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In Game Name: Memed

Age: 14



Time zone:Eastern Time Zone

Playtime: 140:52:57.

Do You Have Access To TeamSpeak and A Microphone: Yes

Do You Have The Ability to record Garry's Mod Videos: Yes

Referrals: Watak

Past Experiences Of Staff: SkyGaming ( SWRP) S.Mod , Ncba ( DarkRp) Mod, DarkGaming ( DarkRp) SuperAdmin.

Why Should We Choose You Over Other Applicants: I think you should choose me because I put in hard time into the server and have read the rules. I know my stuff when it comes to administrating and I've had a long history of administrating servers. Another reason you should chose me is because I don't currently administrate any other servers and I'm not busy very much so can be active a lot. I am very active and could most likely administrate over the entire week because My schedule isn't very busy. I also put in a lot of work with people to help them even though I'm not staff.

I Think if I was Mod I could help even more. As Mod I could Take sits and teach people how to play right and have a good time. In My Past I have been able to administrate servers for a very long time so I wouldn't leave the server any time soon. I have a decent amount of playtime but did quit Gmod for a little bit but came back to Garnet because it's the only enjoyable non - cancerous server on Gmod.I'm not saying other applicants aren't ready. I am just saying I should be picked over others because I am hard working and put a lot of time into Garnet.

Have you ever been banned on a server?, if so include details: Yes, I'm not going to lie I was Banned on a TTT server because of rdmers killing me so I killed them back and got karma banned.

Have you ever made any previous applications, if so  when? : No.

 How much time do you have to contribute to this role? A lot of spare time because I could play after school until around 11 and on weekend I could play just about all day.

If you have any , what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Gmod: Just Basketball which Doesn't start up until winter and I don't have to go to practice, just a couple games here and then which are

Did You Read Rules?:IE:Memed

Edited by Memed
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