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Everything posted by Bendak

  1. If this works, I am going to cum buckets. I honestly never noticed a bad hitbox for Rangers, but thank you anyway for putting work on it. Also thanks for the access to the US group chat function.
  2. Nigga... Yes +1. I'd love to see at least some sort of attempt at making pistols more viable. If it doesn't work though, then whatever.
  3. Bendak

    Mass RDM + IDs

    Ok. First, please attempt to follow the format and post IDs in here so staff can just copy paste instead of having to look at the video. And also give a brief explanation of the scenario. Other than that yeah. Looks like MassRDM. Pretty cut and dry.
  4. This is a .... uhhhhhh .... yikes. Many people on this thread already stated this but yeah, you dont need to be friends to talk to people in a mature manner. Even your own friends will lampoon you and call you out on things they dont agree on. It honestly sounds like you are afraid of negative criticism, which isn't mature at all. All of these other replies state my feelings perfectly. Hard Pass on you being staff.
  5. Bendak

    csgo headshot sound?

    Yes, it is possible. However, it probably isn't worth the time. The server could have better/more important things added than a sound clip for when you get a headshot, when most of the actual shooting on the server revolves around spray and pray from what I've seen.
  6. Bendak

    US Overhaul

    That is not going to happen That's the point of the merge On god, I don't think a merge is that necessary. At the very least, there needs to be more communication between the factions. A merge would be kind of nice tho to help with making it more streamlined. If the merge actually happens, then I +1 the class limitations. Have the base Ranger/MARSOC class be the specialty that separates them from Army/Marines, and then the Commander class for white-listing capabilities. The structure kind-of already exists, but isn't carried out all of the time. It definitely needs revisited though.
  7. He put it perfectly. -1 to this suggestion entirely
  8. Shrimps put it very bluntly, but yeah. The point of this was to make it so people will actually want to use pistols in combat, not just to make things look cool. I'm talking about on the server, dummy.
  9. What would you put where? I'm just curious
  10. Description THIS SUGGESTION IS ONLY FOR SIDEARMS EQUIPPED TO NON-DONOR WHITELISTS I am proposing that the sidearms that are currently on the server should get a rework for the sake of them being viable in combat. On top of just a re-work of how sidearms stats should be fixed, I am also suggesting that there should be some diversity of sidearms between factions, so that 3 factions don't have the exact same sidearm. I am aware that there are not enough sidearms in the game that can facilitate every faction, and know that some SOC factions will have to share with their base faction. However, this could knock down the amount of shared sidearms between factions by quite a bit. As far as making sidearms viable, the biggest problem with them is the inconsistency of the rate of fire. Example: The 1911 that is assigned to Army and its sub-factions has a fire rate of 400, while the Marines and their sub-factions have a sidearm with a fire rate of 500. The 1911 is worse in the sense of fire rate, but it also doesn't help that it's maximum ammo count in its clip is 8 if you load a clip and keep 1 in the chamber, while the P226 can have a maximum ammo count of 13. This also goes for putting up sidearm of US vs RU. The 2GA get an MP-443 Grach sidearm with a fire rate of 500 and a max clip size of 19 when keeping 1 in the chamber, while the 1911 sidearm has a fire rate of 400 and a max clip size of 8. (Reminder, this is for pistols that are not donors or ones that are not assigned to donors) I suggest that there is a universal number of 500 fire rate for all sidearms for the reason of it being able to have some viability against normal weapons as well. Overall damage should stay around 35, but have a reasonable damage fall-off so it can't be used outside of CQC. Of course SMGs, ARs, and Shotguns will outclass all of these, but there will at least be a chance for a sidearm wielding player at winning a gunfight against the player wielding a primary weapon. Below would be a list of factions and the sidearms that I propose them to have, as for some of the reason behind suggesting those specific sidearms: Army: M92FS [1911 is actual dog shit] Rangers: FN Five SeveN [1911 is actual dog shit/Diversity among the Army and their sub-factions] Green Beret: M92FS [1911 is actual dog shit] Marines: P226 [DMG buff to 35] MARSOC: P226 [DMG buff to 35] SEALS: P99 [Unique pistol given for the "top" SOC faction] 2GA: Makarov PM (Khris Weapons Pack) [RU oriented weapon with good ammo capacity and attachment diversity] GRU: MP443 Grach [DMG buff to 35] SSO: GHS-18 [Boost Rate of Fire from 400 to 500, DMG buff to 35] Frogmen: CZ-75 [Boost Rate of Fire from 400 to 500, DMG buff to 35] Vega Group: CZ-52 [Unique pistol given for the "top" SOC faction] (I am aware that with what I suggested that there will be more