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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

British lifting

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Currently have my days split into 5;

Deadlift/cardio day:

decide if i am lifting heavy or light, then change my mind if i chose light anyway because heavy is the way to go, do 8-10 sets, if I am going for a PR it will be on the third set (2nd working set)

then jump on the boring ass treadmill and do some sort of run (up to 2.4k because anything more than that is bind bendingly boring, did a sprint last time, started slow and just gradually turned it up to 20kph and held there for 30 seconds and proceeded to hit the emergency stop and almost die) cause the army needs me to not suck at running for some reason

Pull day:

start with lat pulldowns/pull ups for 5-8 sets

pendlay/barbell rows for 5-8 sets 

cable row for 5-8 sets

t-bar rows for 3-8 sets

shrugs if i get bored, sets are random

preacher curls for 5 sets of high volume low weight

Push day:

either bench or overhead press, I won't do both on the same day as whichever i do second won't be good as my shoulders and triceps are already tired so it alternates. 1 warmup then straight onto heavy working sets

pec-fly and rear delt machine, 5-8 sets on each

tricep pushdowns

press ups if i have any tricep use left

either light weight high volume dumbell overhead or kettlebell swings

Leg day: 

many squats

many leg press

isolation machines, quads, hamstrings and calves

Rest day:

most peoples favourite day, apart from me because it isn't actually rest day its another fuckin cardio day, i will either do some tabbing or a run

ontop of all this I have to fit in an additional 2 runs to maintain my fitness, very cringe

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