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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Bring Back Power Cores


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The Folllowing Suggestion will be the same one as discord, with additional input.

Description: Bringing Back Power Tubes. (Context for those not around for that time) Power Cores, as the name indicates, powers a certain area of your base. it gives more lighting and without it you're not going to be completely dark but can be exposed to people sneaking in more easily, reducing your visibility. Back then Power Cores were something that you raided for, or sneaked in, to obtain and bring to your base.

	Reasoning: This Addition will enhance more fun and creative scenarios in raids rather than just going in for kills since it is something more that we can do.

	Additional Information: Garnet mentioned in discord chat that he wanted to add it again, but on objectives and make the factions fight for it. I'm totally up for that. This suggestion is to add back the power core factor and create more essence on raids/sneaking into base (or objs) for a purpose. As for how it could get implemented. Conversations were broight up in discord that are worth mentioning:

The first thing was people concern about minging with such prop:  My proposal to this is the following. Have the power cores (if established on the faction bases) be located in a room that only Officers and SOC factions can interact with the door. That way is the base is getting raided (which has to be officer anyways)  they have the ability to open the room and steal the power cores. It would be the Officer's and SOC's duty to enforce discipline and keeping that door locked and if it is left open, you deal with the consequences.


One other thing that was mentioned is the Objectives factor: If the addition gets out into the Objectives It could be good if the power cores spawn in objectives and the factions fight for it. Have the power cores spawn at different objectives and whoever obtains them during war gets the power core. One concern is if its going to be implemented that you can do it during peacetime as well as in war. That is something we can address and talk but I would love to just have the power core factor again even if its obj or located in base.

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As someone whos played with the power-cores in action on cs_desert, I can say they 100% created some fun memories during peacetime/downtime. I know inherently, they don't really do much besides sit and potentially power something, however some of the situations they create are super fun. Adding this doesn't do any harm, it just adds another small thing that might create a situation during peacetime! 🙂 

On 9/21/2021 at 1:22 PM, Sensei said:

Have the power cores spawn at different objectives and whoever obtains them during war gets the power core.

Personally, I think them being in their respective bases at the start of a server restart would be the easiest approach to this, however I can see GM's potentially placing the power cores at objs during wars for an extra objective! Tons of cool ideas that could happen. 

+1, no downsides to adding them.

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