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Everything posted by Gildarts

  1. Gildarts


    not the first time I've heard you say oops. C I M
  2. You cannot view link, But if nelson needs something have him message me.
  3. Only having one post on the forums is concerning, as you should be more community focused. But its is not a requirement.
  4. You already know Im down for blane county and to help out as ive been asking for this for years
  5. Ill do community manager 'Part time' ON A ONLY NEEDED/required to fill vacancy Basis for free. Cause unlike anyone else who will apply. Ive always been able to do anything when you ask and I have my remote desktop to do so.
  6. +1 for cscdesert_propfix
  7. I have a solution. Delete delta force like I did before. Easy fix. Or my other fix which im not mentioning because I want garnet to just do it.
  8. Alls that happened was Mits loopholed the rules by not looking at the base "not rendering". Which is also against the rules; and is actually worse then just breaking the rules. Mav should have handed the report off the someone else or asked for help; if he was unsure and not concluded it. Also there is the old issue of "my team" happening again as seen below; Because this is not a faction issue, its a rule issue. Let me add people im not mentioning who in the channels i was in were butt hurt that the report was made because of the whole "omg our faction member reported us". Like I told you yesterday your mindset is wrong and you should change it. You're not on the same "team" you're apart of the garnet family and should treat everything as such. This is why staff were bared for awhile to be able to take sits of their own faction members aswell because of this issue. If it was two faction members RDMING eachother sure yes, they could talk to brian about it. But it was them playing on two completely different factions nothing to do with GB. It was durring war time aswell, it has nothing to do with faction rules and strictly done via server rules. Factions have no power over server rules; thats staffs job.
  9. I'm ready to brick mass my way out of the community Had to fix my avatar,
  10. The only question I have is if this is the first ban, I would say a appeal process is acceptable. If not then I would deny this; I personally have never had an issue with medinator and he was a good player when I was still around; What happend while I've been in the shadows is unknown to me.
  11. @proggy was this brought up after I bitched about it to you and aj lmao
  12. I actually disagree with this, simply because I use the guns because I donated for them; Not because they are "op" I feel alot of people do the same, but sure theres people who do it they way you describe. But to me the 5-10% difference on the aek dosnt matter. The snipers I still think should all be the same but a donator is a donator. Theres a reason each one of these guns are on the !credits menu. You can earn your right to use one if you don't choose to support the server you play which in my complete opinion is a fair trade off.
  13. To be honest from my perspective, we have had so many "rebalances" that turn into more rebalances, It should just be set a way and done no ones ever happy with the outcomes and some are. So its a mute point to waste time and resources. Plus theres a reason theyre donator guns.
  14. What stupid stinky cunt deleted my post.

    1. IAreGunner


      stupid forum mods

    2. Jake


      not a forum mod this time

    3. Horse



  15. I will say tho, If you were talking to staff members you all shouldn't have been in a rp location to beat each others dicks off. You guys have the ability to go somewhere out of player contact, as well as the fact we have TeamSpeak still. Unless you guys were talking about a situation at the exact spot or creating an event I see no need to be there talking about non RP scenarios. So in my opinion your both at fault.
  16. Gildarts

    Duel Bug

    No, what needs to happen is the kids abusing it should be banned; and money returned. Its hard to fix somthing like this because of the way the system works.
  17. @Kendal You guys and your fake goatsoc Orignal was from 2016/17. Yall just copyed me when I brought it back. Fuck u kendal. and @Vac_, suck me. @Captainswag gross.
  18. That has nothing really to do with what i asked
  19. What do you guys miss most about the MRP server/community; and hate currently (if you played recently). Please refrain frrom saying the "Players" because we are all aware the quality of player has gone down. Also what would you guys change if you could? This is a follow up to:
  20. If you think this is going to be my only post, Wait for phase 2 and 3
  21. To get a general consencous what do you actually enjoy, and hate about MRP. Please do not say playerbase. Also for statistic reasons select your age without posting your own age; just for geting to know what people want and around what ages want certain things. That way problems and solutions can be aimed correctly
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