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[MRP] Bug List - Updated Daily

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I'm not going to follow the format because I just wanted to list some bugs that are making the game play a lot less enjoyable. Some of these are well known but I just wanted to make a list. Feel free to comment below and I will add to it. I will actively strike off, add, and modify the bugs as they are patched or new ones are found.

Shout out to Jasmin and Niko Suave for their previous posts, I just wanted to keep a constantly updated one.


Map Bugs:

1. /sit Brings you to the skybox and not the sit rooms.

2. Missions are just generally bugged. Nothing works about them.

3. No duel NPC. And I'm pretty sure they would be broken even if it was added just like /sit.

4. Kill house doors don't open.

5. Kill house models fall over sideways.

6. Some doors/rooms fade when you are far enough away but reappear when you get closer to them.

7. RU Jail floor is elevated too high

8. Jail buttons do not work (do not know if this intentional or not)

9. A lot of trees having missing textures on branches.

10. I do not know what causes it, but on classes with a speed buff or slow buff it is possible to clip a little into the bottom of the map if you take a big enough fall.

11. No admin floor underneath. Spectating is difficult.

12. US KH has targets floating over top.

13. Several invisible walls  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1455548335 , 

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1455548223 , https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1455548143 , 

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1455551787 , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDX0smgKFso

14. Mountains next to map wall/rocks that make it impossible to get out of.

15. On occasion, the US shooting range targets clip into the sky when shot.

16. COMMS has 2 roofs, which really does not make a difference besides third person camera sometimes gets caught between the 2 roofs.

17. Search and Destroy is just an empty TDM war because there is no plant site.

18. VIEW NOT COOL KIDS POST (it is possible to go under the map and shoot at people)\

19. Some of the pipes in US base you can get stuck in and die.

20. Giant yellow gas container in RU base is very slightly floating.

21. By sitting on the GG symbol in RU DB you can get on top the roof.

22. US recruit door cannot be locked by any class making trainers job a lot more difficult.

23. Minor corner sticking out of RU spawn building https://imgur.com/a/7p9A12a


General Server Bugs:

1. MOTD is a 404 error.

2. Paydays still don't work, but I know Garnet can't fix it until there is a new host.

3. Whitelists are just broken in general, you can't add anyone to them and anyone can switch to any whitelist.

4. Chat boxes randomly appear over heads without typing

5. Donation store is bugged because donations will not actually save due to whitelists aswell as sometimes the store does not load and instead provides the security certificate.

6. The Staff website is down/broken

7. The Ban website is down/broken

8. Anyone can get on the Cinema Owner class but no one can get on Citizen.

9. You can’t  switch to RU RPG or US NailGunner


Combat Bugs:

1. With the return of prone, "Prone Glitch" has returned and is being spammed in OOC. I know it is client side but there must be a fix for it.

2. Only certain in weapons have the issue, but hitreg on certain weapons seems worse than others. For example, the AK47 and the G3A3 are very similar weapons but hitting moving targets with the AK47 is next to impossible. Current List: VSS

3. Prox's playermodel glitches out and randomly clips into the group and limbs sever etc... when killed. He just needs a ragdoll for when he dies.

4. In third person sometimes bullets can shoot backwards.


Solved Bugs:

- Whitelists are just broken in general, you can't add anyone to them and anyone can switch to any whitelist.

- /sit Brings you to the skybox and not the sit rooms.

- No duel NPC. And I'm pretty sure they would be broken even if it was added just like /sit.

- Donation store is bugged because donations will not actually save due to whitelists as well as sometimes the store does not load and instead provides the security certificate.

- Only certain in weapons have the issue, but hitreg on certain weapons seems worse than others. For example, the AK47 and the G3A3 are very similar weapons but hitting moving targets with the AK47 is next to impossible. Current List: VS (REMOVED DUE TO ALL GMOD SERVERS BEING THIS WAY 🙂 )

- Kill house doors don't open.

-  Kill house models fall over sideways.

- Some doors/rooms fade when you are far enough away but reappear when you get closer to them. (Intentional - meant for optimization)

-  RU Jail floor is elevated too high (jail being removed)

-  Jail buttons do not work (jail being removed)

- You can’t  switch to RU RPG or US NailGunner

- MOTD is a 404 error.

Edited by Yazmo ☣
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  • StarWarsRP Administration Team

Hitreg with the VSS Vintorez compared to the AK-47 is also acting up, hitting moving targets with AK is easy however with the VSS its next to impossible even though statistically they are almost the identical.

Edited by Jake
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