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Times on mute voice and mute chat.

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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Ok so I think it will be really good if you can add times to muting somebody just like a jail or ban. Now you
need to do /mutevoice then it mute permanently then you need to do it again to unmute. This gets confusing because sometimes you forget to unmute if you are doing sits or anything else.
If you forget then they need to reconnect to get unmuted and that is not good if they have printers or anything else. Example: if you catch a guy mic spamming as non hobo you can just
do /mutevoice (steam id) 4-6 then forget about it.

	Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] This is mainly for staff but players too. It will make staff not mute a guy for 1 hour or forever if they forget.

	Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] N/A
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Its up to the staff member to remember, and different mutes should have different times. Unless you have a system for ALL types of offenses ready, -1. You should be punished if you forget, or atleast talked to.

Edit: having a system like the jail timer and a d3a layout would make this much better as people have explained. +1.

Edited by Shin_Tsukimi
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Erh, I have to agree with @DooDooCaCa it would be more beneficial to the players to know they are muted for "X" length.  I personally think that /mutevoice//mutechat (steamid) (length) (reason) would allow staff members to follow proper punishments for offenses. It would also notify the player for how long they are muted for as-well as the reason. 

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In my mind reading this I have to say Shin is correct as a staff member you should be competent enough to remember when to unmute someone such as using a timer to moderate how long it should last for . But on the other hand having a set of guidelines and mute timer would be easier it’s basically saying  /jail is toggle yes you can put a timer but it would be more useful to have a time length and have certain guidelines on it for D3A

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On 8/3/2020 at 5:38 PM, Shin_Tsukimi said:

Its up to the staff member to remember, and different mutes should have different times. Unless you have a system for ALL types of offenses ready, -1. You should be punished if you forget, or atleast talked to.

It's unneccesary to think of it in this way, because regardless of who is muting them, at some times the server can become heavily populated therefore having a huge influx of sits, making it a lot more difficult to take 5 seconds out of your day to right down/put a timer down to remind you to unmute someone. Even though there is the fact that it should be on the staff member it would just be so much more convienent to have, as it saves a lot of time going forward, and is a small change to D3a (at least from what I think, that's Garnet's job though, so I won't assume anything). 



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