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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

PC droid weapon nerf


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Description: the pc droids need a nerf they are just to op with the weapons they get

Reasoning: the pc droids weapons are basically just auto rep snipers they can easily kill squads of clones and take little skill to use while i understand that pc droids need to powerful when a pc b1 can take out a entire squad 1 or 4 times without dying it becomes really boring repetitive and annoying another situation is if droids enter the base they can hide in the 3rd floor shoot down on clonse that just repsawn and take no damage because of how high up they are now im not saying nerf them to the point where they are useless and keep the special weapons the same  i.e the rocket launcher and sniper but nerf the cis shotgun and rifle for the love of all things garnet 

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The issue you seem to be describing is not the job being too good, it is the job being used incorrectly. Droids are there to generate RP without a GM being needed or to add to the RP of a scenario. Droid jobs are not meant to be used for the fun of the user only being used to kill, if this is happening a lot give me the names of who is doing it and I will take their whitelists away. For now consider this suggestion denied.


I'm on mobile so sorry about the format, @0zzy Lock and Move please.

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