sidearm diversity among factions in RU than US. However, US has direct ties to most of their base and SOC factions IRL, where most of the RU factions are doing their own thing and don't have much of a tie to each other IRL. Reasoning Part of the reasoning for this suggestion is because I think it would be a swell idea to implement this to create diversity in factions on the server. Another part is for its ability to be used in combat. Like I stated earlier, primary weapons should outclass sidearms in just about every situation, but the current state of sidearms right now doesn't even give them a chance against those primary weapons. Even if we take out the element of primary weapons, sidearms are so inconsistent among various factions that there are objectively better sidearms over others by a long shot. A good example of a need for a rework of sidearms is the viability of medic classes, especially for base factions. Put yourself in the eyes of a new player who hasn't even touched the donation store yet. You want to make a difference to your team and decide to go on the Army Medic class. You understand that your goal is not to go out and kill all Russians that you see, but you are aware that you have a sidearm in case if things get rocky. You are defending the OBJ when a 2GA Soldier rounds the corner with his AK. The person you are healing dies, so you pull out your pistol and are ready to fight. However, in the time it takes to fire a single bullet from your 1911, the AK has already shot out 3 bullets and has knocked you on your ass. Assuming that both you, the Free-To-Play Medic, and Soldier had full health, you had nearly zero chance of winning that gunfight. You don't even have the chance to land 2 headshots that deal 50 damage each. Now compare that with the Marines that have the P226 with a higher fire rate. They have the chance to win because of they have the ability to fire as fast as needed to secure the kill and keep healing their team. This scenario can be applied to a lot of sidearms in multiple factions (Army and their sub-factions, Frogmen, Vega, and SSO). Even SOC factions will get the shaft on this one. An overall rework of sidearms would create a better consistency among factions across the board. With this suggestion, I believe that sidearms will become more viable in combat. Sidearms will have the same fire rate, and nearly the same ammo capacity across the board, with only about a 2 or 3 bullet difference on most pistols. Additional Information Below are Screenshots showing inconsistencies between sidearms. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1917132314 Current GHS-18 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1917135263 Current MP-443 Grach https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1917136002 Current P226 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1917136324 Current M1911
  11. I don't think it's hitbox is actually that bad, but +1 to everything else stated. Field Medic has been like this since the playermodel swap and Ghost has been like this since the re-naming from Breacher to Ghost. Simple fixes that would get done in less than 5 minutes.
  12. -1 Third person right now is still aids. Even though the distance from the back of your head is small with the current restrictions, it still is enough to make combat completely aids. You can still sit on corners and wait for people to run into your hallway, switch to 1st person and gun them down, giving a retarded advantage to the defensive player. And you say you want to add back crosshairs? No. No. And no. The combination of old 3rd person with crosshairs will just bring back the 3rd person sniping meta, which is fucking retarded. I would love to see crosshairs make a return, but not until 3rd person gets removed completely. If 3rd person was removed, then there would be more fair and skillbased combat rather than sitting on a corner with 3rd person just waiting for someone to show up. Anyway... Snipers exist. Try again. No matter what map you play, unless the map is entirely flat, there will always be headglitch spots. And some of those spots are on the map objectives as well. Refer to shrimps' reply. Customization of crosshair, yes. With 3rd person though, no. Or remove it so nobody has to worry about it's settings and therefore everyone is on an even playing field so we don't have to worry about the perfect settings for combat. You just made my point for me.
  13. Yeah this isn't evidence. This is just a death montage, also showing your lack of awareness. Since the RU Base AK has a fucking 4X sight, the ranged kills aren't really sus. Plus the CQC kills you are barely looking at the nigga. He might have ESP, but he definitely doesn't have aimbot. -1 unless you find other evidence that will actually prove something
  14. Yeah uhhh...Hard Pass. (-1) The difference of donor classes between DRP and MRP is that if you buy VIP on DRP, there are an array of jobs that can be used. Besides, half of the DRP VIP jobs are just slight upgrades of the normal jobs you can get without being a VIP. With MRP, you buy a specific class, and that class only. It's the same idea with custom classes on DRP. You pay for a specific class and load-out, and you get to use it whenever you want. Yeah there will be times where you might have 7 RPGs online, and that can be annoying sometimes. However, people pay a good amount of money to use those classes on MRP so they should be able to use them whenever they want.
