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Found 6 results

  1. Note: This topic was created in order to show an evidence of the tryouts/drills. This is meant to act as a history archive and to keep track of tryouts/drills for the future. 6/29/2018 - Evidence of Drills : https://imgur.com/a/BK2C0yz
  2. So as some of you may know, i am currently 11B DS CSM CnKole. I have been this since June 27th, 2018, it is now August 9th, 2018, almost a month and a half later. Same rank for over a month because everyone refuses to do my WO evals. I'm sick of it, being treated like a PFC or something. I have decided that I am going to try out for GB or DF, maybe even SEALS. The thought had even crossed my mind to start all over in marines or even on RU. I just don't know what to do. There are 2 main things that are doing it in for me with army. 1. the rank thing. 2. SFT, me and @deathadder2222 worked pretty hard setting SFT up, and creating it, only for someone to rip it from our hands, demote him to low officer of it, and remove me completely and hand it to the most immature and disrespectful kid I've ever met.So I guess what I'm asking is which do you think that i should do? 1. Wait for my WO evals, and then another 2 months for the next rank. 2. Tryout for GB and probably fail. 3. Tryout for DF and probably fail. 4. Tryout for SEALS and probably fail. 5. Switch to 1MD and start all over as a Pvt. 6. Switch to RU and start at 2GA PFC (previously gotten rank) If you think I should go SOC, which do you think? Got any tips for me to pass the tryouts?
  3. Frist of all, I want to say that I am not leaving the server. You ain't getting that lucky. Heh... Second of all, I just want to say that all the time that I've been on 2GA was a delightfull one. I am very happy that I got the chance to lead 2GA. I've came with ideas and I tried to make everyone feel welcomed here. I feel like my time is up and I need to pass the torch for other people so that they can learn to. I'll still be here, so in case the new leader or 2GA needs help, I'll always be happy to help. Third of all, I trust Phantom that he will find a fit leader. Besides that, nothing else. To be honest, I am not that good at writing stuff. I just want to thank everybody that helped in my journay as a 2GA. Down below I will only tag people who helped me/talk with during my time as an Enlisted/Officer and finnaly Marshal. @Ethan - A good mentor throughout my carrer. Take care man ! @{GG} Windows - Funny person, always was there to raise my morale ! @Dillan - One of my best leaders and also a good friend. Always there when I was in doubt or when I would've done something stupid. @Tora - Take care man. A good helping hand. @Riskii - Take care with school ! @Yazmo ☣ - Ha, it was a plesure meeting you. Good Luck on the future. @.br0ken - Sometimes you can be a pain in the ass, but you are funny and a cool guy in general. @Swigs - Well, it was fun to have you near me during my officer days. hehe. @Khon Bang Bang - One of my best officers I ever hand, always there to help and also a good friend. @GarnetGaming | Medinator - Hehe, have fun being taged here. @Prota - Or should I say Mister BlackGuard ? Anyway, at least we had our 5 minutes of glory in Russia, am I rit ? @Ted Fischer | GarnetGaming.net - Another great guy. Helped me when I needed it the most ! @EpicKevinBACON - It was fun playing with you, both being officer. Sad to see you go man. @.lua - Nice guy in general. Tough we didn't interact that much. @ClickBait - Sad to see you go man. Maybe you'll come back one day. Those Officers days, heh. @SonOfElmo[tickles]--> - One hell of a guy. BlackGuard then Marshal. Still, activity when ? @Frosty - We haven't talked that much, all my interactions with you were pleasent. @Phantom - Great guy in general ! I entrust you that you will find the best fit as a future Marhsal. Thx for putting with my none-sense, hehe ! @†Trip† - 1st. Tagged you last cause I wanted to. 2nd - Change your name bruuuh. 3rd - Best god damn boiii. Saw you grow from LT third in command. Hardworking dude. Hehe ! Well, that's it. Sorry for my english, I am quite tired. Besides that, I would like 2GA Reserves and I will always be here to help in case something goes wrong. If I missed any of you, sorry. Feel free to tag yourself in the comments.
