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Plague's Departure From GRU

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I am aware this happened back in taiga, a "forever ago"; however:


I was kinda out of the faction unexpectedly.  (never actually told why)
I didn't get a chance to speak my mind about what happened in that faction, so here I am.

My first SOC faction, was the one where I made many friends.

All of the OG GRU are now scattered. I miss the days we had in GRU, a lot.

Not in any particular order:

@Greasy Dan Hilarious guy.  Didn't deserve to be demoted.  (The spark of the fall of GRU)

@Savitr Understanding guy. Wanted more from the faction.

@Panini The nicest guy on GG.  The best attitude from any person you'd meet.  You should get siege, you'd love it.

@.lua  I am grateful to have had you as COL.  I feel like, differences aside, we could be friends. 

@isis Rest in peace. My man was so outgoing.  He would light up a TS and be so friendly. I wish he'd comeback.

@Frosty Glad to see you progressing in rank, once again.  A very particular person.  Glad to see him still in GRU.

@Atom the Bad Dragon A good friend.  Won't let you down.  We conversed a lot, and I miss you.

In fact, I miss all of you.  The way GRU was, was nice.  

Please HMU on steam if you want to play a game, you boys.
My name on there is: Willhelm :Harpoon:


"Somebody forted" -From: Unknown, Time: Unknown.

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