  15. Map got released on my start of 3 days off work. Poggers. Time to enable "draw shadows" for this one. Map actually looks sick. Cant wait to play it out in war. Also just realized that raids will be even spookier too since it's so dark.
  16. -1 Bruh you didn't even follow format. Poor grammar even.
  17. so you're telling me that you want the rifle changed because of a scope and nothing else? ok. Provide a weapon to replace it or else this should just get denied right now. At the moment this suggestion is just people thinking the SKS is bad and want it changed, but don't even do all the work to see what can replace it. The only one that put any constructive feedback towards changing the SKS is Gardner. This is a possible change that could happen, but really the only thing you're trading the SKS for that matters in combat is a scope. Btw if you just change ammo types real quick then it empties the mag out so there's that.
  18. -1 The Mosin will not be the replacement since it's a donator weapon and it belongs to GRU. The SKS is a good DMR. It's a 2 shot body shot and a 1 shot head shot. The worldview model and not being able to put it on safety is not a big deal. The only difference that it has between the Army and Marine MK14 DMR is ammo count. Either increase ammo count or leave as is.
  19. -1. There are bigger priorities for the server than changing entry faction skins. They work just fine. ^that I can agree with
  20. Or just fix the mosin. I think a new sniper or a new DMR of sorts would be a great addition, but first we need to fix what we already have
  21. -1. It's sad to say, but to be honest, not a lot of people who play support/medic roles actually do their job. A lot of people usually just go on support so they can heal themselves whenever they get damaged, and are equipped with their donator guns to cover their back. Making people not do this will be impossible, and adding a weapon to the class would just promote that type of gameplay even more. Example: New guy learns of the donation store and buys an Orsis. All he has to do now is hop on support with the SMG and he is able to be covered for just about all types of combat. And with that in mind, also having a med kit, he just runs off to do his own to do his own thing and not help the team. I think a better option would be to give attention to the pistols that the medics are equipped with. Example: Colt M1911 has 25 DMG and 7 rounds (8 if you reload with 1 in the chamber). Any player who hasn't donated to the server would be left in the dust against anyone who has literally anything else other than a pistol and a knife. Now there are two things that come to mind for me to possibly solve this issue. Straight buff pistols. I am not aware of the other sidearms for all factoins, but there is almost zero reliability on them in any gunfight because they are weak. The only people who use the pistols on the server are pretty much the new guys who have nothing else. This would help to give interest in using your sidearm in combat to change gameplay and make things more interesting instead of just using your pistol for trouts. Buff magnum rounds. The change for magnum and match rounds was an interesting update and a good one to help balance issues. I think the change to match rounds was good, but magnum is now pointless. With the the degree of the nerf that the magnum rounds got, there is no point in using them. At all. With the magnum round nerf, there is no point to use them since they only buff damage by about one or two DMG points for most guns, while your recoil is raised 1/3rd of what it already is. You're pretty much just adding recoil to your gun to get a slightly higher damage that really won't help you in a gun fight in most cases.
  22. +1 to adding the Famas as a donator weapon to the shop. I think that there should be something done with it since it's kinda just sitting there on the server doing nothing and not implemented yet. It would be nice to see a new donator weapon for a change. However, a few things as well to adress: My issue with this is that if it plays like a base faction weapon, then what's the point of getting it? It would pretty much just be an M16/AK reskin, which doesn't sound that unique or special. Donor stuff is supposed to be unique and special, and that's why you pay for it. It stands out. It's different from the normal stuff. Assault rifles are meant for accuracy over the SMGs or LMGs. Full-autoing isn't supposed to always grant accuracy for medium-long range combat. Assault rifles are better at giving a more accurate shot over distance, but with control. Being able to full auto an assault rifle without worrying about accuracy is a bad idea. This happened with the MP5, the AEK, etc. If it was implemented this way, all I see is just another annoying meta that is retarded to fight against.
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