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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Mamba

  1. Holy moly I haven't been here in a while but I had to resurrect to let you know this application and your reaction to feedback given to you is not good. You didn't read the staff rules properly, or you would know that "yes" is not the right answer. You are re-using an application which was already denied and the prerequisites clearly state to not reuse any application. And you're getting mad at people for saying it's a bad application, dude, it's a bad application. The best you can do is understand why you are being denied and work on improving it. You did things wrong. That's why you're being denied, has nothing to do with your "gremmer", although that being said you could definitely work on proof reading your content for grammar and spelling mistakes. Simply put you are not the optimal candidate to be a staff member. -1.
  2. @The King of Rohan This is resolved, the proof is there. Accept & lock dis shit.
  3. Just because someone else broke a rule, doesn't mean you can break one yourself, such as RDMing him. You should of made a report using /report, but you didn't. -1.
  4. Connor is a sweaty drunk Irish man... +1 . also add me to refs
  5. Mamba

    My ban appeal

    Nope, @stallone212 broke a rule & LTAP'd, he admitted to breaking the rule, as well as there was a sit made by blockymomo, thus the ban is valid. -1 on unbanning stallon.
  6. Mamba

    My ban appeal

    goto wherever you downloaded steam & open these files: Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\screenshots & get the screenshot out if would. I'd like to see what job you were and if you had a sit to handle that situation.
  7. Mamba

    My ban appeal

    @Kurtis do you have a screenshot of the logs of him prop spamming? was he reported? screenshot of the props?
  8. he posted this in accepted originally but yea your app got cut off. -1.
  9. @The King of Rohan Accept, move, & lock.
  10. Umm... did you even bother to read the feedback on your last application? It was obviously denied for a reason why would you copy and paste it...? I'm 100% positive you're applying solely for the title. If I was the owner I would blacklist you, but I'm not . Prerequisites #6: Do not copy your previous applications or anyone else's. @The King of Rohan Deny, lock, & move.
  11. 'cc yes cc yes, mercy no mercy no.'
  12. all these reasons led to my -1. don't half ass an application, & if you ask me it looks like you applied simply for the title. fat -1.
  13. Actually, this alone is enough evidence: BIG +1, you know better than that apex.
  14. I agree with evolve. some roofs get you stuck and you have to use a second tp to get to the roof itself, meaning you can't /return yourself. sometimes it's necessary to use a tp because you can't /return, but then again, it's not allowed, but then again, roofs are broken. So if this was after a sit he did then I'm -1 on your report. if it was pure abuse with no prior sit then I'm gonna +1. @ApexPepper? For now it's a +1 until I hear from apexpepper.
  15. @The King of Rohan Deny, lock, and move.
  16. @IAMEVOLVE that was always there. that's not what we need we need to know if he's been warned and if he did (which he should of if he got jailed) then we need to know what the warn was for, or a screenshot of the warn.
  17. umm... where? Good app, seems like a good addition to the staff team, but as @ApexPepper said, -1 until you add your warns if any.
  18. I think you're a little confused @ExoticNinja. The difference between media and an instrument is media is a video or audio that was already made using different sounds (ie: a song, the news, a tv show, a movie, etc.) an instrument is a device used to produce music. (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/instrument) that being said, all he did was use a device to produce sounds, which would mean that his launchpad is an instrument, which would mean this is a false warn. +1 on the appeal.
  19. not necessarily. No correlation with the in game names in the screenshots and Santa's steam ID. and yes I did check logs to see if I could gather some harder evidence. What you should have done was make an in game report with this proof so that way Noct (the staff member who was on at the time) could gather logs of @SantaMyClanta's steam id changing names so you could use it in this forum post, but you didn't. -1 insufficient evidence. if it happens again use the directions I gave you above. ^
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