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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Buff/Fix Crack Man


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Format is aids to read sometimes so here you go

Crack Manufacturer needs a buff-Here's a video on it;


-Props are too small for efficient farming like Meth.

-If resizing the props is out of the question, consider changing the stoves to one big pot, instead of having to fill 4 separate ones.
*(Additionally you could require having to put 4x the ingredients into the pot).

-Should give 2 stoves (or pots if changed) as meth gets two therefore making meth not only more efficient in farming, but also gives more xp overall than Crack does.


By putting this implementation into the game, you'd not only be making the class better, it would go from 0/3 players always, to 3/3 during high pop - isn't that nice? :D


["buycocaplant"] = "Purchase a Crack - Coca Plant",
["buycrackb12"] = "Purchase a Crack - B12",
["buycrackpot"] = "Purchase a Crack - Pot",
["buycrackstove"] = "Purchase a Crack - Stove",
["buycrackwada"] = "Purchase a Crack - Water",

^garnet should have gone to preschool but he chose garnet gaming instead 🆒

Let me know what you guys think!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest proggy


We're going to try these changes first and go from there.
After these changes have been implemented and tested out, feel free to make another suggestion for the crack manufacturer if one is needed.



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