  4. My Story: 2GA was the first faction I got really far in and felt apart of, I was previously in ALQ back in January but only got to MSGT when my computer hiccupped and I never got a replacement until May. When I rejoined GG, I spent most of 3 days trying to get my rank preserved in RU, which I wouldn't stop bothering staff and officers about. I decided to start from scratch and worked my way up to SSP in about 2-3 weeks, which happened to occur right when ClickBait left as Marshal and Zed took his place. I was determined to become an officer and help Enlisted and lead RU to victory. I had endured the trials and tests of trying to prove my ability that I could be an officer that it really both improved me ingame and in real life. But on July 10th, I was promoted to KST, and I couldn't have been happier. I managed to work my way up to LT, met some great people in the Commissioned and Enlisted with great potential, and overall just had an amazing time in 2GA. I think the people make 2GA such a fun faction, not the skill or progression in the faction. Why I'm Leaving: I know my departure doesn't come at a good time for RU and 2GA, but I will always be there to hop on if you guys need me. I want something new. My time in 2GA has been great, but I have been in the faction for about 2 months. I want to know what it's like to be in a SOC faction, what the full US experience is like, I want to get all the server can offer me. 2GA was a great start and it has prepared me greatly for whats to come for me. I will never forget my time in 2GA and the people I met there who have made the 150 or so hours I have played in the past 2 months such a thrill. Whats Next? I want to join a SOC faction, I'm gonna try and gun for GRU, maybe try SSO, or any SOC faction I can fit my sorry ass into. Until that time comes, I'll mostly be on army, but whenever 2GA needs a season veteran, I'll be there as soon as I can. Goodbyes: Here's of people who made my 2GA time so great: @ZedDxeD - Favorite Romanian, funny little fucker and personal mentor. He pushed me to work harder in 2GA and be the best I can be, and I can't thank you enough for that man @Khon Bang Bang AKA Jim Trash - The dude with the most potential. You are probably the best officer I have ever seen who likes to hear everyone out. When the time comes that you become the Marshal, I hope you do the best job you can. @Dillan Faction Clown and Glug Enthusiast. I'll miss you bud. @Ethan I know we've had our Ups and Downs, but I really admire you. @Malmood Award for Most Chill Guy who likes to have fun. I'd probably consider him my best friend in 2GA.
  5. Name: Hoskins Age: 16 turning 17 in November. Total time on the server: [/playtime] | NSWC SO2 Hoskins has played for 862:35:21. Do you own a microphone: [yes/no] Yes. Referrals: [optional] JJ, Android, Chris Branch, Panini, Jasmin, Maverick Staff History: [warns/bans] 0 warns and 0 bans Country of Residence: United States Past experiences staffing? This server and many others, I was an administrative supervisor on a SCP-RP and a Super admin and an admin on many DarkRP servers Why do you plan on benefiting our server? (100 words minimum) Over the past 8 or 9 months almost a year that I've been here I have developed a bond with a lot of the players on the server staff included. I consider a lot of the SEALs and Staff family I respect all of them and they respect me, I like to help the community as best as I can and when someone needs some help with something in-game that I believe I can help out with then I help them to the best of my ability, when I see someone who is about to RDM or break another rule I inform them that they can't do that and they would be warned or worse if they do it. When I was staff on here before I made a lot of friends with the community helping them as best as I could and I was very unbiased in my opinion. The community enjoyed me as a staff member and when I left I had a lot going on but it's all fixed now. I will not be leaving GarnetGaming unless I get banned for whatever reason.
  6. Federal Security Service (FSB) RussianFSB: Commander Commander: models/player/ctsas2.mdl Primary: AK-74 (Garnet_AK47 with a few more attachments) Secondary: Garnet_Makarov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RussianFSB: Heavy Heavy: models/player/sas1.mdl Primary: PKM Secondary: Garnet_Makarov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RussianFSB: Medic Medic: models/player/ctsas3.mdl Primary: Medkit Secondary: Garnet_Makarov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RussianFSB: Assault | Primary AK-74 | Secondary Makarov Assault: models/player/ctsas4.mdl Primary: Assault: AK-74 (Garnet_AK47 with a few more attachments) Secondary: Garnet_Makarov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Real Life Lore: The FSB is mainly responsible for internal security of the Russian state, counterintelligence, and the fight against organized crime, terrorism, and drug smuggling. Since 2003, when the Federal Border Guards Service was incorporated to the FSB, it has also been responsible for overseeing border security. The FSB is engaged mostly in domestic affairs, while espionage duties are responsibility of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reason you should add this class: The issue, many 2GA Enlisted reach SSP and stay there as they don't want to become a 2GA Officer, and can't fit into the Special Forces factions, SSO/GRU/Vega, so this intermediate faction would be a good fit for those people. An issue that may come from adding FSB is that 2GA would dwindle as everyone would rather join FSB, the solution to this is having FSB merged with 2GA similarly to how Taliban and the 55th Brigade were merged. So anyone that passes FSB tryouts will keep their rank from 2GA, and will still be playing a similar role when compared to when they were 2GA in peace time, In war, FSB can play as a more compact team as other Special Forces do and have a set expectation from all of their members to be of a set skill. You may say this could be done in 2GA, but it would require a separate branch of 2GA that would require a test to join to make sure all members are of a set skill expectation. This is why a separate faction merged with 2GA could be a very good solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tryout Information: The tryouts will contain simulations, scenario questions, experience questions, simple instruction following, and killhouse. These tryouts will not be as difficult as GRU/SSO/Vega tryouts to maintain a fair tryout guideline for 2GA. This is just a start of what the tryouts will be like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have any questions, I will gladly answer them.
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