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dog ban appeals


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In-game name: dog

SteamID (https://steamid.io/):(STEAM_0:0:590040085)

Staff members in-game name:Mauri_fdz

Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):(STEAM_0:0:185566801)

Date & Time of incident:2022-02-19 - 17:15:21


Ban Reason:MRDM

How long were you banned for?:2 Weeks

Proof of Ban: https://i.imgur.com/2myrwdr.png

What happened? (include any proof):I was raiding a base. I killed the occupant. He then proceeded to return several times at which I continued to kill him and ended up in a sit and getting banned.

Why should your ban be removed?: I thought I was abiding all the rules by adverting raid and killing the person who continuously broke nlr (mnlr).

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This is my first time that someone appeals my ban, so if Im missing something let me know. 

-This is the full 10 minute clip of the entire sit: https://streamable.com/rjnvij

-The kill that you had on the logs: https://streamable.com/zuuf6y

-The adverts that you had on the logs: https://streamable.com/ujn1am

-In the logs you can see that you have only mug adverts, and one kill for the mug. But then you killed Walter 3 more times without a raid advert, and that counts as MassRDM


If i missed something ill be happy to remove that ban.

Edited by maurifdez
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Albeit, there is a plethora of evidence against me. There is no footage or video proof of him not breaking MNLR. The kills were classified as MRDM. Although, I have not received any warnings or verbals for such punishment as this is my first major offence. If video evidence (the "MRDM") of this interaction took place and the other player is fully innocent then I could see why this ban would not appeal. I do not feel that the logs can suffice as evidence for what took place with the mugging. With that being said I still would like to uphold this appeal.


Thank you, 

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