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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Ban Appeal for Jason Gunn


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Gday, spent most of the morning playing with zero issues and good fun as the local gun dealer.

Got raided a couple of times but no big issue. My wee gun store became popular asf and had about 4-6 people in the line waiting to be served. I dont have anything inside the base anyway that you could steal but regardless people did anyway which is fine. 

Now, im busy asf trying to listen to get  whatever the fuck you Americans are saying and im not reading chat. Someone comes running in and sprayed down the store and kinda just pauses a second before killing all me customers. All my customers keep running back from spawn back into my base before home boy again would kill them. I exit my gun store and then get fkn murked, no issues i suppose, so i fuck off down the road and wait maybe a min or so and come back to find homeboy still in there spraying anyone who walks in the entrance, i go up to him and say stop killin me fkn customers before i get murked yet again. Now, during this i was under the assumption it was just good old messy dark RP and had no issues with anything going on BUT NAH home boy has taken big upsetty to me not knowing what the fucks going on and then proceeds to call an admin sit. Now this kid of an admin is an absolute shocker, he was rude, not helpful, interrupted me while talking even though i let them both talk fully with no interruptions. It was extremely unprofessional and rude, i tried explaining how im tryna listen and wasn't watching chat and apologized for killing him etc etc but the admin was extremely power hungry and was like "WELLLLLL 3X NLR is a ban"  like for fucken real? all ive done for 5 hours is sell my fucken guns and this power tripping admins gotta whip out that ban hammer.


I had issues with a Jeffery something, I called admin 6x about the same player and was told ideally would need proof but BOTH admins Bloxey and Moe saw exactly what was going on and even kicked him for it and reassured me that if my gun store was prop blocked again they would ban him. I called an admin again and it was the same person who has now banned me for 2 days who claimed the ticket, i showed him what was happening and how invisible walls were being placed down by Jeffery and not only was he extremely unhelpful and couldnt care he was interrupting me and not listeing to me when trying to explain the situation with both moe and boxley having already pre dealt with the guy i was told i need "photo proof" so i did, i sent him the link and he just flew off and never did anything!! absolute piss take of an admin Mr Slimelock is. Honestly he needs to be demoted hard to just a mod with no ban hammer

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Heyyy, @Jasom. If you want to have a chance to defend your point and get unbanned, I would strongly suggest following this format: 

This will ensure your ban appeal will not be overlooked and denied instantly. 
You can either make a new post or edit this one and put the information you already gave us in the section "what happened".
I wish you a good evening. 


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