who has been around long enough to witness those who stay or pass through. While I do not frequently play on MRP, SWRP, nor have I had many personal interaction with Gamma, I know that this heartbreaking news is felt by everyone, regardless of the server we play, and I myself am deeply saddened by this great loss for our community. It sounds like Gamma had a lot of positive interactions with many people he’s met, and created many friendships and memories which have impacted others. I hope that he has found peace, and is continually remembered for his contributions to Garnet and his friends.
  15. +1 While I’ve only had one interaction with you just yesterday on the server, from that interaction and the comments posted, I feel like you’re a mature and well like player in the server. You have a strong and well written application, and lots of previous staffing experience. I think you’d make a great addition to the staff team! Best of luck
  16. NEUTRAL Hey Wesgr! Appreciate you for showing interesting in wanting to help the server! I see that you’ve taken the time to make some changes to your app, so thank you for listening to the feedback given. I don’t necessarily think your app needs a -1, as it sounds like you just need to beef your app up, and become more well known to the player base and staff of the server! While I’ve had very limited interactions with you on the server, I can’t really say I know much about who you are or how you’d perform as a staff member. Hopefully this gives you some pointers to how you can improve! You’ve talked a lot about your experiences on the server, which is great! But what we’d like to hear about is why we should pick you for staff, outside of what is simply doing what is expected. What do you bring to the table? What will you do to build the community, or contribute to creating/maintaining a positive environment on the server? If it helps, see what people who have been accepted as staff have talked about in their apps (obviously don’t copy their apps/responses ;p). To become more well known, take the time to talk to people. You can do this by running around, and talking to players/staff as you see them. Use /OOC to talk around as well. Possibly even try basing with some regulars/staff! If you see me on the server, feel free to hmu and party up to either run around or base . Make some changes, and improve your app, and I’d be happy to give you a +1. Good luck!
  17. Congrats to everyone and your hard work for all of April Let’s keep it up this next coming month!
  18. Hey GamingCarrot, you'll want to follow the correct format for your appeal!
  19. It’s not too late, there is still time to learn!! Either way, I hope to still see you around the community, even if you aren’t staffing :(. Sucks you ended up resigning and for darkrp to lose a great staff member, but it is what it is, and I hope you are able to enjoy yourself now. Still make sure to visit us in TTT so I can stabby stab you :)!
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