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Foxxx's ban appeal


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In-game name: Foxxx
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 76561198380061997
Staff members in-game name: idk
Staff members SteamID (/id (name): idk
Date & Time of incident: March-April 2021
Timezone: Est
Ban Reason: Cheating
How long were you banned for?: 35335772.22
Proof of Ban: https://gyazo.com/3a6ca0f52722e646ab7dd6a6738329c6
What happened? (include any proof): So one day I thought it might be cool to take a screenshot of me using esp cause at the time I was getting bored of the server so I put it in discord but the thing was I only launched it and put esp as soon as I took the screenshot I deleted it and rejoined
Why should your ban be removed?: I should be unbanned because although I did take a ss of me with them on I never actually used them in war it was more meant to be a joke that I obviously didn't think through but I would never do such a thing I have spent too much time and money to get banned

Edited by Foxxx
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